Shushan Wushen

Chapter 555 Jin Chan is sad

Chapter 555 Jin Chan is sad

The room in Tang Chen's house was not big, so everyone helped to pave the floor quickly.As for the soil dug out of the vegetable cellar, it was thrown directly into the vegetable garden.

Tang Chen's mother boiled a large pot of water.The Lin family and the Tang family washed up and went back to their rooms to sleep.

The window screen was broken, and there were many mosquitoes in the room.Tang Chen's house didn't have a mosquito net.This midsummer night is destined to be sleepless.

Tang Dahai put his arms around Jin Chan and Tang Chen, talking many nights.Jin Chan looked very excited.The couple's faces were chattering all night, and they didn't shut up much.

When Tang Chen started, his thoughts were still penetrating through the floor, focusing on the dry well in the vegetable cellar.Then he fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning.

After Tang Chen woke up, he jumped off the kang, ran to the vegetable cellar, and swept through the floor with his thoughts.It was found that the big boy and the little boy, as well as many unknown spirits, had been re-imprisoned by the chains of Guinsuo.


Suddenly, Tang Chen felt a sharp pain in his big ear.

Jin Chan squeezed Tang Chen's ears, and threatened in a deep voice: "Forget everything that happened yesterday. Do you remember!"

"Let go! Let go! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!" Tang Chen crossed his feet and grinned in pain.

Jin Chan looked outside the house, looking very vigilant, and then asked in a low voice: "Tang Chen, tell mother, how did you see that there is a well under the floor?"

Tang Chen fluttered his eyelashes innocently. For a five-year-old him, this question was really difficult to answer.

"If you can see it, you can see it. Can't you see it?" Tang Chen asked back.

Jin Chan reprimanded in a low voice: "Nonsense, I can see it so I don't need to ask you? Tell mother honestly. There is such a thick layer of dirt across the floor, how did you do it?"

Tang Chen pointed to the floor, and said solemnly: "Oh, sometimes you can't see, you can close your eyes."

He, Tang Chen, had never kept any secrets from his mother.Tell the truth.

However, Jin Chan also thought too much, and did not choose to believe.Angrily left.Leaving Tang Chen behind with a look of astonishment.

How did Jin Chan think that Tang Chen possessed the power of thought, which is a super ability that ignores physical existence.If Jin Chan paid more attention to Tang Chen at that time, and secretly hid something in his hand, let Tang Chen guess.

Then, he definitely understood on the spot that Tang Chen could see things from afar.

However, Jin Chan does not have that IQ.She thought Tang Chen was hiding something.In other words, Tang Chen has a big secret to hide from her.

This kind of conspiracy theory, groundless suspicion.Because of Jin Chan's suspicious character.I never thought that it would be like a nightmare, accompanying Tang family like a shadow for several years.It hurt Tang Dahai, Tang Chen, and even Jin Chan herself.

This is a later story, so I won't show it for the time being.Now Jin Chan left disappointed, she was very sad.She felt that she had given birth to herself, and she took good care of her grown son.Betrayed her.gradually drifted away.

The unspeakable loss made this woman narrow-minded.So she thought about it.

They live together on the East Street, Tang Chen's house is not far from the Tang's small courtyard.

At ten o'clock at noon, Mrs. Tang fumbled around and came to visit.

After Mr. Tang passed away, Mrs. Tang often cried secretly by herself.I was already old, no matter how bad I was.Tears corroded the eyeballs.She lost her binocular vision.

Old Madam Tang hadn't seen Tang Chen for more than a year.Originally, during the Spring Festival, Tang Dahai was going to visit his wife.But Tang Dajiang sent a message to Tang Dahai in advance.

Said; During the Spring Festival, my daughter and uncles will come back to celebrate the New Year.I lived there from childhood until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.There are too many people, the third and fourth children should not come back.Otherwise, the New Year's money and so on are too expensive!

This is very skillful, meaning that you can come.But for the lucky red envelopes for the children, don’t forget to prepare a generous amount~!
In Sanjiao Town, New Year's money is very particular.If the Zhao family uncles give the children red envelopes, they are all two yuan.So, uncles of the Tang family, how do you get it?The red envelopes can only be in even numbers, not every single number.So the choice given to Tang Dahu, Tang Dahai, and Tang Meimei is very embarrassing.

Eight cents?The Tang family fell behind!Is it four yuan?Four yuan per child adds up to a huge sum of money.Tang Dahu's income is slightly higher than Tang Dahai's, and he only receives a salary of 30 yuan a month.And Tang Dahai's monthly salary is only 17 yuan anise!

that's it.

Tang Dajiang rejected Tang Dahu, Tang Dahai, and Tang Meimei's visits to his mother in one sentence.Mrs. Tang had a lonely and aggrieved Spring Festival.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, Tang Dahu and Tang Dahai rushed to visit their old lady with their mother-in-law and children, cakes and new robes.Unexpectedly, they were rejected.

Zhao Yijia stood in the yard with a strange expression: "Yo, his third uncle, his old uncle, he finally remembered my old lady. By the way, this year is over, the festival is over, and you also appeared. I have prepared so many for you two for nothing." It's a good New Year's product. It's all rotten!"

Inside the house, the old lady Tang roared angrily, "His sister-in-law! Let these two unfilial sons go back where they came from. I don't want to see them!"

Zhao Yijia mocked, and waved away: "Let's go! Let's go! My mother is angry. You, you say you..."

With that said, the door didn't even open, and he went back to the house directly.

Tang Dahu and Tang Dahai returned angrily.Tang Dajiang sent his son-in-law Su Bo over to pass on a message: "My father-in-law is just kidding with you. If you say it casually, you take it seriously. The family doesn't know what your conditions are..."

He knew he was tricked.Having to be labeled as an unfilial son, Tang Dahu and Tang Dahai were extremely depressed.But there is nothing to do.

Mrs. Tang's words were also angry words.In fact, she misses her sons and grandchildren very much.But he said what he said, and Zhao Yijia just followed the rules.The old lady is also suffering and can't tell.

Now Tang Dahai moved to East Street, only one road and three or five rooms away from the Tang family's old house.Mrs. Tang stepped into a big basket, filled it with delicious food, and came to see her grandson in person.

"Mom, why are you here? Let me send you a message, let me see you."

Jin Chan rushed out of the outer room in a hurry, ran to the yard, and helped Old Madam Tang, "Next, your sister-in-law fried steam cakes, as well as mung bean cakes, glutinous rice biscuits, and yokan, all of which are Tang Chen's favorites."

The big basket was very heavy, and it was very difficult for Jin Chan to carry it.

Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian were very discerning, and hurried over: "Aunt Tang, Aunt Tang, I will help you. We will carry it."

Jin Chan is not easy to control the Lin family's children, but this basket contains snacks and snacks.It is not easy to refuse.The Lin family is very righteous, how can my own family appear stingy?

"Jing Ran, Jing Xian, go, eat with Tang Chen and you guys. Hehe, the Lin family's children are sensible."

"Hmph~!" Mrs. Tang suddenly snorted coldly, and threw the golden cicada away with a swing of her arm.

(End of this chapter)

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