Shushan Wushen

Chapter 575 The Stolen Chick Is Incense

Chapter 575 The Stolen Chick Is Incense

Ben is getting paid today!Tonight, catch up with the big lucky draw in the group, iPhoneX!Tencent limited edition doll....all…….

Explosive update!Explosive update!Explosive update!Say important things three times! ! !Hehe~!Speaking of today, I took a peek at the book friend group.I'm going to update, you just do that, that, hehe~~!I explode!I'm mad at you!hey-hey…….

The three models are approaching, in fact, I am under great pressure.It's just that I'm flattered by the crazy subscriptions during this period of time.Did not say!As the old saying goes, if you don't leave, I will never give up!

I wish book friends, happy weekend!The fifth watch is here!


"Drag? Drag? Drag Wen?" Jiang Baogen was upset and kicked Lin Jingran down.

Five remnants of filth.At this moment Tang Chen had already forgotten about it.

It was the five remnants of filth that hid in the Kang cave and offended Mrs. Baogen, who contracted tuberculosis in the second year after passing through the door.Coughing all day long.Symptoms are exactly the same as those of Jiang Laozhen.

Jiang Laojiao got sick himself, and he felt sorry for Qian and endured it.But the new daughter-in-law had not given birth to a grandson for him, so she became so sick that she had to seek medical advice.In this way, most of the income of the milling room was replaced by pills, powders, ointments, and pills.The Jiang family is also at the end.

Hugging the buddha's feet temporarily, the disease goes to the doctor indiscriminately.Jiang Laojiao also remembered how he recovered from his illness, and even made a wood carving of an old man with a white beard. He kowtowed three times in the morning and burned incense in the morning and evening.The gods were enshrined decently.Pray for a miracle to happen.

Jiang Baogen is also out of tune, he is a coolie himself, sleep is very important.Every night, Mrs. Baogen coughed violently, often waking him up from his dreams.

Jiang Baogen has a bad temper. People with a bad temper usually get angry when they get up, wake up suddenly, yell at him, and if they are unhappy, they will fight.When there was a fight, Mrs. Jiang Baogen got angry and ran away from home and ran back to her mother's house.

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan had been entrusted by Jiang Laojiao to persuade them several times, apologized on behalf of the Jiang family, and made a guarantee. Relying on the face and reputation of the Tang family, they helped bring Mrs. Baogen back.A few times Tang Chen was also present the whole time.

It can be said that Tang Chen treated Jiang Baogen badly.Jin Chan's impression of Jiang Baogen is even worse.I was afraid that Jiang Baogen's violent temper would infect Tang Dahai.I also suffer.She, Jin Chan, has no natal family to protect her.

"Aunt Baogen is coughing up blood!" Tang Chen swept over with mental force, shocked.Hurry to stop Jiang Baogen's atrocities of torturing Lin Jingran.

"Aren't you troubled again? You are very righteous, are you a small placenta..." Jiang Baogen gave up on Lin Jingran and came to torture Tang Chen again.

Tang Chen is so bad.In the darkness, his thoughts swept across, and the corners of his mouth reached to the roots of his ears.Take two steps back obliquely, and then go around a half stone pile.Chong Jiang Baogen pretended to be angry.

"Catch me if you have the ability! Hehehe..." This guy gave a smirk.

Feeling being molested, Jiang Baogen flew into a rage and went on the road decisively.

Rub ~.

Leaping towards Tang Chen, Tang Chen slowly retreated.He yelled: "Brother, brother, the wind is blowing!" to distract Jiang Baogen.

However, Tang Chen made a mistake.

This is where?Jiang Baogen's home.Jiang Baogen played with that broken horse post since he was a child.You can go around with your eyes closed.


Jiang Baogen jumped onto the horse post.Tang Chen hurriedly stepped back.His thoughts swept across, and there was a slightly larger stone next to him, and his brain speed was so fast.He ran over, tapped his heels, and gurgled.

Jiang Baogen jumped off the hitch post, he was unprepared, it was a coincidence, click!Stepping on it, the ankle was tilted, and the crisp bone cracking sound was extremely real.

"... Hiss! Bastard. Bastard!"

Jiang Baogen grinned his teeth in pain, sat on the ground and scolded Tang Chen.

Without looking back, Tang Chen chased towards Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian.His little heart was beating violently.

