Shushan Wushen

Chapter 556 This flower is new and new flowers are blooming

Chapter 556 This flower is new and new flowers are blooming

"I don't know how to manage the house. Oh~! I'm leaving."

The old lady Tang was furious and left angrily.She came to visit her grandson, and she was reluctant to eat these pastries.It must be distressed.

Jin Chan went to grab the old lady's arm again, but old lady Tang broke free again unceremoniously.

After fumbling around, Mrs. Tang staggered away.

Tang Chen leaned against the door and looked around, originally wanting to get close to grandma, but saw that grandma and mother were not getting along again.Subconscious avoidance.Not mixed in.

I never thought that this was the last time I saw my grandma in real life.That night, Mrs. Tang died without any illness.

There is a widespread rumor in Sanjiao Town.It was said that the night before the old lady Tang passed away, Zhao Yijia's sharp scolding came from the small courtyard of the Tang family.And mixed with the heart-piercing cries of Mrs. Tang...

However, this rumor is, after all, a rumor.The dead have also escaped.In line with the Sanjiao town's method of not going out when bad things happen, and spreading good things for thousands of miles.No one pushes the envelope.Soon it was silent.

Jiang Laojiao lives in North Street, so he got the news faster than Tang Dahai.In the early morning, the sky was covered with blue mist, and he and Jiang Baogen came here on the moon.Knocking on the window woke up Tang Dahai's family.

Tang Chen looked at grandma's kind face in the coffin.Can't tell what kind of feeling it is.Grandma is very kind to herself.But to his mother, he either hit or scolded.Always say that Jin Chan is out of tune.

So majestic and fierce, Jin Chan cried behind her back when being scolded from time to time.This made it difficult for Tang Chen to get close to grandma without any scruples.

Paper money was flying all over the sky, and the crying was loud.Piles of paper ashes from the heat wave are like black butterflies, with noble golden edges exposed, and occasionally red as fire. ...In fact, that is paper fire....

After the funeral, Tang Dajiang also did everything.A few washbasins and a few bars of soap were placed at the entrance of the small courtyard of the Tang family.Several towels.

According to the custom, the helpers washed their hands, checked that the door was closed, and those who were interested went back to their respective homes.

Tang Dajiang should serve wine as a rule.

Neighbors, relatives, friends, colleagues, everyone is slandering in their hearts, but no one is the rafter in the early days.I don't even want to talk too much.

Because whoever picks out this problem first, then the next person will say: "Then so-and-so said it, helped with the funeral, and didn't even have a sip of wine..." Then, whoever was so-and-so was also hated by the Tang family up.He was ridiculed by the townspeople of the Three Sects.Become a conversation piece for a while.

However, Tang Dajiang did not hold a big funeral banquet that day, but hosted a small-scale banquet for his colleagues.Went to the largest and oldest tavern in Sanjiao Town.It is said that during that meal, Tang Dajiang drank freely.drank a lot.Exceeded the expectations of many colleagues.After drinking, Tang Dajiang wailed loudly.

When he was sent back to Tang's small courtyard, Tang Dajiang had already fainted from crying.

Tang Chen didn't know if it was because of grandma's death.Anyway, Jin Chan became indifferent to herself.When waking up from urinating at night, I can always hear Jin Chan and Tang Dahai whispering: "...this kid is too thoughtful, he is a bit like the old lady... old age is unreliable... have another one..."

After the old lady Tang passed away, Jin Chan changed her address, instead of calling her "my mother" or "Grandma Tang Chen", but by "old lady".

Soon after, Jin Chan's belly bulged miraculously.

Lin Xifeng saw it, sighed, took a deep look at Tang Chen, stroked Tang Chen's soft hair, and remained silent for a long time.

Aunt Lin came across the house, pointed at something, and sighed: "Oh, Jin Chan, why can't you two think about it?"

