Shushan Wushen

Chapter 573 Energy Must Be Conserved

Chapter 573 Energy Must Be Conserved

"Wow!" Jiang Dong finally couldn't stand this guy anymore.

With a curse, he threw Tang Chen to the ground.

"I said eat! I eat..." Li Yiqi reached out to grab the chocolate.Take it away.

"Ha ha ha ha……."

Bai Lang and Jiang Dong laughed heartily.

Tang Chen looked at Li Yiqi with a mournful face, shaking his head, deliberately smacking his mouth...Very lovely and pitiful.

"Can you save some for me? I'm so hungry~."

Regardless of Tang Chen's begging, Li Yiqi elegantly ate up the chocolate in small bites.What little loli likes most is this sense of superiority.A little intoxicated.

Jiang Dong understood everything, and whispered, "Your uncle is quite good at handling things~."

"Old Tang's family is like that. They are very clear about every corner and corner. I don't want to make people feel better." Bai Lang curled his lips.

Bai Lang and Jiang Dong went over and kicked Chen Liugou a few times, and when he woke up, they stopped talking to him.Leave a few harsh words.

Pull Tang Chen and Li Yiqi.Go to the campus gate.

Tang Chen was overwhelmed with emotion.Not because of missing chocolate.But this day, the door you go to school, and the door you leave after school.With lingering fear in his heart, he glanced back at the red fire mulberry forest.He looked down at his fist again.

I don't know, what's on my mind.Mixed flavors, very complex.

The so-called school is a big dye vat.Students from all walks of life are the colorful colors.Anyone who enters the dyeing vat is a little careless, and the color will change.If you are lucky enough to meet a brilliant dyer, congratulations, the appropriate and appropriate technique can render the beauty of your life.However, most of the time when they were kicked out of the dye vat, the colors became nondescript.

Fortunately, with Lin Xifeng, Tang Chen will not sink.But can Tang Chen really hold on to not get lost?
"Master leads the door to practice alone! Why do you keep sneaking today!" Lin Xifeng scolded Tang Chen angrily.

Under Rudou's oil lamp, Lin Xifeng coached Tang Chen, roaring a few words from time to time.Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian were so frightened that they fell silent.

"I'm hungry again!" Tang Chen cried with a sad face, his stomach accompanied by 'grunt' and music.

Lin Xifeng was also speechless.He didn't have enough for his supper.Everything went into Tang Chen's stomach.


The door of the West Room opened, and Jin Chan walked in with a ceramic basin.She has a charming smile, and under the bean-like lights, she is so bright and beautiful.

Tang Dahai was holding four large bowls and a bundle of chopsticks.

"Brother Lin, Jin Chan made some wontons, and just cooked them with seaweed. Let's take a break and drink some spicy soup."


The children howled happily.Come over to get bowls one after another.

Jin Chan filled a bowl for Lin Xifeng with her own hands, and Tang Dahai helped to sprinkle chili powder on it.

"Give me some more soup, this wonton is all in my bowl, hahaha..." Lin Xifeng expressed his gratitude with a polite curve.

Immediately, the room smelled sweet and fragrant.And 'Chi Liu ~.Chi slip ~. 'The sound of drinking soup.

Tang Chen eats very cunningly, he is not like Lin Jingxian and Lin Jingran, who fish for wonton first and then drink the soup.

He drank the soup first, and after the soup was finished, put a layer on top of the wontons, and it would cool down quickly.Eat one layer after cooling.In this way, the speed and efficiency have been improved.

Lin Xifeng saw it and winked at Tang Dahai.

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan couldn't stop laughing.This is the little tricks of the little ones.It is enough to show that Tang Chen has a lot of thoughts.I like to think about everything and use my brain.

With the blessing of food, Tang Chen was resurrected with full blood.Temporarily sealed the school's troubles.Without any hesitation, he accepted Lin Xifeng's indoctrination of mathematical ideas.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xifeng was also too knowledgeable, citing extensively from sources, and he went beyond the outline when he talked about it.It has even reached Lin Jingran's level.

