Shushan Wushen

Chapter 572 1-step divine fist

Chapter 572 One-Step Divine Fist

The four seas are churning, the clouds and water are angry, and the five continents are shaking with wind and thunder.

The momentum of the fist wind is very fierce, the countercurrent is rolling, and the black clouds are pressing down on the city to destroy it.The coercion is majestic, and the brilliance contained in it is difficult to describe its extreme extraordinary.

However, Tang Chen's fist, in the eyes of ordinary young people, was slow and extremely slow, as if the old lady Tang came to visit, trembling, groping...

There is no harm without comparison.Chen Liugou's punch was clean and sharp, very violent.

There are seven brothers in Chen Liugou's family, and his father, Chen Dana, is incomprehensible, so he can be said to have no way to teach his children.So the Chen family's seven dogs are veritable vicious dogs.All are brave and aggressive.This punch has the style of the Chen family.The lethality is extraordinary.

Fist kung fu focuses on effective lethality.As the saying goes, once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one.There are basically no Parkinsonian punches like Tang Chen's.It's more about the arm exerting force, the wrist and the fist are integrated into one, and the punch is screamed with all the strength of the whole body.

It seems to be powerful, but in fact it is just a word "poke"!
This kind of punch has no lethality at all.In the eyes of those who are good at fighting, all of them curl their lips.

The reason why Chen Liugou's punch aroused the amazement of all the teenagers was because of his control of strength.At this time, the autumn weather was hot, and he was wearing summer clothes. Chen Liugou's naked muscles were trembling slightly.The strength spread to the wrist, and the wrist was shaking slightly.And that fist... seems to be inflated.

It suddenly became bigger, and in the blink of an eye, it was still getting bigger.

But on closer inspection, nothing has changed.

This is the spiral force!It seems to be rising continuously, but in fact this is the continuous accumulation of strength.It is equivalent to the strength of the whole body, which is replenished to the face of the fist in an endless stream.

The fist hits in a circular motion and lands on the opponent, crackling, sweeping across a small area, increasing the hitting surface.

"Hurry up and save Tang Chen!" Jiang Dong yanked Bai Lang.

"It's good to let him suffer a little bit." Bai Lang gritted his teeth resentfully.

"Hi~!" Li Yiqi gave Bai Lang a hard look, and stomped his feet angrily.

In fact, it wasn't that Bai Lang didn't want to save him, but that it was too late.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Chen and Chen Liugou's fists bombarded together.


In an instant, the world fell silent.The setting sun in the sky was even more shocking, releasing infinite brilliance.The entire campus was brighter than ever before, a vision from heaven.Every detail is visible.

Sa Sa Sa ~ ~ ~.

Countless fire mulberry leaves billowed up, frightened and angry, shattered and turned into broken flowers and butterflies, dancing gracefully.

Tang Chen remained motionless, still maintaining the trajectory of his fists, swimming slowly.

Chen Liugou was miserable, half of his shoulder collapsed strangely, the earlobe was torn at the root of his ear, and he flew upside down, bang!He slammed into the fire mulberry tree hard and did not fall for a long time.

...the tree branch hooked him.

Tang Chen's punch was struck from the bottom up.After knocking Chen Liugou into the air, he continued to climb a small height, and then fell to the ground in a symmetrical manner.

Still slow, but more powerful.

This power was not born out of thin air, Tang Chen felt as if his entire body had been hollowed out, and a huge hunger hit him, piercing his heart.His small face is sallow, his lips are pale and wrinkled, like a traveler trekking in the desert, this is the exhaustion of Tang Chen's vitality.

Finally, Tang Chen bent down and his fist touched the ground.


The ground of the campus was like an earthquake in an instant, and there was a huge roar, which was very dull.This is even more terrifying.


The fire mulberry leaves that were as red as blood on the ground shot into the sky.Before they reached the height of the treetops..., they shattered one after another.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, colorful flowers and butterflies swim gracefully.So beautiful, so shocking, so terrifying.It's terrifying to think about it carefully, and it's creepy!


The forks of the fire mulberry tree are very hard, and Chen Liugou's pants are not so strong in binding force, heck~!torn apart.Chen Liugou fell to the ground with a crash.

"Just tell me when you go back, I, Tang Chen, beat you up like this. If you have the guts to come at me, don't let your mother come to my house to be a monster!"

Tang Chen moved towards Chen Liugou step by step.

Chen Liugou felt fear from the depths of his soul.He bent his body subconsciously.Looking at Tang Chen's eyes, it was like looking at an extremely terrifying beast.Or, looking at the devil...

"Ah..." Han Qinhu, Han Xiangyi, they all opened their mouths silently, unable to close them for a long time.

There is horror in the eyes, there is horror, and there is horror.Close your eyes and open them again, it's even more terrifying!
There are no words to describe how they feel about Tang Chen at this moment.All words are so pale.When it comes to dry mouth, it is impossible to describe the maximum threshold of their hearts.The endless trembling in the depths of the soul came out of horror, and it was still horror.


What are the morals of the rivers and lakes.What is the obsessive ideal of a horse with a sword to go to the end of the world.Brother loyalty is not important anymore, dragging his legs as heavy as lead, carrying the fear of overturning cognition, scattered like birds and beasts.

Fleeing.They all dispersed and went back to their homes.

The happiest person was Chen Liugou, his face turned pale suddenly, and he didn't even make a sound of "嘎——", and rolled his eyes before twitching.Unconscious fainting.


Jiang Dong and Bai Lang stepped over and hugged Tang Chen. Bai Lang grabbed Tang Chen's arm and checked the clenched fist.

"Uncle Chenchen, are you okay?"

This is the first time since Bai Lang was born that he casually called Tang Chen his little uncle.

In the past, it was all due to the elders' lustful power, calling Uncle Chenchen, I don't know how many swear words I would have to slander in my heart....

Li Yiqi ran over and grabbed Tang Chen's little hand, feeling the coldness and spasm of the little hand.Gently start from the little little finger, ring finger, middle finger, and index finger slowly.Then clamp your palms together and rub them slowly.

A blush gradually rose on Tang Chen's face.

"I'm hungry!"

"... Hiss!" Bai Lang and Jiang Dong couldn't help but have black lines all over their heads.Very speechless.

Where and where?There is no logic at all.God turned around.

But when I thought about it, this guy was a brand new primary school student.Just opened today.There are no accusations.

"Let's go, I'll take you home." Li Yiqi took the words, her small face lit up, and her watery eyes sparkled.Glamorous.

If Li Yiqi was extremely worried just now, then she is extremely proud now.

There are many twists and turns, she Li Yiqi doesn't understand.She also thought that this fight was because Han Xiang also sent flowers to hook her up, and Tang Chen liked it.

What a narcissistic little loli~.

"Okay!" Tang Chen's eyes burst out with dazzling brilliance.He also smiled at Li Yiqi.

"Your uncle is very...ahem." Jiang Dong said half of the sentence, rubbed his nose, and covered it up.

Bai Lang was the most considerate, and found a piece of chocolate in his schoolbag.Shaking in front of Tang Chen.

Tang Chen is really not an ordinary person, he is not tempted at all.Take it in your hand.

but it is.

He stared at Li Yiqi affectionately, and asked with concern: "Do you want to eat?"

Li Yiqi nodded.

With a smile on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, he shook his head and grinned: "Then I'll peel it off myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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