Shushan Wushen

Chapter 576 Gritting teeth

Chapter 576 Gritting teeth

Ben is getting paid today!Tonight, catch up with the big lucky draw in the group, iPhoneX!Tencent limited edition doll....all…….

Explosive update!Explosive update!Explosive update!Say important things three times! ! !Hehe~!Speaking of today, I took a peek at the book friend group.I'm going to update, you just do that, that, hehe~~!I explode!I'm mad at you!hey-hey…….

The three models are approaching, in fact, I am under great pressure.It's just that I'm flattered by the crazy subscriptions during this period of time.Did not say!As the old saying goes, if you don't leave, I will never give up!

I wish book friends, happy weekend!The fifth watch is here!


Tang Chen scanned it with his thoughts and confirmed that it was correct.However, no matter how Tang Chen looked at it, something was wrong.

Fortunately, he had just received the energy blessing of the chicken, and his blood was slightly filled, so he could see it more clearly.

Under the clear oil lamp, Jiang Laopo had a strange expression on his face, which gave people an indescribable weirdness.

Tang Dajiang's face was ashen, trembling slightly with a cigarette held between his fingers, he obviously hadn't smoked that cigarette very much, the ash was very long, and the lingering fingers turned yellow.

"Uncle Jiang, look at this matter, you came to me and told me frankly, Dajiang, I am grateful for your kindness. But you know, I am a poor teacher..."

Jiang Laozhen was expressionless, and his tone was blunt: "You are the principal!"

"Hi~! Uncle Jiang, don't take my principal seriously. Others don't understand, don't you understand? It's a Qingshui government office. It's better to be a teacher and teach. There are also caring parents of students during festivals. , come here to send some snack boxes. The education office is poor~"

Suddenly, the cigarette burned Tang Dajiang's finger, he shuddered in pain, and threw away the cigarette butt.I don't know if it's the pain in my fingers or the pain in my heart, so I grinned and rubbed my fingers.I was speechless for a long time.

Lin Jingran poked Tang Chen and Lin Jingxian, "Let's go, we'll be beaten up when we get back late, as if we came out to do something bad."

"Hehehe, stealing chickens is not a bad thing?" Lin Jingxian smiled and winked.

Tang Chen lied: "I'm running out of breath, please slow down for a while."

Inside the house, this is a corner of the grinding room. Seeing that Tang Dajiang didn't want to speak again, Jiang Laoqian straightened his back, with a half-smile: "Then forget it, I'm just kidding you..."

"What? Jiang Laojiao, can this matter be joked? In the middle of the night, I said that this matter is unreliable. Hmph~." Tang Dajiang suddenly stood up, furious, and his voice was high-pitched.Both Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian outside the wall heard it.

"The voice of our principal!" Lin Jingran's face was solemn.

"Uncle Tang Chen~." Lin Jingxian was so frightened that his expression froze.

"It's not respectful for the old. Those who borrow money in the middle of the night say they borrow money, and those who don't want to say that they don't want to pay back. It's useless to do everything." Tang Dajiang sternly scolded Jiang Laojiao. "IOU!"

Jiang Laozhen didn't expect Tang Dajiang to react so violently.However, after all, this old man is an old man who has experienced battles. He calmly shook his head and put his hands behind his back.

"Well, it's been three years since you took the house away. There is an old saying that Ding You took three years, that's what your father said. Just treat it as a four or three year experience experience. You can vacate the house tomorrow."

"What?" Tang Dajiang's literary attainments are extremely profound, and he is a giant among famous teachers.As soon as these words fell into my ears, I heard them very clearly.

Tang Dajiang is neither yin nor yang: "Uncle Jiang, it's not that I don't believe you. If you really have something left by my father, show it to me. Dajiang is young, and you are old. Don't tease me."

After finishing speaking, he looked directly at Jiang Laojiao.

Jiang Laozhu smiled inscrutably, "You don't believe me or you don't believe your father? Your father has never revealed anything in his affairs and has never been flawed in his life. How could he leave a hole for you and let you take advantage of the loopholes! Your Tang Lei Older than the fourth, ah no, they are still the same age, can they beat you?"

Tang Dajiang still held his momentum and urged: "If you have my father's will, you can bring it out and let us talk about it..."


Tang Chen was in a daze, feeling that he had caught something.Looking back on his memory, it seems that Jiang Laozhen had confessed something to himself.Tang Chen seemed to understand the conversation between Tang Dajiang and Jiang Laojia just now, but one thing is certain.That is,; related to my own home.... ...It seems to have a connection with my own home....

