Shushan Wushen

Chapter 582 A Difficult Sutra

Chapter 582 A Difficult Sutra

In fact, I am a little flattered by the ever-increasing number of subscriptions.Did not say!As the old saying goes, if you don't leave, I will never give up!It's just that during this period of time, the three models are approaching, and the pressure is also enormous.

I wish book friends, happy weekend!
Zijin Xingchen rolled up his sleeves... Two more updates today!
Explosive update!Explosive update!After the three models, there will be more explosions!Say important things three times! ! !

Zhao Yijia said angrily: "Brother always puts on a smiley face and helps you manage all kinds of relationships. You don't talk about what you have ready-made, just say 'don't go', and it's over?"

"...And you do things like this? Do you know that elder brother and sister-in-law spent all of the family's money because of elder brother's work for you, and both of them turned upside down?"

"...It's fine if you don't appreciate it, at least there is me! But, isn't it that you are being stared at by Mr. Jiang, chasing after your ass and extorting money from you? Are you serious? You can't live through this day!"

Zhao Yijia threw away the handbag, muttered angrily, and sat down on the chair.

Tang Dajiang was more afraid of guilt, but just now he was stimulated and was beaten by Jiang Laojiao, and the stimulation became stronger.

His eyes were on fire, his face was red and his neck was thick: "But it's nothing! If it wasn't for your brother who forced me to separate the family, I wouldn't have such troubles. This house should belong to the fourth child! Even a fool can see what's going on?"

Zhao Yijia yelled: "Tang! You are so cheap and cute! You are too shameless. Uh? You dare to say anything, don't you? If you are capable, you should vacate the house and return it to Tang Laosi. This is a matter for your Tang family, our Zhao family has a foreign surname."

Tang Dajiang frowned, his face tensed.His nostrils were breathing heavily.

Zhao Yijia was familiar with Tang Dajiang's nature, so he changed the subject: "You, Tang Dajiang, are just like Tang Shuang, a white-eyed wolf. Pat your conscience, in order to let you live with five people and six people, with a decent appearance. My eldest brother will go to the county to take office Before, how many tricks were used to let you overwhelm Lin Xifeng and take the principal's seat. Lin Xifeng is still living in the public house now. You just eat up and don't admit it, don't you? You son of a bitch Tang Shuang, if you don’t do anything else, this is just as good as yours!”

Tang Dajiang sighed.Hands up in surrender.The army was defeated like a mountain.

"Let's cook, cook something delicious. Tang Shuang is taking tutoring at Tang Lei's house these days. All he eats are vegetarian dishes. Su Bai doesn't eat meat. The old son has starved to death."

"Hmph! I just know how to interrupt. Talking about my son makes me soft." Zhao Yijia stepped down from the donkey and glared at Tang Dajiang angrily.

Taking advantage of the situation, he asked again: "Is the house for sale?"

Just as Tang Dajiang was about to refuse, seeing Zhao Yijia's threatening eyes, he sighed and shouted impatiently, "Sell! Sell, sell, sell...!"

Zhao Yijia raised his eyebrows proudly, with all kinds of amorous feelings, raised his hands, and said, "We just didn't make a move on Tang Shuang. We sold our house and moved to the county, just to accompany Tang Shuang to go to school. Otherwise, his uncle's house would also Trouble. Sister-in-law is too lazy, she should just bury her, Tang Shuang's stomach was ruined..."

"Hi!" Tang Dajiang is not stupid, he sighed deeply: "Your elder brother is so smart, it's because we are afraid that our Tang Shuang will make him poor."

"What are you talking about? Why are you old Tang's family so vain? Then my family is your family?" Zhao Yijia was very angry.Show your teeth and claws.Gouging out and staring.

"Even if Tang Shuang goes to the county to go to high school, she can also live at Tang Dahu's house. How can he say that is his third uncle. Isn't Tang Shuang a descendant of the Tang family? Would it be possible to change her surname to Zhao if she went to our Zhao family?"

This is Zhao Yijia's unreasonable method.The so-called scholar meets soldier is justified and unclear.Tang Dajiang was very familiar with Zhao Yijia's tricks, but he couldn't find a way to crack them for endless years.