After all, Tang Dahai and Jin Chan had mentioned more than once that the Jiang family was kind to the Tang family.When you gain power, don't forget to repay it.I even imagined a way to repay...

Three teenagers got in through the broken willow wall of Du's house, strangled a chicken's neck with a rubber band, pulled it out, and quietly closed the chicken coop door.He ran away in a flash.

In the northern suburbs, the wheat waves reflect the starlight at this time.The waves are rough and magnificent.It is even brighter.

I found a dark place, which was left by someone else burning wheat.Tang Chen swept across with force, and pretended to grope for a few places before picking up the box of matches.

The juvenile's matches were all stolen at home.Usually only a few.Mostly after the straw was lit, it was thrown away.

Lin Jingxian is also a veteran of burning wheat, and even ran to a distance to retrieve a box of matches.Unfortunately it's an empty box.

Tang Chen's box of matches here is fine, but there are actually two left.


Light a match and slowly stuff it into a small handful of straw.In an instant, the flames were red and dazzling.

The three of them kept pulling straw, the fire was not big, but it was burning vigorously.Throw in Du's chicken.The chick fluttered a few times and then became silent.

Suddenly there was a pungent burnt smell.That's chicken feathers burning.

Tang Chen, Lin Jingxian, and Lin Jingran all looked eager and kept twitching their nostrils.

I have stolen chickens more than once, and by the way, I have also stolen ducks and geese...

Finally, when there was a scorched and fragrant smell from the fire, the three teenagers made a decisive move, stepping on the open flame carefully with six feet.And worryingly blowing on the pile of ashes.In the end, I found that there was no prosperity, so I used the grill to pull out the cooked chicken.

"... Hiss..."


"Hoo hoo hoo..."

The three of them salivated so much that their eyeballs glowed green.

Excited, trembling hands, those who pulled the arms tore off the chicken wings, and those who pulled the legs pulled off the thighs.Tang Chen is straightforward, he likes to eat chicken breast.Grab it directly, "Hang Chi~!" It's just a mouthful.


A large piece of tender and smooth chicken, sweet and fragrant in the mouth, with a hint of sweetness, and a bloody salty taste.Tang Chen felt that the whole world was infinitely beautiful.

Originally, the breast of a chicken was not enough for Tang Chen to be at the bottom.But Tang Chen knew that Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian really loved him.In particular, Lin Xifeng's love for him is even better than that for Lin Jingxian and Lin Jingran.All this moved Tang Chen from the bottom of his heart.

Drink water and think of the source, and be grateful.Every time he stole the chicken, Tang Chen only ate the breast, and stopped.After all, the fattest place is already his own to enjoy.He is already very content.

"It's so delicious!" Lin Jingxian was amazed.

"Stolen chicks are fragrant!" Lin Jingran said the truth to the point.

As far as the taste of chicken is concerned, your own chickens are not as good as other chickens, and other chickens are not as good as sneaked chickens, and stolen chickens are not as good as thinking about them, and thinking about them is worse than not being able to catch them.

However, to Tang Chen and the others, being able to feast on stolen chickens wantonly is already a supreme delicacy.

Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian gobbled it up, and in the end they didn't even spare the intestines in the chicken's belly. They searched carefully to find the heart and liver among the steaming internal organs.The two brothers, rock-paper-scissors, although there is an element of luck, the distribution is actually very fair.

Eat it dry, wipe it up, get some straw ash, and bury the crime scene.

If Tang Chen is a big eater, then Lin Jingxian and Lin Jingran are super foodies.These two guys, taking advantage of the night, each held a dry chicken paw in their mouths, and they were having a lot of fun.Tang Chen reminded the two elder brothers from time to time, pay attention to your feet, it's okay to fall down, but now when you fall down, the chicken feet must pierce your cheeks.

According to the customs of Sanjiao Town, stealing is not considered a thief, and whoever loses it will not be unlucky.A young man stealing a chicken is a sign of auspiciousness in the land of Su Fenhe.

However, being thieves was always a guilty conscience, and the three of them had ghosts in their hearts. They ran past the Du's house in a despondent manner, and in a hurry, they approached the Jiang family's milling house compound.Lin Jingran was panting tiredly.Still holding chicken paws in his mouth, he waved his little hand: "Come on! Let's go!"

Tang Chen also happened to be thinking about Jiang Baogen's feet.Stopping, the three of them hid in the shadow of the wall.

A thought force, through the wall...

"Eh? Isn't this, isn't it... Uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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