Shushan Wushen

Chapter 585 Scattering wealth with 8 hexagram noodles

Chapter 585 Distributing wealth and gossip noodles

Tang's noodles are very particular.In fact, since Mr. Tang passed away five years ago, the Tang family has never made noodles again.

It's not that I haven't eaten noodles in five years, but the noodles I ate, not Tang's noodles.

Tang's noodles are very talkative.Following an ancient tradition.

Noodles are first, tiaoer.

The noodles must be rolled out by hand.Pay attention to uniform thickness and uniform width.And the most important thing is that Tang's noodles, after they are rolled out and cut, are not finished, they have to be soaked in warm water.

This is a technical job. It is necessary to throw the rolled noodles into warm water, and then roll the noodles one by one in the water evenly with the belly of your fingers~.Then fish out.

Not only that, but also connect all the noodles together.That is to say, no matter how many noodles are put into the pot at the end, in fact, there is only one strip!
This is the rule of the Tang family.The characteristics of Tangjia noodles.

However, the characteristics and rules are far more than these.

To eat noodles, you must have side dishes.The Tang family's dishes are quite particular.Still from ancient times.According to the genealogy records, the real name of Tang's noodles is "Sancai Bagua Noodles!"

That noodle is one piece, that is to say; the beginning of one yuan, the beginning of chaos.

And this menu code corresponds to gossip, which is divided into Ming gossip and dark gossip.

Therefore, there are sixteen small butterflies in the dish code, and all of them are indispensable to form a hexagram.If it is made, it cannot be called Tangjia noodles.

Dark gossip; Hugh (cucumber shreds), raw (bean sprouts), injury (radish shreds), Du (bean sprouts), King (dried tofu), dead (garlic shreds).Jing (chopped green onion), Kai (bean shreds),

Ming Bagua; Gan (breast meat slices), Kan (shrimp slices), Gen (fungus fungus sesame oil), Zhen (yuba slices), Xun (ginger powder), Li (yellow green beans), Kun (chilli powder), and Dui (cooked sesame seeds).

There are also the three talents of heaven, earth and man, which are dishes and side dishes; Tian (stir-fried poultry eggs with leeks), ground (sliced ​​fish fillets), and people (deep-fried gluten caramel and vinegar sauce).

These are the rules and routines that the Tang family has passed down for endless years.

Generally speaking, Tangjia noodles must be eaten during the Chinese New Year.What I want to say solemnly is that I would rather not eat dumplings, but also have a meal of Sancai Bagua noodles.Otherwise, it’s not called Chinese New Year!However, with the death of Mr. Tang, this custom became obsolete.

No one follows the old rules and etiquette.

When Mr. Tang was alive, Bagua Sancai noodles could not be made casually.According to the rules, there are three situations where you can make noodles and eat noodles.

The first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, or the 24 solar terms, or the major festivals.This is a situation.

There are also two situations, one is that the Tang family has a birthday or death day.The last one is to entertain the supreme VIP.

However, today is neither the first day nor the fifteenth day, nor is it one of the 24 solar terms, or even a festival.However, the two sisters-in-law of the Tang family worked together to make Sancai Bagua noodles.

In fact, festival is 'kalpa'!Solar terms means 'abandoning all'!
It is really not suitable to make Sancai Bagua noodles if it does not meet the three conditions.That is, scattered wealth gossip noodles.It is indeed... violating the order of heaven.

"It's been five years, and I'm finally sitting at our table again, brothers and sisters eating Tang's noodles together."

Tang Dahai and Tang Dajiang were very emotional.One mouthful of noodles, one mouthful of wine.Memories of the past.

When Mrs. Tang was alive, the Tang family's concubines and women's families were not allowed to eat at the main table.After Mrs. Tang passed away, no one followed this rule.

Even Tang Yuan was sitting on a raised chair, "Chi Liu Liu..." eating noodles.

Zhao Yijia kept praising the two children of Tang Dahai's family, "Look at how well Tang Yuan eats, she really looks like a big girl. Jin Chan, Tang Yuan looks like you, and she will definitely be a beauty in the future. I might be fascinated by which big girl." What about the young master. Take a look, our Tang Yuan is destined to be a young mistress!"

"Hehehe~, let me borrow a good word from my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law's mouth has been opened, so what can I say! Hehehe~~."

Jin Chan was also pleasing, and complimented Zhao Yijia after accepting auspicious words.

