Shushan Wushen

Chapter 551 Li Weng Contrasting Rhyme

Chapter 551 Li Weng Contrasting Rhyme

"Hmph~! It's useless nonsense."

What Ma Houpao meant was obvious, that is, Tang Chen was talking nonsense.He planned to step on Tang Chen and hit Tang Dahai.After going to work at dawn, publicize this matter.

When the time comes, the reputations of Tang Dahai and Tang Chen will be completely ruined, and everything will collapse.

This plan is neither sinister nor vicious!However, he missed a move.That is Lin Xifeng!
How could Lin Xifeng's wisdom not see Mahoupao's poisonous plan?However, what a detached existence Lin Xifeng is.Prestige and connections, how can a mere cobbler be comparable?In a word, if Ma Houpao helped the Tang family dig vegetable cellars overnight, he would become the laughing stock of all classes in Sanjiao Town.

Therefore, Lin Xifeng didn't need to exhaust his mind and thoughts like Ma Houpao.In a word, everything can be settled!
"Come, come, come to the sea, let me tell you. The sooner a child's intelligence develops, the better..."

Lin Xifeng pulled Tang Dahai, talked about it, explained the methods of education, and gave Tang Chen many suggestions.And correspondingly cite a large number of real cases....

Originally a famous teacher of a generation, Lin Xifeng talked eloquently and eloquently.Tang Dahai was simply not allowed to interrupt.

After a long time, even Ma Houpao and Jiao Laodao, who were busy prying the floor, couldn't help being moved.The principles explained by Lin Xifeng are simple and thought-provoking, and even adults have benefited a lot.

"...Before the age of ten, people's memory is the strongest. The so-called talent of photographic memory is false. It is not credible. In fact, it is the habit of remembering before the age of ten..."

"...Tang Chen hasn't learned the "Numerical Classics", right? Let's do an experiment on the spot. I will teach him the "Multiplication Formula" in the time of a pot of tea!"

As soon as this remark came out, bang~!The stacked floor fell to the ground and hit Ma Houpao's foot "...hiss~." The old man jumped up in pain.

However, no one paid any attention to them.Especially Tang Dahai and Jin Chan were eager to witness a miracle.They all know the multiplication formula.But it's really incredible for a child who has never been to school and can't count numbers to learn the formula of multiplication.

Tang Chen was also extremely surprised, he no longer remembered that he had encountered a seal.Therefore, the original knowledge reserve is completely unimpressive.Even counting, such a simple elementary arithmetic, he no longer mastered.

With Lin Xifeng's promise, Tang Chen really had expectations in his heart.He was eager to know, what is "Multiplication Formula"?
"One gets one, one gets two..."

Lin Xifeng fluctuated up and down, with a gentle rhythm, like a gurgling stream, and the sweet breath penetrated into Tang Chen's heart.

As if a ray of golden light was faintly dissipating from the dark clouds, a large series of numbers clearly appeared in Tang Chen's mind, arranged in the shape of a right triangle "...Nine nine 81!"

Tang Chen was already illiterate, but Lin Xifeng's voice seemed to be accompanied by music for the arrangement in his brain.

Tang Chen unconsciously read out: "One one gets one, one two gets two, two two gets four, one three gets three... nine nine 81!"



"Tang Chen!"

"Is it really so amazing?"

Everyone was shocked.

Lin Xifeng was also shocked, and stretched out his hand to look at Tang Chen's eager faces, and said kindly: "Don't be nervous, Tang Chen, do it again!"

Tang Chen blinked his eyes, and the picture in his mind became clearer.And there was Lin Xifeng's voice, faintly lingering.

Tang Chen nodded, his lips moved on his wooden face, and the multiplication formula, in a calm tone, was accurate and resounded throughout the east room.

"What a pity!" Ma Houpao grinned and shook his head.In his mind, Tang Chen's reputation will be ruined tomorrow, and it won't be beyond the evening.

He is very confident in his means.Pretty conceited.He, Ma Houpao, used this trick to piss off many people.All the mouths make gold, and the accumulation destroys the bones.

"Prodigy!...Hiss~!" Lin Xifeng gave a big compliment in a gaffe.

"Thank you, Brother Lin! Thank you! I really didn't see this brat...hehehehe..."

Tang Dahai rubbed his hands excitedly.How difficult are the multiplication formulas?He, Tang Dahai, has experienced it before.However, his son, Lin Xifeng murmured again and again, there is only one!all over!He, Tang Chen, can actually recite it.

Lin Xifeng's eyes lit up, and he continued to take the school exam: "Eighty-eight."

