Shushan Wushen

Chapter 547 Mahou Robe is Here

Chapter 547 Mahou Robe is Here

"What's the matter? Assistant Li has been promoted. I just want to ruin the relationship! Hehehe~~."

Miss Tian also drank some local shochu for fun, and teased wantonly.Inadvertently changed the subject.

Jin Chan and Li San's daughter-in-law are both from big families, and alcohol testing is a compulsory course during festivals.I don't care about drinking.Especially Miss Tian, ​​who was slightly drunk, looked at Tang Dahai and Li Si'an with beautiful eyes, and she was a bit soul-stirring.

Taking precautions, Jin Chan and Li San's daughter-in-law looked at each other with a clear understanding.I didn't answer this question.Look at the weather is not early.Excuse me and say goodbye.

The banquet is over.

It's just food, the more you drink, the younger you will be.A young heart is always full of joy.

However, stepping into the small courtyard of the public housing on East Street, especially entering the outhouse.Tang Dahai and his wife felt unhappy immediately.

Jiao Laodao is really not stingy.Actually stubbornly lying on the ground of the outhouse.Curled up like a pile of ashes pulled from the hearth.

The Westinghouse door was closed.Wisps of light, dimly overflowing from the crack in the door.Spreading it on Jiao Laodao's face, it looked very strange and even more gloomy.

Tang Dahai and his wife had a tacit understanding.Tang Dahai patted Jin Chan's slender waist to comfort her.

Tang Dahai embraced Tang Chen, and Jin Chan took out the key to open the door.Focus on the old Taoist and turn a blind eye to hear but not hear.

Jiao Laodao hummed softly, not daring to exaggerate too much.I was afraid that Tang Dahai and his wife would be frightened and run away.Although it is summer, the outhouse has no floor, so if you sleep all night, you won't wake up again.

Jiao Laodao dies, and there is nothing to love in life.But for death, he also resolutely resisted and firmly refused!
Jin Chan opened the door, Tang Dahai signaled her to go in first, then carried Tang Chen into the east room, turned around and was about to close the door.

"Crack!" Jiao Laodao grabbed the door.

"Fourth Tang, let me help you look into things. Is this how you treat poor people? You don't want to fight for justice!"

Tang Dahai slammed the door away, and Jiao Laodao let go. "Boom~!" Tang Dahai pulled back and closed the door very quickly.

However, Mr. Jiao's yelling also alarmed Mr. Xiwulin's family.

Lin Xifeng opened the door and shouted: "Hun Dan! Why did you sneak back again? Playing a rascal, right?"

Lin Xifeng kicked Jiao Laodao a few times.Jiao Laodao roared terribly.

"What does it have to do with you? Don't bully the poor! I am an outsider. There is no gentleman..."

There's no way, I can't just avoid my own affairs and let the neighbors take care of them.Tang Dahai pushed open the door and walked out of the east room.

"Go back! It's nothing to do with you." Lin Xifeng waved his hand, signaling Tang Dahai to keep avoiding.

Tang Dahai nodded to Lin Xifeng, bent down and grabbed Jiao Laodao, and yelled, "Jiao Laodao! Tell me! What are you going to do? Believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

"Tang Dahai!" Lin Xifeng saw that Tang Dahai's breath was not right, and he still smelled of alcohol.stop loudly.

"Hahaha! You have the guts! Tang Laosi, you have the guts!... If you have the guts, you'll be a poor man!" Jiao Laodao calculated all afternoon, and he expected that he would be enough to win Tang Dahai.The momentum is rampant!

Tang Dahai's left hand was firmly grabbed by Lin Xifeng.wrestling with each other.Bones rattled.

Jin Chan poked her head out, and peeked worriedly.

Tang Chen also poked his head out.Staring wide-eyed....

Lin Xifeng finally managed to stop Tang Dahai.At this time, Jiao Laodao also smelled the alcohol smell of Tang Dahai.Shut up decisively and did not continue to provoke Tang Dahai.

Lin Xifeng shouted: "Jiao Dianlun, get out of here!"

"No! I see that there is something wrong with the east house, and I want to help Tang Dahai drive away ghosts! It is the duty of people outside the poor way to eliminate demons and protect the way!"

At this moment, a lantern floated into the yard.

"Dahai! My brother-in-law, have you saved your drink? Why didn't you call me?"

The smell of earthy shochu from the outhouse has spread into the yard.In fact, Ma Houpao also wanted to come over for a drink.

The scene in the outhouse suddenly became complicated.Jiao Laodao finally hoped for a savior.He rushed eagerly to his distant brother-in-law.

"Brother-in-law! Tang Dahai came here for your sake! Look, you beat me up! I'm dying!" Jiao Laodao snatched Ma Houpao's lantern and lit himself up.

"How could this happen? Hehehe, Dahai. Don't you Tang family reject Taoist magic?" Ma Houpao laughed and began to negotiate with Tang Dahai.

Tang Dahai saw that he was his colleague, so he didn't want to lose face, "Master Ma..."

Lin Xifeng saw that Tang Dahai drank, he was also a kind person with a heart to see to the end.The maintenance said: "Master Ma Houpao. Since Jiao Dianlun is your brother-in-law, then I will negotiate with you. Tang Dahai didn't touch him with a single finger. I beat him! If you want to deal with it, tell me! I don’t understand, you go to the school!”

These words are very domineering and righteous!

"Brother Lin!" Tang Dahai whimpered a little, and squeezed Lin Xifeng's arm.

Naturally, Ma Houpao didn't dare to offend Lin Xifeng.Mr. Lin is so respectable!

"Mr. Lin is right! You are right! Thank you, Mr. Lin!" Ma Houpao was also an old man and a veteran of a cobbler's shop. He grabbed Lin Xifeng's with two big hands and shook it fiercely.

The cobbler cleaned the leather with great strength, Lin Xifeng couldn't break free for a while.It gave the impression that Lin Xifeng was cooperating with the handshake.

After finishing the superficial work, Ma Houpao let go of his hand at the right time, took a step forward, and separated Lin Xifeng and Tang Dahai with his body.

Two oil lamps like beans, not very bright.But Ma Houpao's exaggerated smiling face and shining teeth.It seemed particularly abrupt.

"Old Sea! Old Ma, I am too talkative. Uncle Ma made you feel uncomfortable. Uncle Ma will apologize to you! I did something bad with good intentions. How can I.... How..., how..."

When Master Ma came up, he babbled, blah blah, and babbled a lot of nonsense.

Tang Dahai hated Master Ma's saliva splashing, and kept backing away.As a result, the distance between Lin Xifeng and Lin Xifeng was widened.After a few steps, he stepped into the east room.By the time you realize you've been tricked, it's too late.

Master Ma followed Jiao Laodao into the east room and closed the door behind him.

Lin Xifeng stared blankly, he couldn't rush into the east room to help.That would be too arbitrary and reckless.Not suitable anymore!

After Master Ma entered the room, he changed the subject, stopped making noise, and said solemnly: "O sea! When you young workers entered the factory, I also taught you the technique of kneading skin. So I treat you like I treat my horse. It’s the same. I didn’t expect it to turn out like this today.”

"Master Ma! I thank you for your help, I must thank you. But——"

Tang Dahai intends to explain that Jiao Laodao is out of tune.But from the beginning to the end, as soon as he said a "but", he was interrupted by Master Ma, "O sea! My fourth master Tang! Tsk tsk tsk..." and waved his hand in disregard.

"...How should I put it, Jiao Dianlun is also related to my Aunt Ma. How did you make it look like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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