Shushan Wushen

Chapter 577 If you are poor, you want to change

Chapter 577 If you are poor, you want to change

Ben is getting paid today!Tonight, catch up with the big lucky draw in the group, iPhoneX!Tencent limited edition doll....all…….

Explosive update!Explosive update!Explosive update!Say important things three times! ! !Hehe~!Speaking of today, I took a peek at the book friend group.I'm going to update, you just do that, that, hehe~~!I explode!I'm mad at you!hey-hey…….

The three models are approaching, in fact, I am under great pressure.It's just that I'm flattered by the crazy subscriptions during this period of time.Did not say!As the old saying goes, if you don't leave, I will never give up!

I wish book friends, happy weekend!The fifth watch is here!

The autumn wind is coming.The treetops are less and less green, and the fire mulberry leaves are more red.The leaves of the fire mulberry tree are falling like flames, is it lighting up a season?


Did it ignite Jin Chan's pretty face, and also ignite Jin Chan's heart?Jin Chan's heart was on fire, unspeakably hot.She really wanted to yell.Questioning God is so unfair.

She didn't... reflect on herself, and faced up to the fact that all of this was caused by her willful actions and self-indifference.Instead... a paranoid condemnation of fate.

"If I have money, I can hire a nanny for Tang Yuan. I don't have to be insulted like today!"

The 22-year-old Jin Chan still has the unrealistic fantasies of a girl.She stubbornly believed that if she could do it herself, she would definitely be able to do it.As long as she is willing to work hard, there is always a shackle in this world that she can break free from.

She thinks that this world is a shackle, and she wants to break the shackles desperately.

last night.Jiang Laobao came over in the middle of the night and asked for a loan.Baogen's daughter-in-law coughed so badly that she spurted blood.Misfortunes never come singly, Jiang Baogen sprained his ankle again and had to be sent to the hospital.

However, Tang Dahai and his wife were struggling to live, so where would they have the money to lend him Jiang Laojiao.

Old Jiang came back angrily. Before leaving, he glanced at Tang Yuan who was on the kang, and sighed deeply: "This life is for you... Sigh! A weasel lays a bean pestle, a lifetime is not as good as a lifetime. "

Tang Dahai's face suddenly changed, and he tossed and turned all night.Preoccupied.Jin Chan gritted her silver teeth.When I woke up to cook in the morning, my gums were swollen.

"Money, money, money...! Money~!"

Jin Chan shouted again in her heart, roaring.Last night, Mr. Jiang slammed the door heavily...Boom!

At that moment, there was the sound of Bai Mao slamming the door...Boom!

The roaring sound trembled and amplified infinitely, drumming in her heart.Jin Chan smiled wryly.Laugh with tears. "Isn't it just money?"

Her steps suddenly became easier.There was a trace of coldness at the corner of his mouth.A strange scene flickered in the eyes.That's the cobbler shop sales department, that piles of cash flow!
There were crowds of people on the banknote, as if to show that all living beings are here for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit.

A piece of fur has a market value of several thousand yuan.The cheapest is several hundred yuan.In the name of a fur factory, the cobbler's shop exports furs from the Raksha country, costing thousands or even ten thousand yuan a piece.

How lucrative the profits are!

It's not that Jin Chan hasn't thought about it, and it's not that Tang Dahai hasn't thought about it.But when people are not in a hurry, some things are just to think about.

Heartbeat and action are two different things.

Today, Jin Chan was supposed to go to work.Stimulated by last night and this morning.She was decisively absent from work.Went directly to Kongjiaxiang Meat Restaurant.

Kong Fanyi, Tang Dahu's second uncle, shopkeeper of Kong Jiaxiang Meat Restaurant.Seeing Jin Chan approaching from a distance, he felt very strange.

When Jin Chan walked in, he still frowned, and didn't even have time to say hello.

Jin Chan smiled slightly: "Her uncle, what are you thinking about?"

Kong Fanyi is an inquisitor, he is obviously a man, but he is like a mother-in-law, he likes to gossip about the parents and the west.

"Fourth daughter-in-law, why didn't you go to work? Did you quarrel? Did something happen to Jiang's family and you went to visit?"