"Eight eight 64!" Tang Chen pondered for a moment before blurting out.Immediately, everyone was shocked.

"Tang Chen, you're really good! I still can't memorize what we learned last week." Lin Jingxian gritted his teeth in embarrassment, his face flushed.

"You're too stupid. Get lost!" Lin Xifeng kicked Lin Jingxian away.His own two sons, in terms of talent, were indeed far behind Tang Chen's monstrous evildoers.It's human nature to feel a little lost, and to take this opportunity to vent your anger.

"What are you doing? If you have the ability, teach Tang Chen to recite [笼翁对韵] and try!" Aunt Lin hugged Lin Jingxian, her heart ached, and she complained angrily.

Lin Xifeng smiled slightly and shook his head: "Madam is scheming. Short-sighted!" These words are very contemptuous.

"Tang Chen, listen up!" Lin Xifeng turned his head, reminded Tang Chen, and said slowly: "The sky is against the earth, the rain is against the wind. The continent is against the sky. The mountain flowers are against the sea trees, and the red sun is against the sky. The thunder is faint and the fog is misty The sun is facing the sky. The wind is high, the moon is white in autumn, and the sunset is red after the rain. Niu and Nv are around the Xinghe River. Cold fish.

River to Han, green to red.Uncle Yu confronts Lei Gong.The Smoke House faces the Snow Cave, and the Moon Palace faces the Heavenly Palace.The clouds are cloudy, and the sun is dim.La Clogs are paired with fishing tents.The stars are like arrows, and the moon is like a bow.Passengers in the station meet the plum rain, and people in the pool pavilion dance in the wind of lotus flowers.In front of Maodian Village, the bright moon falls into the forest and the rooster sings the rhyme; on the Banqiao Road, Qingshuang locks the whereabouts of the horse.

Mountains face the sea, China faces Song.Siyue is against Sangong.Gonghua is against the forbidden willow, and Saiyan is against Jianglong.Qingshu Palace, Guanghan Palace.Picking up emerald is red for the title.Zhuang Zhou's dream turns into a butterfly, and Lu Wang's dream turns into a flying bear.When the wind stops in the north, the summer fan stops, and the south curtain exposes the sun to save the winter heat.The crane dances at the head of the building, and the jade flute beats the disabled fairy moon; on the Fengxiang stage, the purple flute blows off the beauty. "

Tang Chen's body shook violently, and a coercion that did not belong to this world suddenly came to him.This momentum is so majestic, it can be called the ultimate.There was an incomparably dazzling golden light in his mind, Tang Chen seemed to sense that the world in front of him had become different.

Like a gray and colorless world, revealing a colorful foot.There are so many stars, big stars everywhere, aurora leaping, meteors roaring, and suddenly exploded, and meteorites, flying away, beautiful and amazing~.

Almost unconsciously, the speed of speech is extremely fast: "Heaven and earth, rain and wind. Continent and sky. Mountains, flowers and trees, red sun sky. Thunder is faint, foggy. Sunset and sky. Wind is high, autumn moon is white, rain is red and sunset is red. Niu girl two On the left and right of the Xinghe River, the merchants fight against the west and the east. On the frontier of October, the garrison brigade is frightened by the rustling frost;

Galaxy, green and red.Lord Yu Bolei.Yanlou Snow Cave, Moon Palace and Heavenly Palace.The clouds are cloudy, and the sun is dim.Lazha fishing canopy.The stars are like arrows, and the moon is like a bow.Passengers in the station meet the plum rain, and people in the pool pavilion dance in the wind of lotus flowers.In front of Maodian Village, the bright moon falls into the forest and the rooster sings the rhyme; on the Banqiao Road, Qingshuang locks the whereabouts of the horse.

Mountains and Seas, Hua Song.The four mountains and the three men.The palace flower forbids the willow, and the dragon in the Yanjiang River.Qingshu Palace, Guanghan Palace.Pick up green and inscribe red.Zhuang Zhou's dream turns into a butterfly, and Lu Wang's dream turns into a flying bear.When the wind stops in the north, the summer fan stops, and the south curtain exposes the sun to save the winter heat.The crane dances at the head of the building, and the jade flute beats the disabled fairy moon; on the Fengxiang stage, the purple flute blows off the beauty. "

"Ah? You..." Undoubtedly, Tang Chen's imposing manner was more powerful than what Lin Xifeng taught.

"Why did you lose the word? Think again and recite it again!" Lin Xifeng induced.

Tang Chen shook his head, "Da Lin, I feel that I recited it correctly." He was very confident.Raised his right fist.With a pure force, the small fist could not bear it, and it trembled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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