Shushan Wushen

Chapter 580 Desperate Destruction

Chapter 580 Desperate Destruction

In fact, I am a little flattered by the ever-increasing number of subscriptions.Did not say!As the old saying goes, if you don't leave, I will never give up!It's just that during this period of time, the three models are approaching, and the pressure is also enormous.

I wish book friends, happy weekend!Zijin Xingchen rolls up her sleeves... it will be delivered at five o'clock today!Explosive update!Explosive update!Explosive update!Say important things three times! ! !
Hehe~!Speaking of today, Saturday..., I spied on the book friend group again.Decisively update it!So what, what, hey~~!I'm mad at you!hey-hey…….

In a corner of the Tang family's house, there are three large tanks placed side by side.It is filled with chemical liquid.All bloody dog ​​skins need to be soaked here.

This is an essential step in tanning the fur.

Tang Chen swept across the big vat with force, and immediately became dizzy.There is no need to move the nostrils, the pungent smell just blows over the face.

Every time Tang Chen came home, he didn't like to stay in the house.Tang Chen was terrified by that drowsy feeling.A few times, when he finally woke up in the morning, his nose was bleeding blood.

Until one day, Tang Dahai brought back a bucket of additives.Encountered by Lin Xifeng, Tang Chen knew what the hell it was.


"You're formaldehyde! Dahai, are you dying? Why did you get so many of these things back, throw them away quickly!" Lin Xifeng roared.

Tang Dahai was stunned and shocked: "Brother Lin, this is the soaking solution that must be used for tanning fur. Without him, we can't work."

Lin Xi shook her head straightly: "What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind! Compared with life, the value created by hard work is worthless! It's even a negative number!"

Jin Chan ran out of the room and hurriedly smoothed things over: "Brother Lin, don't get angry, we're not just playing tricks, we want to improve our lives. Tang Yuan's milk powder, Tang Chen's tuition fees, he can still eat so much, so it doesn't cost money. "

"Money? Money! You just recognize money!" Lin Xifeng roared, waving his fists, his hair was scrupulously meticulous, and the stormy waves hit the shore.

Tang Dahai's face turned cold, neither humble nor overbearing: "That's enough! Mr. Xifeng, you support two children, and I also support two children. How much do you and your sister-in-law pay each month? How much do Jin Chan and I pay each month. You are rich. Is it too tight? What about us? The little Tang Yuan still needs to eat milk powder. Needless to say, the big one, Tang Chen’s appetite is tied with Jing Xian’s, even if I add my appetite, it’s also Can't compare to him alone!"

Lin Xifeng raised his hand and stroked his hair, snorted coldly, and opened his fingers: "Okay! Dahai, if you say that, then I will tell you. You feel that you have a heavy burden, right? Then let me ask you, why did you give birth to this baby?" Tang Yuanlai? Say it! Say it! Say it! Could it be that Tang Chen is not good enough? If he, Tang Chen, wants to make Hao Yunlai's family look like the big boy and the little boy, I won't say anything about you. But Tang Chen..."

Jin Chan waved her hand roughly, and said resolutely: "Brother Lin, don't talk about it. You and I know very well that you always prefer Tang Chen so much, and you are even closer to Tang Chen than Jing Ran and Jing Xian. Let's see all of this. In my eyes. Tang Chen is your disciple, we understand that you prefer Tang Chen, but why can't we have Tang Yuan?"

"You don't have that economic strength! You don't have many conditions!" Lin Xifeng said the truth with a wave of his arm.

Without waiting for Tang Dahai and Jin Chan to speak again, Lin Xifeng spoke earnestly and said with all his heart, "Tang Chen is so outstanding, his memory and comprehension ability are beyond those of his peers. You don't need many good kids, just one is enough to honor your ancestors. You are confused!"

Tang Dahai smiled coldly: "Confused? All I know is that having more children means more blessings! Tang Chen is so edible... We stewed five catties of beef in the past few days. We didn't guard against him. We went out to wash vegetables and worked hard before coming back , The beef doesn’t even have soup! Ten catties of beef! I don’t even have enough salary for a month. It’s all eaten in a blink of an eye. There’s no soup left. If we count on him, we’ll starve to death!”

"...Hiss!" Lin Xifeng put his hand on his forehead, a little speechless.

Indeed, with Tang Chen's appetite, it is really not easy for ordinary people to support him.If you don't pay attention, you can go bankrupt.

Tang Dahai is not an ignorant person, after all, Tang Chen is his own son.It is understandable for Lin Xifeng to defend Tang Chen and demand rights and interests for his disciples.

But in the final analysis, Tang Chen is a child of the Tang family.For Lin Xifeng's feelings for Tang Chen, no matter from which aspect, the Tang family must be grateful.

Because, everything Lin Xifeng did to Tang Chen was selfless.

Tang Dahai said with a smile: "Hahaha, Brother Lin, you said that we two, one is a father and the other is a teacher, because of this brat, we are so anxious and red-faced. This kid is really lucky." ...."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Xifeng interrupted brazenly: "What is fate? Fate is only in your own hands! Relying on parents, relying on children, that is relying on others. Tang Chen is very talented, different from ordinary people. As long as you perform the duties normally The responsibility of parents, he can definitely grow to a level that you can't even imagine."

Jin Chan was a little impatient, but Tang Dahai's obviously apologetic smile just now eased the atmosphere.However, Lin Xifeng refused to go down the steps.

"Brother Lin, why don't we fulfill our parents' obligations? Are we not normal? With Tang Chen's abnormal appetite, most people would have starved to death."