"What connection? Tang's small courtyard...?"

Tang Chen was suspicious.Puzzled.Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian were under the coercion of the principal, constantly urging Tang Chen to leave.

Tang Chen was helpless, he still wanted to eavesdrop for a while longer.As a result, Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian, one on the left and one on the right, were holding each other, and they were dragged away.

When I got home, the lights of Lin's house had been turned off.The Tang family also turned off the lights.

It's too common for a young man to escape with urine.Adults don't care about it either.

Tang Chen crept back to his east room, and quietly touched the kang.When I got under the covers, what came to my mind was the scenes of the school, more of which was taught by Lin Xifeng today, a lot of so-called mathematical knowledge like the veins of a fire mulberry leaf...

A few vicious fights....

...and those pretty girls, with big watery eyes, and fluffy fair skin...The lower abdomen is fiery, complicated, one after another.

Tang Chen fell into a deep sleep.Unexpectedly, there was no time left to sort out the memories of the scene in the mill...

"Enough, enough...!"

The Terminator of Darkness, facing the white belly in the east, sang loudly and Xiaobai [Song of Light], loudly praising the beauty of dawn.Sleepy just fled, and was defeated by the big rooster general.

Jin Chan also ended her dream, got up with sleepy eyes, got up early to prepare meals, and greeted Tang Dahai and Tang Chen to get up.

After washing, Tang Chen wolfed down all the food in front of him.Unfinished business.

But then his eyes lit up.

... Jin Chan stuffed half a bag of milk powder into his schoolbag.

Tang Chen was secretly delighted.Sigh, this is a snack I made for me when I went to school because I was afraid that my brain would be tired.

This idea is too beautiful, but also wishful thinking.

After Jin Chan turned and went out, Tang Chen just reached into his schoolbag, wanting to take out milk powder, pinch a puppy or something, and eat it.Unexpectedly, Jin Chan turned around and went back to the house with a cleaned milk bottle in her hand.


Jin Chan opened Tang Chen's claws and warned sharply, "Don't steal Tang Yuan's milk powder. I'll beat you up when my sister comes back hungry..."

Then, Jin Chan folded a few diapers and stuffed them into Tang Chen's schoolbag together with the feeding bottle.

Tang Chen's thoughts plunged from the clouds back to the mud under his feet.He looked sadly at Tang Yuan who was on the kang.

Tang Yuan sucked the pacifier happily, her face was as pink and tender as a big flower.

She was still young, and she didn't have much agility in walking, so she couldn't understand Tang Chen's inner sadness.

"...I'll see you off to school today. Of course, your father and I will see you off if you have time. But when you don't have time to see you off, you have to carry your sister to school by yourself. Remember?"

Jin Chan was busy with her hands and feet, and her mouth was also busy, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Roar.Just grabbed the ear directly.Reminder.

"...You don't have the urge to strangle Tang Yuan? Do you want to? Have you thought about it...?"

Lin Jingxian's teasing voice still echoed in his ears.Tang Chen's mood fell to the bottom.At this time, if it is difficult to say that the mood is complicated, it is this.


Tang Chen's head was pounding, he didn't know how he got from home to school.Numbly, he took Tang Yuan and hugged her in his arms.Walking mechanically on two legs, he walked towards the classroom.He looked at the red as blood fire mulberry tree guarding the school forest.

"If this was yesterday, how could I escape? I must be beaten to death."

Jin Chan saw that Tang Chen was not in state, and was absent-minded.Very worried.Three steps in two, catch up, grab Tang Yuan, and send Tang Chen directly to the door of the classroom.

"Are you right? Why are you in the third grade?" Jin Chan was bewildered.

Tang Chen sighed, and dryly said, "I've never heard of skipping a grade!"

Tang Chen turned and left, leaving Jin Chan in a mess in the autumn wind, the leaves of the fire mulberry tree scraped her hair, she didn't even notice it.It wasn't until I saw Baimao that...

"...Fourth Aunt, let me say you, you, you and Fourth got into school...what do you think? Tang Feng and I are only a child of Bai! "

Baimao is actually many years older than Jinchan.But Jin Chan's seniority is there.He is not good at talking deeply.A look of grief and indignation.He shook his head and entered the classroom.


(End of this chapter)

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