Shushan Wushen

Chapter 550 Digging a Vegetable Cellar

Chapter 550 Digging a Vegetable Cellar


Facing Lin Xifeng being suppressed, Tang Dahai being restrained, and Jiao Laodao and Ma Houpao's arrogance, Tang Chen didn't know where his courage came from.Maybe it was the misery of the big boy and the little boy that touched Tang Chen's kind heart.

"You are lying! You are both great liars! You can't see anything!"

As soon as these words came out, the room suddenly fell into silence.The whole world seemed to freeze.There was a brief freeze frame.

Children's words are unscrupulous, but they can best tell the truth.

Ma Houpao reacted quickly, and took advantage of the topic: "Boy Tang, your name is Tang Chen. You are too young, you don't know anything. You will know when you grow up. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean others can't see it." Come. Don't talk nonsense. Be in awe of ghosts and gods! Master Jiao Wudao has great supernatural powers and boundless mana!"

Tang Chen grabbed the corner of Jin Chan's robe, recoiled, leaned his head forward, and shouted loudly: "There are no ghosts in the room! It's obviously a lie. There are ghosts under the floor, but he can't see them! He can't even see them." Little Guai and Da Guai. His eyes are not as good as mine!"

"What? Tang Chen, you said you can see under the floor? Hahaha joke! Did you see it? What is haunted by ghosts! A ghost is on your body!"

After saying this, Jiao Laodao spread out a hand and waved in front of Tang Chen's eyes. Jiao Laodao's eyes also wandered, staring at each person's eyes separately.Show off your power and show your strength.

Speaking of Tang Chen's fierce ghost, in the slang of Sanjiao Town, it also means cursing.Of course Tang Chen himself was not happy either.

Tang Chen stared at Jiao Lao Nian forcefully, and cursed loudly: "You are wearing a woman's flowery trousers, it looks abnormal, you must be crazy!"


A casual sentence tells the truth.Jiao Laodao was on guard, but he was at a loss for words.

Originally, no one cared about Tang Chen's scolding back, but when he saw Jiao Laodao being guilty of a thief, he even peeked at Ma Houpao...

Lin Xifeng's eyes are so vicious, he looks like a prisoner every day, facing all kinds of students.Amazing observation!

"Jiao Dianlun! Whose pants are you wearing! How dare you steal your cousin's pants!"

This is a lie.Many students with a guilty conscience have their psychological defenses collapsed because of this.All confession....

Jiao Laodao's head "boomed", blood rushed to his head, his face was pale and then red like blood.

Like a bean oil lamp, the light is not so bright.But it can't block Tang Chen's mental imaging.

"Jiao Dianlun, why are you blushing? You really stole your cousin's flowery trousers. You are really not good!" Tang Chen yelled.

"Little bastard!" Jiao Laodao was furious, but he came to his senses at this moment, but he was a bit late, and it was too late to say anything or explain anything.Turned into anger from embarrassment, he raised his hand to hit Tang Chen.

Tang Dahai, Lin Xifeng, two old fists, with Feng Sheng, violently sent Jiao Laodao flying.

"You two...!" Ma Houpao was furious, pointing at Tang Dahai and Lin Xifeng.

Lin Xifeng ignored him, and Tang Dahai ignored him.This is in the sky, grasping the reason, and not forgiving.No matter who you love, you can't stop crazy violence.Just now it was really aggrieved to be run over by Ma Houpao.

bang bang bang….

Tang Dahai and Lin Xifeng raised their big feet and kicked violently.


Old Jiao Jiao howled like a ghost.Rolling all over the floor.

Ma Houpao yelled: "Stop! Stop! Tang Dahai! Do you still take my master seriously?"

Tang Dahai and Lin Xifeng ignored it and looked at each other.

"Take off his pants!"


"No! Brother-in-law, save me! Save me! Aww...!" Jiao Laodao was so frightened that his wits flew out of his wits.An inhumane howl.

Ma Houpao fought desperately, but to no avail, "You two are going too far!"

In the end, this old fellow fought hard, and threw himself on Jiao Laodao. Lin Xifeng and Tang Dahai failed, so they took the opportunity to kick Ma Houpao several times, and then they gave up.

Ma Houpao got up and helped Jiao Laodao again, "You! You! You, Tang Dahai, are really good! You are really good! You are not in vain for master and apprentice!"

Ma Houpao was humiliated and resentful.He didn't dare to get angry with Lin Xifeng, and vented his anger at Tang Dahai.

Tang Dahai's eyes were scarlet, and his big hat was thrown out: "He is wearing a woman's floral trousers! It's too dirty. It's embarrassing to the people of Sanjiao Town!"

"That's right! Jiao Laodao's monks are disrespectful and indecent!" Lin Xifeng found a small wooden comb out of nowhere, and combed his messy hair.

Teachers who teach all pay attention to appearance, blood can flow, heads can be broken, and hairstyles can't be messed up.The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the boots cannot be without oil.

Jiao Laodao stood with difficulty, limped, grinned his teeth, and yelled hysterically: "Soul light! Hooligans! Do you believe the nonsense of children? Poor Poor Dao, I have powerful mana, but I was beaten instead. Believe in him!" Chen’s, you~ dig. You dig! If you don’t dig a well, you have to give me 100 yuan!”

"You've been caught by a ghost. You're talking nonsense! Crazy!" Mrs. Lin pointed at Jiao Laodao's nose, cursing coldly.

Jiao Laodao had a ferocious face, his face was distorted and deformed, and he said viciously: "It's useless to say anything else, you dig! You must dig!"

Lin Xifeng said angrily: "What a fart! Take off your robe and look at the fancy pants!"

"Look at whose family it is? Which cousin's underpants of yours! Why are you wearing the wrong one? Hahahaha!" Tang Dahai taunted loudly.Release endless suppressed emotions.Speak quickly.

"Hahaha~~." Lin Xifeng also laughed boldly, just now he was aggrieved.

Ma Houpao heard the ambiguity, it was referring to Sang and Huai.He couldn't hold back his face anymore, and there was malice in his eyes.Very cold.The words were even colder: "Ocean. You and I are masters and apprentices, and your master didn't help much when you moved..."

As he spoke, he took off his robe.Roll up your underwear sleeves....

"...Autumn is coming soon. We need to store cabbage and potatoes in winter. Master sees that you don't even have a vegetable cellar in your house. I'll help you dig a vegetable cellar myself!"

As he said that, he bent down and began to lift the floor, slamming, tearing off the baseboard.With a big hand, I took down a section of the plank floor...

"Stop!" Lin Xifeng came to his senses and hurriedly stopped him.Ma Houpao's hands were extremely strong, and Lin Xifeng was shocked away with one thrust.

Tang Dahai should have stopped it, but Ma Houpao simply insisted on going his own way.It's not easy to use strong.

Ma Houpao murmured: "Don't feel sorry for Master, Master will dig a vegetable cellar for the apprentice, it's nothing. If you want to, please help..."

Lin Xifeng's mind was active, he straightened up, and patted Tang Dahai on the shoulder: "You really don't have a vegetable cellar in your house. Then dig one. Your master is really kind."

Tang Dahai smiled wryly and shook his head, spreading his hands, helpless.

"Aunt Tang, why is he standing there? Go to the warehouse with your sister-in-law and get some shovels and picks!"

Lin Xifeng looked mockingly, and looked at Ma Houpao disdainfully: "What's inside, Master Ma, do you need some water for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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