Shushan Wushen

Chapter 548 Opening the Sky Eye

Chapter 548 Opening the Sky Eye


" much blood, how many good things do you have to eat to make it up! Even though our friendship is here, we don't go to the hospital. But this medicine gauze disinfectant for internal use and external think so? The sea! "

Master Ma's words make sense.Without Lin Xifeng in his way, Tang Dahai immediately fell into a dilemma.

Seeing this, Jin Chan knew that Tang Dahai was concerned about the face of his colleagues in the cobbler shop.Then he answered and said, "Master Ma, can you let me say a few words?"

"No!" Ma Houpao resolutely refused.

Jin Chan and Tang Dahai were dumbfounded.This Mahou Pao also does not follow the routine.

Taking advantage of the astonishment of Tang Dahai and his wife, Ma Houpao sneered: "It is said that the Tang family in the town of Sanjiao was a famous family in Su Fenhe's time. My old horse has always admired it very much. Why do men talk, women and others interrupt, it is also the Tang family Is it your family style? This is unique!"

"But Jiao Dianlun...he didn't see anything~~." Jin Chan was unwilling and muttered in a low voice.Take the opportunity to remind Tang Dahai.

Unexpectedly, Jiao Laodao was angry, and rushed to shout: "Jiao Dianlun is your name? What kind of family tradition of the Tang family! That is my lay name. The poor Taoist name is Jiao Wu!"

"Burred?" Tang Chen was rather curious that there was such a name.This is shocking, and can't help but think of black and carbonized potatoes... .

"Eh?" Ma Houpao and Jiao Laodao looked at Tang Chen at the same time.There was a threat and a warning in his eyes.Shocked Tang Chen.

Jiao Laodao said proudly: "Brother-in-law! Pindao used the compass of heaven to locate the ghosts and found that the ghosts are rampant here. He originally wanted to suppress them on the spot. Who would have thought that they were all ghosts. I lost the precious Taoist talisman left by my ancestors. got away."

"Ah? So serious! It seems that the rumors are true! Sure enough, there are no waves without wind."

Ma Houpao helped Jiao Laodao to cheer, and sang and frightened Tang Dahai and his wife, "Then Jiao Wudao, do you have any way to exorcise evil spirits? If you need to do something, you can do it. Money is not a problem. At worst, I will be an insurance company and go to the factory to overdraw Tang The salary of the sea! Compared with life, money is worthless! Are you right, the sea?"

This is an obvious set-up.

If Tang Dahai refuses.Ma Houpao and Jiao Laodao also figured out the bottom line.Then it should be the breakthrough point to blackmail medical expenses.

If Tang Dahai agreed, it would be easy.Maybe the salary for the next few years will also fall into the pockets of Ma Houpao and Jiao Laodao...

Tang Chen's Nianli has been wandering in the dry well under the floor, the souls of Daguai and Xiaoguai are still struggling.And make all kinds of strange expressions, silent cry.Very hideous, very terrifying.

Tang Chen was startled when he heard Jiao Laodao say "Myriad ghosts...".blurted out!

"Uncle Daoist, where do you think the ghosts are?"

"Yes! Jiao Laodao, you are capable. There are so many ghosts, you catch one first and let me see!" Tang Dahai's eyes lit up, and with Tang Chen's words, he perfectly avoided the plan set by Ma Houpao and Jiao Laodao. language trap.

"What? Is it a child's play to say that you are an old man? Or is it that your son farts, and you smell it? Is there anyone who spoils a child like you? Tang Dahai, does your brother know that you do this? It's a joke!"

Ma Houpao relied on the old to sell the old, and even accused Tang Dahai, sarcasm unceremoniously.Jiao Laodao twitched the corners of his mouth in cooperation, with endless disdain shooting out of his eyes.

At this time, Jin Chan had bypassed Master Ma and Jiao Laodao, and pushed open the door of the east room.Lin Xifeng, Aunt Lin, Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian were also standing in the outer room and did not leave.

Jin Chan waved her hand, with bitterness on her face.But I don't know how to invite.It's awkward.

"Da Lin, Aunt Lin! Big brother! Little brother!" Tang Chen felt that the atmosphere in his home was not right, and he was a little panicked.I saw Lin Xifeng's family in the outhouse.Shout out.

"Go! Accompany Tang Chen!"

Lin Xifeng raised his hand and patted Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian's heads, and then followed into Tang Chen's house in the east room.

With Lin Xifeng in command, Tang Dahai no longer hesitated.What's more, he seemed to have caught a loophole just now.

Tang Dahai adjusted his emotions, and said loudly: "Jiao Laodao! You were introduced by Master Ma, and you kept saying that there are ghosts in my house. Let's not say whether I should respond or not. Let's just say that you have strong magic power, and ten thousand ghosts I can't do anything to you. Then you can catch me one and open my eyes, okay?"

Jiao Laodao looked very angry, his eyes flickered, "You are so ordinary, you don't have your eyes open. How can you see fierce ghosts?"

"What Jiao Wudao said makes sense!" Ma Houpao turned on the fanfare mode again.echoed loudly.

He is also cunning, lest Lin Xifeng cause trouble.

Smiling, he exchanged greetings with Lin Xifeng, "What time will Mr. Lin go to work tomorrow?" He saw that Lin Xifeng didn't look directly at him, but looked at Jiao Laodao instead.

So without waiting for Lin Xifeng to answer, he slapped his forehead again, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha! With my brain, tomorrow is the weekend, and Mr. Lin doesn't go to work, right? To say..."

He was deliberately interrupting, trying to let Jiao Laodao take the opportunity to come to Tang Dahai's statement.Take the handle off.However, this trick is too common.Those with slow brain reactions may be put together by him.It's really easy to get caught in a panic.

However, when Tang Dahai saw Lin Xifeng coming in to support him, Tang Dahai shut up decisively and let Jiao Laodao continue to ask, "Tang Dahai, do you believe in ghosts and gods? Do you believe in ghosts and gods?" He just refused to say anything!
Lin Xifeng ignored Ma Houpao, let alone Jiao Laodao.

"What!? You're bluffing and deceiving, but you're still justified. It's obvious that you can't save face with people! Shameless! Really shameless! If the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if people are cheap, they will be invincible!"

Ma Houpao looked at Jiao Laodao meaningfully, and then said to Lin Xifeng earnestly: "Mr. Lin, don't say that. After all, if you really want to be like Tang Dahai, you have to see what the ghost looks like." Let Jiao Wudao open the eyes of heaven for you! How about it?"

"Yo ho? Jiao Dianlun still has that ability? Heaven defying! This is a heaven defying rhythm! A subversive method!"

Lin Xifeng taunted loudly, obviously not believing it.

Jiao Laodao blinked his eyes, suddenly brightened, and said confidently: "Mr. Lin! I respect you and call you Mr. Lin. You can open your eyes if you want to. I, Jiao Wudao, would rather burn my life essence and destroy myself Doing it for the Tao can also fulfill your wishes."

"Then open your eyes to me! I'm looking forward to it!" Lin Xifeng held his hand proudly with a righteous face.

Jiao Laodao smiled coldly: "The poor Taoist wants fragrant soup for bathing, buys cinnabar yellow paper, ingot candles, sets up an incense table, and brings money! You pay, and I will buy it right away!"

"Hahaha... After all, don't you still want to cheat some money? Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Get out~!"

Lin Xifeng stretched out his hand and pointed out the door, his cold eyes shot at Jiao Laodao and at Ma Houpao.You're welcome.

(End of this chapter)

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