You know, Lin Jingran is already a third-year student.However, Lin Jingran couldn't understand some knowledge.

"Da Lin, when a parabola... the second quadrant... the value range..." Tang Chen asked seriously, and stared at his big eyes, thinking quickly.

"What range of values? What are you asking?" Lin Jingxian opened his mouth stupidly.In his knowledge, there is no such thing in elementary school.He also just met today.

Lin Xifeng was interrupted by Lin Jingxian, and suddenly realized something was wrong.This goes too far.

However, Lin Xifeng is worthy of being a giant among famous teachers, and he gave an explanation decisively.And came up with a typical question to test Tang Chen.

The result is surprising.Tang Chen actually made it perfectly.What shocked Lin Xifeng even more was that even the steps were very standard.

Lin Xifeng stared at Tang Chen meaningfully, and secretly let out a long sigh.If it wasn't for Tang Chen growing up beside him, he would definitely have reason to believe that this guy had learned it in the first place.With casual pointers, he, Tang Chen, melted into the action.

Is there a genius more monstrous than this?This Tang Chen is a monster!
Lin Xifeng had an impulse, that is, let Tang Chen directly enter the same class as Lin Jingxian for a try.Further test Tang Chen's potential.However, this is too shocking.Lin Xifeng could only give up after thinking about it.Because if it doesn't work, Tang Chen's self-confidence will be frustrated, and this monster-like genius will be scrapped.

Haste makes waste, just like a person who loves flowers, it is true to take good care of them, but too much fertilizer and excess nutrition will burn the plants.It is tantamount to pinching seedlings to encourage growth.No matter how amazing the BMW horse is, it will be exhausted to death.

Human power is exhausted, and it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.


The energy consumed by mental work is actually many times higher than the energy consumed by physical work.Ordinary students need ten years of hard work, more than 20 semesters of continuous brushing questions, and repeated consolidation of the knowledge they have mastered. Tang Chen's careless and careless mathematical thinking in one night requires huge energy support.

"Da Lin, I'm hungry again!"

After Tang Chen finished a sample question, his stomach rumbled loudly, and his face looked bitter.He pursed his lips.

The truth is, this guy is sleepy and hungry.

However, the strong hunger is even more difficult to contain.

"...Eh?" Lin Xifeng chatted his teeth, he still hadn't finished digesting his big bowl of wontons.

"Just now you ate so much...!" Lin Jing was not without complaints.

"Dad, I'm hungry too. I was eaten by Tang Chen just now. I made myself full of water and drank a full stomach of chili soup. No, I'm going to pee." Lin Jingran carried endless resentment, curled his lips.

Lin Xifeng opened his mouth helplessly, he had nothing to say, and thought for a while: "Tang Chen, go get some air with your big brother, maybe you won't be hungry."

Aunt Lin has diabetes, and Lin Xifeng planned to go to the house to beg for some biscuits to fool Tang Chen.

Otherwise, this guy will definitely steal Tang Yuan's milk powder when he returns to the east room.In that case, Tang Dahai would definitely be beaten severely.Or, Tang Dahai.Jin Chan's combined doubles.Lin Xifeng couldn't bear his disciple being humiliated.

Lin Xifeng loved this little disciple very much.

Not long after Lin Jingran left the house, Tang Chen followed.Lin Jing had a conditioned reflex, and his bladder was tight. The most important thing was that it was boring to be alone in the room.Slipped out decisively.

"Huh, huh, huh..."

The sound of water splashes disturbed the sound sleep of the night, and also disturbed the sleep of the Dark Terminator.

"Enough enough..." The big rooster croaked a few times in the chicken coop, which was a sound test.After adjusting the beat, he was about to sing loudly.It should have been alerted by the biological clock.Shut up again.



The small eyes are as bright as stars.Twinkle, twinkle, sparkle.There are six!
(End of this chapter)

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