Shushan Wushen

Chapter 581 Fragrance of Flowers Body Tempering

Chapter 581 Fragrance of Flowers Body Tempering

In fact, I am a little flattered by the ever-increasing number of subscriptions.Did not say!As the old saying goes, if you don't leave, I will never give up!It's just that during this period of time, the three models are approaching, and the pressure is also enormous.

I wish book friends, happy weekend!Zijin Xingchen rolls up her sleeves... it will be delivered at five o'clock today!Explosive update!Explosive update!Explosive update!Say important things three times! ! !
Hehe~!Speaking of today, Saturday..., I spied on the book friend group again.Decisively update it!So what, what, hey~~!I'm mad at you!hey-hey…….


Tang Chen threw away half a tomato, hugged his arms, squatted on the ground, and cried silently.

He was very depressed, very sad.During these days, he often had some very weird ideas.He was thinking, why is there a me in this world?What am I?Where am I from?What is my mission?
If I die, will this world still exist?More importantly, if I die, where will I go?Where is the home!
What does it feel like to die?
This kind of thought pops up from time to time, leading him to search his brains and brains, thinking about it, and when he goes through all the past... .

Thinking hard.

I was frightened by myself, extremely astonished, how could I have such a weird idea?
So, Tang Chen hurriedly began to meditate again, thinking about Li Yiqi, thinking about Qi Yu, thinking about all the beautiful girls with fair skin and long legs in the class, to calm down his mood.

There are always good things in life.Worthy of nostalgia, worth tasting, worth calming down and meditating.

The sky in Sanjiao Town is gray and white, so my mood should not be gray, it must always be colorful.This kind of self-therapy became more and more frequent, and Tang Chen was terrified.

Nothing is more frightening than what Lin Xifeng said just now.

Tang Chen's various abilities dropped drastically.Those talents that are different from ordinary people have gradually drifted away.

Lin Jingran has already been admitted to a key high school in the city to study.Lin Jingxian and Tang Shuang started the third year of junior high school.Studying is stressful.It's been a long time since we played together.

Next year, they don't know where they will take the exam.It's not easy to meet again.

Tang Chen doesn't like playing with his peers very much.In fact, the youngest of his classmates was three years older than him.It's not surprising that you can't play with your peers.

However, to make matters worse, Li Yiqi's father has recently been transferred to work in the county.Li Yiqi rushed over to say goodbye to Tang Chen.

When the fifth grade starts, she will no longer appear in Sanjiao Town Primary School.Li Si'an arranged for her to transfer schools.The best elementary school in the county, Imperial Universe Elementary.

A sense of loneliness that I have never felt before arises spontaneously.

Tang Chen shivered in the scorching August sun.An unstoppable icy cold came unexpectedly, which made him tremble from the depths of his soul.

"Da Lin said that destiny is in one's own hands! Relying on parents, relying on children, that is relying on others. That's right! To be a man is to rely on yourself!"

Tang Chen gritted his teeth, he imagined himself as a piece of solid ice.A piece of ice that refuses to melt.

"I want to take the initiative to skip a level! Lin Jingxian and Tang Shuang will know it, I will know it, I will, Lin Jingxian and Tang Shuang will not. This is my strength. I want to skip a level!"

Tang Chen felt like a chick squeezed out of an eggshell.He seemed out of this world.But he had to exist in this world.

He is hungry and thirsty, he wants to grow.He wants to stay away from what he doesn't like and get close to what he likes.

Tang Chen held his head in his hands, his headache was about to split.He was afraid that the idea of ​​him skipping a grade was also an extremely weird idea, so he hurriedly checked his status.

Too many thoughts, too much energy consumption.He was definitely hungry.

He hurriedly picked off a tomato, wiped it a few times, and stuffed it into his mouth.One is not enough, just two, he swept the vegetable garden like crazy.

When you run out of tomatoes, you eat melons, when you run out of cantaloupe, you eat watermelon, and when you run out of watermelons, you eat radishes.When the radishes were gone, he climbed up the tree and grabbed the golden potatoes.

He didn't let go of the purple eggplants and green peppers.All stuffed into the stomach.

