Shushan Wushen

Chapter 554 3 Shut up

Chapter 554 Keeping your mouth shut

"Stop scaring people!"

The faint blue electric arc filled the whole room and became more and more intense. Tang Dahai scolded Tang Chen sharply.

Tang Chen was unmoved.He swept across with his thoughts, and found that all the remnant souls that rushed out had no way to escape, and they fled into the dry well in the pit again.Not only that, even the big boy and many little boys rushed to the dry well helplessly.

"Don't! Don't go back! Grandma Hao is still waiting for you two to go home and sleep."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Chen felt that Lin Xifeng's body was cold, and the arms holding him were trembling.

"Dahai, holding Tang Chen, my arms are sore."

Lin Xifeng sent Tang Chen back to Tang Dahai's arms in a very lonely manner.Then he hugged his arms, curled up, his lips were purple, and the corners of his eyes were also purple, extremely evil and bewitching.

"What? Brother, what are you talking about? Urine?"

Tang Chen desperately discerned the sound of sobbing.He can see the big boy and the little girl.Therefore, if you look at the mouth shape and distinguish carefully, you can still figure out the general meaning.

So, Tang Chen struggled, Tang Dahai was also terrified, he didn't hug Tang Chen, Tang Chen fell to the ground with a thud, but luckily the floor was pried away, it was soft soil, he got up, and ran to the ground On the edge of the big pit, take off the shorts...

"Chi Chi Chi..."

A line of water, crystal clear, shot into the big pit in a perfect arc.

"Ah... that's right! Boy urine has the effect of exorcising ghosts and evil spirits!"

Although Lin Xifeng was extremely shocked, his mind was still bright, and he vaguely remembered the ancient legend.

"Well done! Well fresh! Go pee in Dakeng!"

Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian, apart from anything else, with their younger brother Tang Chen as a role model and their parents still by their side, they really don't know how to be afraid.After rushing over, there were two more water lines.

"Brother, you're on fire. Why is it so yellow?" Tang Chen swept over with thought force, and actually wanted to tease him.

"Wow~!" Lin Xifeng swears unexpectedly.

"This kid can take the Air Force exam in the future. His eyes are so good!" Aunt Lin was worried about Lin Jingran's exam.Worried, I feel it at this moment.

"Monster! Jin Chan, you gave birth to me a monster!" Tang Dahai felt that Tang Chen was extraordinary, but if it happened to someone else's child, it might be admiration.But when it was his son's turn, there was more fear.deep fear.

"Your seed! If you plant melons, you will reap melons." Jin Chan is not to be outdone.Without the old lady Tang's suppression, Jin Chan became the authentic heroine.Not so resigned.Fight back decisively.

"Brother, come back a little bit. Yes! That's it!"

"Brother, don't move, just like this, stop right. You are awesome! Hee hee hee~."

Under Tang Chen's guidance, the three water guns basically hit accurately.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~~~~.

Gradually, a fine white mist rose from the pit.White and fluorescent.The room was originally blue, but the ground was covered with a white mist like white gauze, which was even more reflective.Comparable to daytime.

Suddenly, there was a voice.

"Hahaha, old horse, your mother is dead! Dead! Dead?"

Jiao Laodao's terrified voice was unexpectedly shocking, and suddenly exploded.

"Hundan, take it easy! Vomit..." Ma Houpao's voice sounded out, dying.


After all, Lin Jingran was a little older, so he ordered decisively.Lin Jingxian pulled up his pants, pulled Tang Chen, and retreated to the door.

"Ah.... Awwhhhhhhh..."

Suddenly, the two wailed mournfully at the same time.Crash la la la, clatter la la la, there was the sound of chains in the pit.

Then, there was a crackling noise.Tang Chen's thoughts formed images.

He was the only one who saw that the moment the three little brothers withdrew the boy's urine, the limp chains on the ground, like snakes recovering from hibernation, suddenly sprang up and entangled Jiao Laodao's thigh and Ma Houpao's arm...

Ma Houpao and Jiao Laodao were terrified, their sight was blocked.I don't know what it is.The unknown is the scariest.Seeing the light above his head, he subconsciously climbed up desperately.

"Not good! Their souls were torn apart." Tang Chen exclaimed.

In fact, Tang Chen just didn't understand.Where is it being dragged to pieces, it is clearly Guisuo Locking Soul.Tear and pull their three souls and six souls.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho... Awww..."

"Huhuhu..., hey hey...."

Ma Houpao and Jiao Laodao climbed up like crazy, and finally climbed out of the dry well. The ghost rope chains can only hook their souls, and have little effect on their bodies.The physical body also has the instinct to imprison the soul.

Therefore, Ma Houpao and Jiao Laodao escaped by luck.

Of course, with the help of Tang Chen, Lin Jingran, and Lin Jingxian, they used boy urine to weaken the magic power of the chains of Guisso.Otherwise, these two guys would have been hooked away long ago.

Tang Chen didn't consider how ominous it would be for someone to die in his own house.It's also in his nature.He Tang Chen is a kind and good boy.

Ma Houpao and Jiao Laodao, whose souls were already incomplete at this time, climbed out of the vegetable cellar they created by themselves, and suddenly saw the ground in this room, the ground was white, and as far as the eye could see, it was blue and bright.The figure is graceful, the face is strange, and it is extremely evil.

The two were frightened out of their wits, screamed, smashed against the wall, and finally jumped onto the kang, smashed the screen window, fell under the window, howled all the way, rolled and crawled away.

Their shouts were so shrill that they were not human voices at all.All the cats and dogs in Sanjiao Town were alarmed.There was an earth-shattering commotion.In an instant, cats and dogs blew together, shaking the world.Very noisy.

"Brother Lin, why don't you go out from the window too." Tang Dahai asked Lin Xifeng with a wry smile.

When something like this happened, I felt so awkward.

Lin Xifeng was originally an atheist and did not believe in ghosts and gods in this world.This night, his cognition was overturned.His emotions and state of mind are like his messy hair at this moment.Very messy.To be sorted out.

"You don't need to go through the window, you see~."

Tang Chen pointed to the floor beside him and the door behind him.

The incomparably intense blue light just now disappeared unexpectedly.It was pitch black again in the room, only the starlight outside the window was cast on the kang.The flames of the two bean-like oil lamps burned very calmly.

"It's best not to spread this matter. It subverts many people's perceptions. Even me, can't explain it all. This is a supernatural power. From the perspective of protecting Tang Chen, we should cover it up. Everyone present must keep silent and must not rumor!"

Lin Xifeng was still so clear-headed.After pondering for a while, I sorted out a few elements.

"Just forget about it!"

Tang Dahai nodded, "Brother Lin is very right. He mentioned it very timely. It is very necessary. I have already forgotten about it. What happened just now? Why can't I remember anything?"

"Me too!" Jin Chan took Aunt Lin's hand.

"Hmm, nothing happened." Aunt Lin lied frankly.

Lin Xifeng looked at the ground inside the house, it was a mess.Puchi laughed.

"Forget it. Vegetable cellar, don't ask for it first. Cover it with the floor. I'll help you fix it before dawn tonight."

Tang Dahai waved his hands hastily: "No, no, no! Brother Lin, you are already very interesting. Physical work, how can you reach out? You can't do it! You can't do it!"

However, Lin Xifeng has already rolled up his sleeves.Picked up a floor and started the inlay...  

(End of this chapter)

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