Shushan Wushen

Chapter 579 Digging the wall

Chapter 579 Digging the wall

I wish book friends, happy weekend!Zijin Xingchen rolls up her sleeves... it will be delivered at five o'clock today!Today is the fifth watch!

The three models are approaching, in fact, I am under great pressure.It's just that I'm flattered by the crazy subscriptions during this period of time.Did not say!As the old saying goes, if you don't leave, I will never give up!

Explosive update!Explosive update!Explosive update!Say important things three times! ! !Hehe~!Speaking of today, Saturday..., I spied on the book friend group again.Decisively update it!So what, what, hey~~!I'm mad at you!hey-hey…….

Tang Chen swept his mind, planned out an 'escape' route, went down to the ground, and went up to the kang, dexterously like a monkey.

Jin Chan was so angry that she had nowhere to vent her anger, and finally picked up a feather duster and slashed Tang Dahai a few times.

Tang Dahai snatched back the feather duster...

At this moment, as soon as the door opened, Mrs. Lin entered the room, and she laughed heartily: "Oh, it's scary~. It's so lively. Hahaha..."

Only then did Jin Chan and Tang Dahai give up, and hurriedly asked Mrs. Lin to sit down.

Aunt Lin didn't sit down, she opened her palm, and there was a pen: "The child is going to school, and I, as a teacher's wife, don't show anything. This is a pen issued by the unit to us accountants. I have one. Enough, this one, just use it for Tang Chen to practice calligraphy. Hehehe..."

In fact, there is an outhouse between the east house and the west house.Standing in the outhouse, the east and west hatchbacks, talking and chatting, there is no sound insulation.Aunt Lin obviously felt that Tang Dahai and his wife were mean to Tang Chen.This was another helping hand.

Tang Chen took Aunt Lin's pen in surprise, "Thank you, Mrs.

"Study hard. Get your master into a good university. Don't disappoint your brain." Aunt Lin fondled Tang Chen's big ears, not even willing to touch his head.Lest it affect IQ.

"In this way, I will have two pens. One for calligraphy practice and one for homework." Tang Chen was full of thoughts, his face full of satisfaction.Bright eyes.

"Hehehe." Aunt Lin grinned meaningfully and left with a smile.

Sure enough, Jin Chan snatched the golden pen, climbed onto the kang, and stuffed it back into the small box.

"If you have one, that's fine. That one is a gold pen. You can use it when you grow up."

Tang Chen pouted, feeling very wronged.However, seeing Tang Dahai brushing the feather duster unobtrusively, he raised his eyebrows.Shut up decisively.

Jin Chan's state today is a bit abnormal.Very restless.Because she has something on her mind.When the moment subsided, she directly discussed with Tang Dahai.

It's a negotiation, but it's actually a decision.The content is nothing more than the specific implementation of the division of labor.

Tang Dahai jumped off the kang, bent over and fiddled with those dog skins in the corner of the room.Finally nodded, and said domineeringly: "Just do as you say."

"Yeah." Jin Chan returned to a normal state.

Tang Dahai is a regular worker in the cobbler's shop, taking care of fur is a specialty.It is precisely because of his exceptional craftsmanship that he was promoted to the warehouse manager of the factory.He was ordered to control the fur level of the entire cobbler's shop.This is a very important position.

Tang Dahai did not disappoint his craftsmanship.A few days later, he combed this batch of dog skins very beautifully.There is no flaw, and it has completely reached the standard for exporting to Rakshasa.

Fur shaping is just one important step.And sewing, also very important.Tang Dahai cut the fur into radial strips.

Then, number it.

According to the number, small strips are sewn one by one.Every step is extremely careful and attentive.This is the most top-secret method in the fur industry, [Chuan Dao]!
The furs sewn by string knives have the same hair needles.It is extremely flat and not easily deformed.

Originally, Tang Dahai's method was only occasionally used on Tang Chen.For example, the mink fur coat and donkey skin pants that Tang Chen wore in winter were made by Tang Dahai himself.

The so-called poverty leads to change, Jin Chan is also fighting.She strives to use the money she earns to redeem her inner imbalance.

However, she hadn't figured out at all what foundation her self-emergence would be based on!

Jin Chan was born in the Tang family, and worked in the sales department of the cobbler's shop, and her interpersonal relationship was very good.

She took the fur coat made by Tang Dahai and went straight to work.

Jin Chan's image and temperament are very good, so in the sales department, she is doing sales.She directly took out her fur coat and hung it in a conspicuous place.

The store is already overcrowded.If you do more or less, the salary you should get is the salary.Selling one more item and selling one less item has nothing to do with the money in your pocket.

Drinking water, chatting, and getting needles became my three hobbies.

After all, the cobbler's shop is rich and powerful, and it doesn't expect the sales department to make much profit.It is purely to solve the employment problem in Xiasanjiao Town.

The location of the sales department is good.It's autumn now.Many people plan ahead and start choosing winter fur.

The fur made by Tang Dahai is not to mention the craftsmanship.Only the fur is black.And gray and white.Anyway, there is no yellow.

Because the yellow dog fur is more expensive.

The reason is very simple.People in Raksha country have yellow hair, so they like yellow dog fur coats.

"Huh? This black fur is so beautiful."

The two citizens who came in to pick out furs showed surprise on their faces.Jin Chan walked over and smiled kindly.

"How, do you like it? You can try it."

"Really? Can you really try it?" The two customers were pleasantly surprised.Rubbing hands excitedly.

There was a salesperson next to him, who was puzzled and lowered his head and whispered: "What's the matter with Jin Chan today, so enthusiastic? She even asked someone to try it on?"

Someone confidently told the truth: "Acquaintances. I ordered the style here again, and went to the factory to find an acquaintance to get the internal price. Don't bother, let's talk about ours."

"I heard that Zhang's daughter-in-law gave birth to a big girl, and that big dimple..."

"The Li family also gave birth to a litter of piglets..."


While the salesperson was talking nonsense, Jin Chan completed the first transition in her life.A gray and white fur coat was sold for [-] yuan.

This price is nearly half cheaper than the same product in the factory!
Jin Chan quietly picked up this huge sum of money, without the excitement and happiness that she imagined.It's more about calculating where the money should be spent.

Dog skin checkout….Then buy dog ​​skins....

milk powder…….

I owe Tang Dahu ten dollars...

"Ai~~." She sighed leisurely, with a huge sum of money in her pocket, she didn't have the confidence to hire a nanny.

After Jin Chan finished fiddling with the display of goods, she joined in the chat.None of the salesmen noticed that a rich woman beside her was born quietly.

The production of fur is all done by hand, and it is very time-consuming to complete it by one person.

After discussing with Tang Dahai, Jin Chan simply bought a large amount of raw hides at once.The bloody dog ​​skin was uniformly made into fur.Tang Dahai can also improve labor efficiency.

As a result, the east room of Tang Chen's family was like a slaughterhouse, with an extremely stench.

"Smelly! It's too stinky, I have a headache!" Tang Chen couldn't stop protesting.

Even Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian couldn't take it anymore: "Uncle Tang, Aunt Tang, what are you doing in your house? This smell is too... vomit..."

(End of this chapter)

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