The hunger finally subsided, his lips turned white, the corners of his eyes turned purple, trembling, he jumped out of the vegetable garden and ran directly to the small courtyard of the Tang family.

He is looking for Tang Dajiang.

Tang Dajiang is his uncle and the principal of the middle school.He asked to skip a grade and had to go through this level.

Nine-year-old Tang Chen looked at the somewhat dilapidated small courtyard, and everywhere he looked, he felt a feeling of familiarity.It's been five years, and I haven't taken a good look at this small courtyard.

He was only four years old when he left the Tang family courtyard.At that time, Tang Chen didn't have a younger sister, and Tang Yuan was never born.Now, three-year-old Tang Yuan is already articulate and sweet, and can deceive people into eating and drinking.

The courtyard door was not closed, Tang Chen stepped into the courtyard.

The vegetable garden in the small courtyard of the Tang family is quite large.The combined vegetable gardens of the Tang family and the Lin family are less than half the size of this vegetable garden.

However, in such a large vegetable garden, not a single vegetable was planted.

Canna, broom plum, bunch of reds, tulips, Gesang flowers, blue roses, and colorful flowers compete for beauty.The fragrance of flowers hits people.

Tang Chen took a deep breath of the fragrance of flowers, which was refreshing.Tang Chen felt a pungent smell coming from the pores of his body.

This should be the toxin.

Floral detox, works great.With a flash of inspiration, Tang Chen got into the flowers.He took off his robe, exposing his pores to the air as much as possible.

Just like that, Tang Chen seemed to be swimming in a sea of ​​flowers.What he inhaled was the fragrance of flowers.Cleanse and scrub, the toxins of the body.

Gradually, a refreshing and transparent feeling slowly lingers in the bottom of my heart.Tang Chen felt that his body was not so cold anymore.

"Keep still like this, I guess the toxin can be almost eliminated before dark."

Tang Chen thought so.He sat still, and his mind gradually became clear.He simply released his thoughts and swept towards the rooms.


Tang Chen suddenly opened his eyes.There are swaying flowers in front of my eyes.

It wasn't the little bee on the stamen that shocked him.But the people in the house.

Jiang Laojiao was dangling a photo in his hand, smiling but not smiling, "... Dajiang, Baogen's daughter-in-law's medicine money is not enough, uncle can't help it this time, I really don't want to talk to you about it. Don't use this look Look at me..."

Tang Dajiang's eyes were red: "Old dog Jiang! How much money have you taken from me in the past two years? Tell me, do the math! You come here to ask for money even if you have something serious, every time you make such a photo You are so swaying, are you wicked or not? You said that my salary these years, I have time to hand it over to my family? Back and forth, you blackmailed me more than 1000 yuan. Since you have been blackmailing me, my family even bought meat. There is no money left..."

Tang Dajiang, he wants to cry but has no tears.In the past two years, Jiang Laojiao has suffered a lot.Desperate, has fallen into a state of madness.

"There's nothing I can do, isn't it? Baogen's daughter-in-law is very sick..." Jiang Laojiao was not in a hurry.Dangling photos.

Tang Dajiang clasped his fists and begged bitterly: "Uncle Jiang, do the math, how much money did you take from me? At the beginning you said you wanted 1000 yuan, but I said it wasn't that much. But this month fifty, two months one hundred Yes, you took away my salary for two years. One thousand two hundred and ten yuan, 1000 yuan more than what you asked for. Let me go, okay? Okay?"

"Bastard!" Jiang Laojiao was furious, pointing at Tang Dajiang and yelling: "You are still a teacher, and you are not a principal. You don't have a brain. Back then, you wanted to give me 1000 yuan directly. If you get divorced and marry another house, what worries you? It’s not you. If you don’t use the money to see a doctor for the tuberculosis ghost of Baogen’s family, you won’t die, and you won’t lay eggs. , people are not ghosts or ghosts. It makes me feel like blackmail. Do you think I want to?"

"You... you are shameless... extremely shameless! I... I have only seen it in my life!" Tang Dajiang's eyes were about to split, and he pointed like a halberd, trembling with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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