Tang Dajiang had a splitting headache and yelled angrily: "Then let Tang Shuang study in the middle school in the town!"

"Okay, you go to work in the county and leave my son in the town... You can do it, tell me, do you have someone outside, and someone gave birth to a son for you... You have no heart of……!"

Zhao Yijia made his own deduction, formed a conclusion, and regarded it as fact.Resolutely furious, with a loud roar, he grabbed Tang Dajiang's hair...

"You spitting blood!" Tang Dajiang roared angrily, raising his hands to parry...

Immediately, Tang Dajiang and Zhao Yijia were fighting, the main room of the Tang family courtyard, the floor was banging, small objects were flying around, the mirror was shattered, and it was a mess.

Tang Chen sighed, he hated such a scene the most.Putting on the robe, he got out of the flowers and quietly walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

Suddenly, a teapot, whoosh!The window lattice was smashed.The glass clattered and fell on the window sill.

Tang Chen turned his head hastily, he never expected to meet Zhao Yijia's eyes.

Tang Chen's eyesight was very good, he could clearly see Zhao Yijia's suddenly terrified expression.But Zhao Yijia didn't see Tang Chen clearly.However, she, Zhao Yijia, had a very quick brain reaction, and she realized that the content of the quarrel just now must have been overheard.

"Stop! Someone is in the hospital."

Zhao Yijia was so domineering that she didn't go through the main entrance, but jumped onto the kang, pushed open the screen window, jumped off the window sill, and ran directly towards Tang Chen.

If Tang Chen ran out of the courtyard on the spot, he would actually run away.Because Zhao Yijia didn't see who it was at all.However, Tang Chen saw Zhao Yijia clearly, he thought Zhao Yijia must have seen his face clearly.

"Tang Chen?!" Zhao Yijia ran to the middle of the small courtyard of the Tang family, and only then did he see Tang Chen's face clearly.

Tang Dajiang also ran out of the house.Seeing that it was Tang Chen, he was shocked.

"Chenchen, how long have you been here?"

Tang Chen has been in a daze for the past two years and is out of shape. If he had just entered the small courtyard of the Tang family, he would have answered truthfully whatever he asked.However, just now, the fragrance of flowers tempered his body, which gave him a lot of inspiration.

He also used the speech routine of talking about other things from left to right and avoiding the truth.

"Uncle, Tang Shuang and Lin Jingxian are going to be in the third year of junior high school, and I want to be in the third year of junior high school too. I will go to high school in the county next year."

When Tang Dajiang heard Tang Shuang was mentioned, compared with Tang Chen, who had excellent academic performance, he felt a huge sense of loss.He was fooled by Tang Chen to pass the test.

"Go to a high school in the county? You dare to lie to your uncle? Open your eyes and talk nonsense. Just you, and that old son of Lin Xifeng's family, Jing Xian, are they all fun? Don't think I don't know you three Sneaking around all day long. Learn from Lin Jingran. It’s been 20 years in Sanjiao Town, and only one city seedling has been tested. High school in the county? ! No prospect! Embarrass our old Tang family!"

Tang Dajiang was actually afraid that Tang Chen would spoil Tang Shuang...

This is a difficult scripture!
He, Tang Dajiang, and Lin Xifeng are both giants in Sanjiao Town Middle School.There is a big heart to be competitive in everything. Lin Jingran graduated from the third year of junior high school and was directly admitted to a high school in the city with excellent grades.It broke the record of going to higher education in Sanjiao Town.This made Tang Dajiang very embarrassed.

However, Tang Chen, Lin Jingran, Lin Jingxian, and Tang Shuang walked very close.The key point is that they all live in the area of ​​East Street, and they can hook up with Tang Shuang with just a whistling...

Therefore, Tang Dajiang has nothing to do.No!After the summer vacation, I was afraid that Tang Shuang would be hooked up by Tang Chen and Lin Jingxian from time to time to fool around.I simply sent Tang Lei's family to retreat for tutoring.

(End of this chapter)

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