Shushan Wushen

Chapter 549 Obsessed with Kindness

Chapter 549 Obsessed with Kindness

Immediately, Ma Houpao lost his face, and he looked at Tang Dahai.At this time, Tang Dahai, as the owner of the East House, should do something.But Tang Dahai didn't make any statement.

"Mr. Lin! You are a little too aggressive. This is Tang Dahai's family!"

Needle hidden in cotton, endless innuendo.Chi Guoguo pointed out that Lin Xifeng was overwhelming.Get scared.

Without raising his eyebrows, Lin Xifeng squinted at Ma Houpao, and said tauntingly, "Which onion are you? Opening the Eye of Heaven is the one you picked first. I wonder, are you also a cultivator? Why are you so clean?" ?”

"You, you, you..." Mahou's robe was pierced, and the old man blushed, extremely ashamed, but he dared not act presumptuously.In terms of social status and social influence, he is mere cobbler and cannot be compared with Lin Xifeng at all.

Jiao Laodao was greedy for profit, but he still shamelessly yelled: "What? Mr. Lin, don't you dare to open your eyes? Don't let me underestimate you. Give me 100 yuan first! One! Hundred! Yuan!"

Lin Xifeng was in various confrontations with Ma Houpao.He decided to force Ma Houpao back, and Jiao Laodao would be defeated by himself.

However, Ma Houpao's mind was far from that simple. He took a deep look at Lin Xifeng, followed Jiao Laodao's words, paused word by word, and said, "Mr. Lin! It's useless to force words, you have to spend money! I will open your eyes! You will not dare to open your eyes!"

"Oh?" Lin Xifeng was at a loss for words.

Ma Houpao actually ingeniously grafted the concept, connecting Kaitianyan with Lin Xifeng's money.Lin Xifeng refused to pay, so he couldn't open his eyes, that is to say, Lin Xifeng was messing around and making unreasonable words.It's not good to lose this reputation.

But if Lin Xifeng pays, regardless of whether he opens his eyes in the end, Jiao Laodao has countless ways to use the word 'drag'.Lin Xifeng obviously fell behind.Got it!

Moreover, the fact that Lin Xifeng was 'designed' spread, and the old Jiao Jiao would definitely become famous.Lin Xifeng's reputation has been discredited!

Think carefully and fear, shudder!

Lin Xifeng hesitated immediately.Although these words were full of conspiracy, but Yang Mou's clamor, they 'cracked' Lin Xifeng!What's the use of Lin Xifeng telling the whole story on the spot?The front-to-back of the machine is also inferior.

The scene fell silent for an instant.Ma Houpao stopped Lin Xifeng with one word.However, the only one who can solve the deadlock should be Aunt Lin.If Mrs. Lin stood up, she would expose Ma Houpao's conspiracy on the spot.Then he was reprimanded by Lin Xifeng pretending to be severe... and his face was saved.

At least in face, he was not crushed by IQ!
However, Mrs. Lin didn't have that IQ. She and Jin Chan were whispering, but they didn't know what they were talking about.Tang Chen heard it clearly, it turned out to be; with my old Lin here, you have to hold Tang Dahai so that you don't get confused... and so on.

Lin Xifeng lost his position and fell into an embarrassing situation.

Tang Dahai didn't care much anymore, he, Ma Houpao, didn't think of his colleagues, so he pushed his nose on his face.What else is Tang Dahai worried about?Lin Xifeng is about to fall!
"Master Ma! Your words..."

Just as Tang Dahai uttered this sentence, Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian stopped Tang Dahai from left to right: "Uncle Tang!" "Uncle Tang!"

Lin Xifeng stared at Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian with wide eyes.That anger in my heart!But it still can't show it on the face.He felt extremely aggrieved.

Ma Houpao and Jiao Laodao are in Sanjiao Town, what kind of reputation and status is that?Careless!A rogue at this level has a fixed routine for doing things.And it has gone through countless actual combat tests.It is estimated that many people have suffered dumb losses because of it, and there are unspeakable sufferings...

The gutter capsized!


Tang Chen Nianli felt the change of the chains under the floor.In the dry well, the five ghosts of the dry well have been annihilated, the chains have lost their blessing, and the souls of the big boy and the little boy are showing signs of breaking free...

I don't know where the inspiration came from!As soon as a thought passed by, Tang Chen vaguely felt that this opportunity in front of him might be able to rescue the big boy and the little boy!
He blurted out: "There's a well under the floor! Big boy and little boy are inside!"

"Nonsense again! Fever again!" Jin Chan grabbed Tang Chen and stretched out her hand to test the heat on Tang Chen's forehead.

"Really! There are a lot of good guys, and there are many little kids! Being chained is like a dog on a leash..."

Tang Chen explained seriously, under the oil lamp, his big eyes were extremely bright.Like little stars in the sky.

Jiao Laodao took the opportunity to intimidate, and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha! Fourth Tang! Did you~ see it! Your Tang Chen is known as the number one child prodigy in Sanjiao Town. You still don't believe me when I tell you that there is a ghost in this house! Isn't this just Bewitched? This is being possessed by a ghost! You will soon become a fool!"

"What? You fart!" Tang Dahai was furious.Children are always the slaves of their parents.You can yell and beat yourself up, but you will never allow others to say anything bad.What's more, this old man's words are suspected of being a curse!

Tang Dahai thought that if he caught the opening, he would take action to suppress it!Vigorously break the law!Beat Jiao Laodao violently!
Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian each hugged Tang Dahai's leg.Hold tight.Tang Dahai was worried about hurting the two young brothers of the Lin family, so he waved his fists instead of rushing forward.

Ma Houpao is quitting!
He yelled at Tang Dahai sharply: "Tang Dahai! Tang Dahai! Are you capable? You are so fierce in front of the master. Is it because I was too kind to you at the beginning? You are not afraid of me! You are transferred to the warehouse as a custodian, Gao Sheng Don’t you recognize me as a master?”

The big hat of bullying masters and ancestors was smashed down.This is to ruin Tang Dahai's reputation!This is a big deal.This matter is serious in nature.

Tang Chen ignored the dispute, he was obsessed with saving the big boy and the little girl.

The kind-hearted little Tang Chen said to Jiao Laodao: "You don't believe me? Do you say you have heavenly eyes? You can see many things? Then can you see the big boy and the little girl under the floor?"

Jiao Laodao didn't want to talk to Tang Chen at first, but when he rolled his eyes, he simply made a fuss about Tang Chen.

He was startled, his eyes widened, as if he had discovered a new world: "Look! Look! There are so many evil spirits, they are tearing the soul of this child, look! Red mouth and green chin, this big tongue, such It's long, it's wrapping around this kid's forehead..."

As he said that, Jiao Laodao made serious gestures on Tang Chen's forehead, muttering: "Hurry up like a law, get rid of your dirty tongue! Let go of this child! Something is coming at me! Hurry up like a law!" "

Tang Chen swept across with mental power, but there was nothing, he backed away in disgust, and was terrified for a moment.

"Dahai! You see, your children are haunted by ghosts. It doesn't matter if you can't see it. That child is talking nonsense, you can always hear it, right? A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart!"

Master Ma stomped his feet and broke his chest, looking extremely sad.Heartbroken, very dramatic exaggeration!

(End of this chapter)

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