"Tang Chen is really good at studying. He really gave our Tang parents a face. Every time Tang Feng and his white cat come back, they always say that Tang Chen is good, tsk tsk, my nephew, I can't be wrong. Can't be wrong! The Tang family will look at you and Tang Shuang from now on~~."

As Zhao Yijia said, he picked up a piece of bad fish fillet with chopsticks and stuffed it into Jin Chan's bowl.

Jin Chan was about to speak, but was pressed into her stomach by the chopsticks, "Sister-in-law, eat more, just pick it up for me. There are not many chopsticks on the plate."

Zhao Yijia smiled kindly and said, "Our family's conditions are good, and there is no shortage of mouths. How tight are the two of you to support these two babies? You see, Chenchen's eyes are shining. Usually, what do you do to the children? How about it?"

"He, he was delivered by a placenta. He eats fast and eats a lot. If he doesn't eat up, he won't give up. He's not in a hurry. Besides, our conditions are good now. We still have money." Jin Chan smiled. to deal with.She blushed slightly.Some excited, but also some proud.

Zhao Yijia observed his words and pouted his lips on purpose: "False words! I don't know how much you earn? You just want to be strong, and you want to save face and suffer. You were still in the yard just now, why were you shouting? If we make an offer, you will still buy the Tang family. The compound or something. Don’t be afraid of the jokes of the neighbors in the neighborhood! Don’t be so…”

Jin Chan swallowed hard the noodles in her mouth, smiled sweetly, and said heartily: "Really. I'm not talking nonsense. If you want to sell me, I will really buy it! Giggle..."

Zhao Yijia showed a weird smile, shook his head, and said earnestly: "Jin Chan, we can say whatever we want when we close the door, be a human being, be more prudent and down-to-earth, and don't let the neighbors gossip about us behind our backs..."

Jin Chan giggled and leaned back, put down her chopsticks, her eyes gleaming: "Honestly, sister-in-law, are you and elder brother willing to sell this old house?"

Tang Dajiang saw Zhao Yijia's routine, but he felt it was unrealistic.

"Jin Chan, why don't you pay your sister-in-law for a drink. If you're happy, maybe your sister-in-law really sold our house to you."

These words imply sarcasm and humiliation, meaning ha, that is to say; you, Jin Chan, have not been drinking, and you are already in high spirits.I'm out of tune.

This is reprimand.It is a language routine used by the Tang family. It does not hurt people's face, but it is thought-provoking.

Tang Dahai recognized it immediately.This is Tang Dajiang sullen.

He put down his chopsticks and stood up for his mother-in-law decisively, with a solemn expression on his face: "Brother, sister-in-law, Tang Chen's mother, what he said was too straightforward. But, that's because we are a family. There is no need to go round and round Yes, what she said is also what I want to say. These years, we have only made some money in the past two years. You see, if you sell the old house, I should still be able to afford it. "

Tang Dajiang's face sank, and he put down his chopsticks: "Don't play tricks!"

Tang Dahai didn't change his face, and said calmly: "Anyone who wants to play tricks is a stick!"

Zhao Yijia hit the nail on the head: "Our yard, if it is less than 1 yuan, we won't sell it."

"You're robbing! Including the furniture, it's only 6000 yuan." Jin Chan blurted out.

Tang Dajiang and Zhao Yijia glanced at each other hastily, with a twinkle in their eyes.

With one voice: "Deal!"

"What? Are you really going to sell it?" Jin Chan was dumbfounded.

Tang Dahai was very decisive, and of course there was an element of showing off: "Brother and sister-in-law, what do you mean? If you really want to sell this old house for [-], I'll let Jin Chan go back to get the money now."

Tang Dajiang and Zhao Yijia also felt that they were too urgent and not reserved enough.However, for one thing, this is a sky-high price.Second, Tang Dahai has the meaning of calling the battle.

Blinking his eyes a few times, Tang Dajiang collected himself and said solemnly: "Fourth brother, I don't mean to look down on you. I'm going to leave my words here today. If you can really come up with 6000 yuan, this old house I really sold it to you."

After speaking, he stepped on Zhao Yijia's foot under the table.

Zhao Yijia was slightly astonished, but quickly realized, and said with a smile: "Hurry up and eat noodles, the fourth brother eats some noodles, and suppresses the wine. He only drinks and does not eat noodles, and talks nonsense when he is drunk. No one in my family makes fun of me. Go out like this It's a shame to the Tang family."

Tang Dahai straightened his back, looking dignifiedly and unrestrainedly at Jin Chan, "Go! Go back and get 6000 yuan. Let's buy this old house!"

(End of this chapter)

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