Lin Xifeng viciously stretched out a finger, and tapped Jin Chan's nose heavily, and then tapped Tang Dahai. The veins on his arms were protruding, and the veins were bulging at the corners of his eyes and forehead, obviously agitated.

"Destroy? What did we destroy him for? We..." Jin Chan refused to give in.

Lin Xifeng roared: "Tang Chen's growth requires physical and mental growth together. What about you? Body and mind, which aspect is not destroying him with all your might?"

Tang Dahai shook his head resolutely.Resolutely deny.

Jin Chan took a step forward and asked for a theory.

Lin Xifeng held up his palms, and said every sentence with force and force: "First of all, let's talk about the soul. Every child is an independent individual. They should have the carefree childhood and the hard work of a teenager. You are also like this. Come here."

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan remained calm and noncommittal.

Lin Xifeng raised his hand, sighed, and said, "Okay, let me put it this way. Before the two of you went to school, your residence was fixed. As far as I know, one of you lives in the small courtyard of the Jin family, and the other lives in the Tang Dynasty. The big courtyard of the Jin family. When Jin Chan left the pavilion, she sold the small courtyard of the Jin family and made it a dowry, right?"

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan nodded at the same time.This is the truth.undeniable.

Lin Xifeng said: "So, you can't understand what kind of shock a child has suffered in his heart. What kind of thoughts and views he will have on life!"

"Tch~! It's so mysterious, what does he know?" Tang Dahai dismissed it very much.

Lin Xifeng shook his head, grinned, sighed helplessly, and said, "He didn't understand when he was seven years old, and he didn't understand when he was eight years old, but now he is about to be a fifth grade pupil, and he is nine years old. He also takes his younger sister to school all day long." .What do you think he knows? Other classmates, each with a child, changing diapers, urinating shit, and listening to class? Doesn’t he care about the strange eyes of his classmates and teachers? "

"... Hiss!" Tang Dahai and Jin Chan couldn't help but frowned.

Lin Xifeng pursed his lips, hesitated a little, and finally said firmly: "I have never seen a child like Tang Chen in my life. Please, please, don't ruin him with your life!"

"I'll hire a nanny for Tang Yuan, and I won't let Tang Chen take her to school." Jin Chan has gained money in the past two years, and she has enough confidence.I swear by it.

Lin Xifeng waved his hands, shook his head, and said, "No need, it's too late! It's like a branch with cracked bark, he's used to this state, let him grow into a different kind of strange flower."

"This..." Tang Dahai and Jin Chan looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Lin Xifeng said solemnly: "I have been paying attention to Tang Chen secretly. He is very extraordinary and has already smoothed over his classmates. Tang Yuan is actually all of Tang Chen's classmates, and they took turns taking them with him. He has already integrated into their four-year class. gone."

"Ah, that's it! That saved a lot of money." Jin Chan felt relieved.

Tang Dahai also showed a gratified smile.

"You guys!" Lin Xifeng shook his head.

"The spiritual aspect just mentioned is just a corner. Remember last year? Tang Chen was physically punished in the winter, and he was thrown outside to be frozen. If his hands and feet are damaged by freezing, he can be healed. But what if his brain is damaged by freezing? Have you ever thought about it? ?”

"The brain can still be frozen?... I don't believe that!" Tang Dahai shook his head resolutely.

Jin Chan nodded suspiciously, "I don't believe it either."

Lin Xifeng shook his head and smiled wryly: "Let's talk about physical injuries. Tang Chen's memory has been severely damaged by you. His comprehension ability is not as good as before."

"What? How did this happen? Didn't he get perfect marks in the last exam? Could it be that this kid is cheating? See if I don't beat him to death!" Tang Dahai was furious, waving his fist as big as a casserole.

Lin Xifeng sternly said: "With that little knowledge in school, if you don't get full marks in subjects, are you still my Lin Xifeng's disciple? What I taught him was calculus! Besides beating him and restricting him from eating, what else can you do?" Do not?"

Tang Dahai wanted to ease the atmosphere, and said with a smile, "I can still make some money for him."

"Tch~!" Lin Xifeng curled his lips in disdain: "With Tang Chen's future achievements, money means nothing to him."

"How do you live without money?" Jin Chan was puzzled.

Lin Xifeng was furious, and looked directly at Jin Chan: "Thanks to your father, you are still the Empire's meritorious general Mount Konggang. Serving for the empire, will the empire still eat and drink less for you? Money? You put formaldehyde in your house just to make money. , poisoned him day and night, he is not disabled, he is not bad!"

"It's not that serious." Jin Chan's words were clearly insincere.

"Tang Dahai! Remember! If you continue like this... sooner or later, you will hold grudges for life!"

Lin Xifeng saw that Tang Dahai and his wife did not have the sincerity of repentance, and roared angrily.

Then he said: "It's too easy to kill a genius. Just do it and cherish it. That's all I can say."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xifeng angrily pushed onto the bicycle and walked away.

A few steps away, in the vegetable garden, Tang Chen was holding half a tomato in his hand, with tears in his eyes.He has already felt the weakness of his body, and what he fears most now is sleeping in the east room.

Every time he wakes up, he feels that his brain is blank, and it takes a long time to remember those people, things that need to be remembered, and the knowledge taught by Lin Xifeng.

In class, he is always listless and sleepy.Drowsy all day long, unspeakably uncomfortable.

He had suspected for a long time that there was something weird about those three large tanks, but unexpectedly, it was really the real murderer.

(End of this chapter)

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