His eyes wandered, his face was full of speculation, and his mouth was full of temptation.

Jin Chan knew that he had such a temper, but in fact he was still recruiting.Then he said solemnly: "Second brother, it's autumn for you, how many yellow dogs are there?"

When Kong Fanyi heard about his tavern, he beamed decisively.

"A lot! Hasn't the cobbler's shop had orders from the Raksha Kingdom in recent years. I'll give you an extra [-] cents for the yellow dog. When the leather is delivered to the cobbler's shop, the factory manager is very happy. It's smooth to settle the payment for me. He also said that it's open." If you buy it, you want as much as you have!...Why do you want to raise a dog? I will ask you for some yellow puppies. Do you want to raise it?"

"Hehehe..." Jin Chan was amused by Kong Fanyi.Those who run restaurants are either good-mouthed or bad-mouthed, but there is one thing, they must be warm-hearted.Even if the mouth is not warm.

Kong Fanyi did this very well.

Jin Chan said with a smile: "Second brother, I don't want a pup, I want a dog skin. Your yellow dog skin is expensive, so I don't want it. How much is a dog skin of other colors?"

Kong Fanyi waved his hand: "Why is there no money? Are you going to make leather clothes for Tang Chen? Then take it. Relatives, you still call me second brother, there is no reason for me to take money from you!"

"No, no, no! Dear relatives are relatives and wealth is wealth. I am helping others to make leather clothes. By the way, that family said that they will only give you money after the snow sells the food." Jin Chan said taking advantage of the situation.

Kong Fanren smiled and said: "Yellow dog skins are collected by the cobbler, other colors of dog skins are not accepted by the fur factory. I shave off the fur and marinate them. They are tough and chewy. I usually serve wine to regular customers. Hehe, what do you want?" If you want wow, that's fine, then when I kill the dog, I'll take off the whole sheet and keep it for you. How many sheets do you want...?"

At Sanjiao Town Middle School, Tang Dajiang sat cross-legged in the principal's office, holding a photo in one hand.With the other hand, the usually meticulous hair was torn into a mess, like weeds.

"Father! You are too cruel..."

Tang Dajiang looked up to the sky and sighed.

Opposite Jiang Laojiao's sallow face, there was a cold expression: "1000 yuan. This has never happened."

Snapped!Tang Dajiang slammed the photo on the table, then realized something, and lowered his voice desperately.

"Uncle Jiang, how can I have so much money? The whole of Sanjiao Town is thinking about it. Except for the cobbler shop, which unit can immediately spend 1000 yuan? Let alone ordinary citizens of the empire?"

Jiang Laojiao is asking for a lot of money and paying back the money on the spot.With a sad smile: "Okay, Dajiang, I won't make things difficult for you. Give me another 100 yuan, and you can keep the photos."

Tang Dajiang was trembling with anger, and growled in a low voice: "I want the suicide note left by my father. What's the use of you giving me the photo? I want the suicide note."

Jiang Laozhen shook his head, "It's not negotiable, give me 100 yuan this time, and I'll settle the hospitalization expenses first. By the way, the [-] yuan yesterday is treated as you visiting your brother and his wife Baogen."

"You're extorting!" Tang Dajiang raised his hand to slap the table, with bulging veins on his face and hands, obviously angry.

Jiang Laojiao glared: "What are you talking about? Report to the official if you have the ability."

Tang Dajiang slumped back to his chair like a deflated ball.Raise your hand: "Alas~! Up to fifty. Is there more!"

"Okay! Fifty is fifty, let me rescue the emergency first! Alas~~." Jiang Laojin sighed with a sad expression on his face.

"IOUs! IOUs must be issued." Tang Dajiang moved a pen and tore off a piece of paper.

Jiang Laobao didn't move, stared at Tang Dajiang, and said calmly: "Okay, give me the photo. My trouser pocket is shallow and there is a big hole. I might lose it before I get home..."

Tang Dajiang was resentful, he squeezed the pen with his big hand, his knuckles turned white: "Kacha" broke, Chi Chi..., the ink in one hand splashed all over his face.Like a ghost from hell, very ferocious.

(End of this chapter)

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