Seeing that Lin Xifeng hadn't visited the house, Tang Dahai ran to Westinghouse to chat with Lin Xifeng under the pretext of boiling water.

In the house, Tang Chen was playing alone on the floor. Mrs. Lin spoke earnestly and sincerely: "Jin Chan, your father-in-law and mother-in-law have both passed away, and your natal parents passed away so early. Who will help take care of this child?"

Jin Chan smiled shyly: "Sister Lin, one is to drive away, and the other is to let go. While taking care of Tang Chen, I will grow up with this child."

Aunt Lin shook her head and smiled bitterly: "It's not that simple! My Mr. Lin, including a month's salary and full attendance, including bonuses and subsidies, can get back less than 50 yuan a month. I work as an accountant. One The wages of Yue and Dahai are as high as yours, 17 yuan and eight anise."

"This much?" Jin Chan was shocked immediately.You know, this sixty-seventy yuan is a huge sum of money for any family in Sanjiao Town.Unexpectedly, this was the Lin family's monthly income.

Aunt Lin showed bitterness and shook her head: "It looks so much? In fact, there are quite a lot. Alas! But I said, my family even counts on eating meat, do you believe it?"

"Hmm..." Jin Chan really wanted to say, 'I don't believe you can afford five cents a catty of meat, can you afford it?One month's salary is enough to buy a pig! 'However, even if I was drunk, I couldn't say this.That is not chatting.

Aunt Lin smiled wryly again, rubbed her right hand with her left hand, and said quietly: "Yes, eat more meat, eat less meat. We adults are fine."

"Hmm~." Jin Chan nodded in agreement.

Aunt Lin frowned, and said bitterly: "But, my family is well-organized, and Jing Xian is growing up. Without nutrition, how can the brain work well?"

"Ah?" Jin Chan exclaimed.

Aunt Lin said: "You didn't expect it, didn't you think it? Using the brain is very exhausting. It's not much lighter than doing hard work! Not only Jingran and Jingxian, but also Mr. Lin. Sometimes he can make a problem , Tired and sweating profusely. The whole body seems to be exhausted. I can't recover from the weakness for several days."

Jin Chan was completely stunned.It's not that she has never been in touch with Lin Xifeng's level, and Tang Dajiang is also a famous teacher.This theory has been spoken before.However, the old lady Tang sneered on the spot: "Greedy, just say greedy, what are you doing with that useless thing? The Tang family still owes you meat? Don't play wild tricks with my old lady!"

Therefore, these words became an excuse for Tang Dajiang to lie to eat meat.Especially Tang Dajiang, with a blushing face, rubbing his nose, showing shyness in his head...

Thinking about it so far, it is still vivid.

"This is a huge expense! The so-called not being in charge of the family does not know how expensive it is. Tang Chen is still young, and he is not picky about what to eat or wear. He didn't go to school, and he didn't have to pay tuition fees. Wait for another two years, you see~ .Tang Chen's meal alone can equal the amount of both of you! If he doesn't eat meat, he will have to eat two more bowls of rice..."

Aunt Lin opened her fingers, and simply did some calculations for Jin Chan.Jin Chan was dumbfounded.

At this time, Lin Xifeng and Tang Dahai opened the door and entered the east room.

Tang Dahai blushed, looking very embarrassed.Apparently, Lin Xifeng has also settled this account for him.He looked at Jin Chan, hesitated, and tentatively said: "Since you have it, let's go."

His eyes flickered, obviously using tricks to demand Jin Chan's confession.

Jin Chan originally meant to back down again.However, Tang Dahai's ambiguous routine, she caught Tang Dahai's weakness.She saw Tang Dahai's indecision.

"Hey~! Let's listen to the master. I want it! When the car reaches the mountain, there must be a road, and the boat will go straight to the bridge. At worst, if you don't have money, go ask Uncle Liu to arrange a job for me. Earn another salary!"

"You go to work, who will coax the children?"

Lin Xifeng and Aunt Lin agreed and spoke in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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