Shushan Wushen

Chapter 557 The Blooming Season Is Coming

Chapter 557 The Blooming Season Is Coming

Xiaolu morning wind reports enlightenment, and the golden mirror of light shines in the autumn wind.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Xifeng combed his hair meticulously, and stood in the yard by himself, waiting for Tang Chen quietly.

Tang Dahai said to Jin Chan: "Today is the first day of reporting, so please take a day off to take care of Tang Yuan at home."

Jin Chan silently handed over the leave slip.This is what they discussed last night.decisions already made.This is also a respect for Lin Xifeng.

"Today, you two, go by yourself, exercise, don't be late!"

Lin Xifeng told Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian.Lin Jing smiled cheaply: "Dad, can't you still carry one?"

"Stop rambling! Let's go~! Look at you two being lazy."

Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian were not angry, instead they hugged Tang Chen's shoulders from left to right, and said in a low voice, "Tang Chen, don't be afraid if someone bullies you at school, if someone beats you, run away and find me in the middle school. Brother help you beat their noses to bleed."

The same advice from the two younger brothers warmed Tang Chen's heart and left an indelible shadow.Tang Chen realized that when he went to school, he had to be ready to fight at all times, and he couldn't suffer from a fight!
"Teach me better! Two bastards!"

Aunt Lin appeared like a ghost, and one of them kicked her butt lightly.

"Ha ha ha ha……."

Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian smiled and carried their schoolbags on their backs, bouncing back and forth, slapping their buttocks with their schoolbags on their backs, and ran away.

"Remember what my brother said!"

"Remember what Big Brother said!"

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan couldn't help laughing.Lin Xifeng's face was livid.With a tiger face: "These two bastards. You are used to it."

Aunt Lin didn't answer, she took out an old schoolbag and carried it on Tang Chen's body: "Tang Chen, come back from the double hundred exam, Madam will give you a new schoolbag."

"Tch~! Double hundred? My disciple is going to skip a grade! Study hard for the master, don't embarrass the master. If you don't pass the double hundred, your dad won't beat you, I'll beat you!"

Lin Xifeng seriously threatened Tang Chen, bent down and hugged Tang Chen on the bicycle frame.

"Brother Lin, thank you for your hard work."

Tang Dahai and his wife hurriedly expressed their thanks.

Lin Xifeng shrugged his shoulders, which should have been a wry smile, but he didn't respond, let alone turn around.Turn over and step onto the bike.leave slowly.

In the season of September, the most beautiful flower season of the year, Sanjiao Town Primary School is surrounded by green trees and fragrant flowers.Beautiful.

"So many children!" Tang Chen exclaimed.

This was the first time Tang Chen had seen so many people of the same age, or teenagers who were about the same size as him.They were shoulder to shoulder, laughing and playing.On the way to school, there is an endless stream.

"School is full of children! Make use of your strengths, remember what the teacher said, and then think about it. If you don't know it, ask the teacher. If the teacher can't answer, just ask me when you get home. Do you know?"

Lin Xifeng said calmly.

Tang Chen seemed to understand but half understood, "Mmmmmm...."

Lin Xifeng was very confident in Tang Chen, and said again: "Study for a month first. Get used to the school rhythm, and then the master will give you the whole book. We will start skipping grades next semester."

"Skipped a grade?" Tang Chen was shocked.This vocabulary is too fresh.

The corner of Lin Xifeng's mouth showed pride: "Don't you like Li Yiqi from Li Si'an's family? Study hard, and go make a table with her. It would be nice to be a classmate! You can hook up as you like."

"Ah~~~." Tang Chen grinned excitedly.Little stars pop out of the eyes.He hadn't seen Li Yiqi for a long time.

"Great! Great! I'm going to skip a grade!"

"Puchi~!" Lin Xifeng laughed.He is familiar with the psychology of teenagers, trying to figure out the thoughts of a teenager who has never entered school is really pediatrics.

Lin Xifeng works in the middle school and rarely comes to the elementary school.However, this did not affect Lin Xifeng's prestige and influence.

As soon as Chen Gang drove into the elementary school, there was a sharp-eyed teacher, and he rushed to the principal's office.

Shi Dafen, the principal of Sanjiao Town Primary School, ran out eagerly, "Teacher, why are you here in person? If you need anything, just send someone to call me. I am always on call, and I am always ready to listen to your call."

Lin Xifeng is a famous teacher of a generation, with a great reputation.The world is full of peaches and plums.Shi Dafen is just one of his many disciples who is not so outstanding.

However, when Shi Dafen said this, Lin Xifeng still smiled faintly.

"Shi Dafen, the teacher has brought you a present."

"Ah? Don't, don't.... If you don't want to beat me up, kick me a few times. What's wrong with you?" Shi Dafen was terrified.But it can be seen that he enjoys Lin Xifeng's easy going.This can be seen from the eyes of the surrounding teachers.All envy.

Being able to climb up to Lin Xifeng, a famous teacher, is equivalent to having an extra big tree that can shelter from the wind and rain in the education field.

"I didn't expect Mr. Lin, a generation of giants, to be so easy-going! Tsk tsk..." A teacher exclaimed.Tut tut endlessly.

"Only the elites in the educational field like Principal Shi can win this honor. Alas...!" Some teachers sighed decisively.Not without envy.

The voice of discussion fell on the ears of Lin Xifeng and Shi Dafen, as if rainbow lights descended out of thin air, and the rising sun fell on the two of them, making them look more sacred and dignified.

Many teachers are infatuated.

"Here, this is the junior brother I sent you. Tang Chen!" Lin Xifeng held the bicycle with one hand.The other hand gestured to Tang Chen.

"Tang Chen? From the Tang family? That son of Tang Dahai? Tsk tsk tsk, he's so old. Is he young?" Shi Dafen went over to pick up Tang Chen, and gently put him on the ground.

Lin Xifeng shook his head, avoided talking about the young age, and said, "It's been almost a month since school started. Didn't sign up."

"Then what are you talking about. Teacher Sun's class is good this year. Let's go to Teacher Sun's class. I'll just fill in the formalities. How about the younger brother? Do you like the campus environment? Look how beautiful the flowers are in the flower pool. The bees are buzzing..."

Shi Dafen beckoned a teacher over, teasing Tang Chen with a pleasant smile.

"Send off Teacher Sun's class and let Tang Chen sit in the first row. Focus on it." Shi Dafen's face became majestic, and he solemnly arranged for the moral education teacher.

"Okay, I'll go if I have nothing to do." Lin Xi said hello to Shi Dafen calmly, and made an eye-catching salute with other teachers.Slight jaw.Turn around and leave.

Shi Dafen and his teachers stayed put, silently waving.He respectfully watched Lin Xifeng leave gracefully.

Lin Xifeng walked out of the elementary school and entered the middle school campus. He looked back and saw that they still hadn't dispersed, so he smiled and waved.With a smile on his face.

Only then did Shi Dafen give the order: "Let's start class soon, let's go back."

Tang Feng and Bai Mao couple did not dare to recognize their cousin in front of Shi Dafen.After the meeting was disbanded, I thanked Shi Dafen.

The implication is that the Tang family and Lin Xifeng have friendship.Shi Dafen was very shrewd, smiled without saying a word, waved his hand and left.

(End of this chapter)

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