Shushan Wushen

Chapter 586 This is a big problem

Chapter 586 This is a big problem

Tang Dahai's behavior is undoubtedly very rich.

Jin Chan is also a poor man suddenly rich, and she wants to show off.A little money, for fear of being looked down upon by others.This is the moment of elation, how can she not be embarrassed.

"I'm full. Let's go home."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Tang Chen wanted to run away with an excuse.

Tang Dahai was furious, and grabbed Tang Chen: "What are you making trouble for? The elder didn't leave the table, you really have no rules! Hurry up and sit down."

Tang Dajiang and Zhao Yijia shot at Tang Chen vigilantly with a sharp light in their eyes.

Tang Chen was so frightened that he hurriedly picked up the chopsticks and picked a big plate for himself.

"I don't want to make a good impression on Mr. Principal. Besides, you haven't returned the order yet?"

He actively cleans himself up.Put your head down and get moving.A plate of noodles, splashing, went into the stomach again.

Jin Chan went back to get the money, Tang Chen's heart couldn't help but tremble, that was the wealth he got at the price of being weak.And the wealth in the family was actually used to buy back the house that should have belonged to him.No matter how you put it, it was also an absurd and extremely absurd piece of bullshit.

However, wealth is worthless to life and future!
Turning grief and anger into appetite, Tang Chen's chopsticks flew flying, and before Jin Chan came back, he easily ate up all the noodles, all the dishes, and he didn't even let go of the chili powder.

"Fourth brother, tell sister-in-law honestly, where did you get so much money? I don't think Jin Chan hesitated at all, your money is not hard money!" Zhao Yijia is so deceitful that he is trying to get Tang Dahai's secret of getting rich .

Tang Dahai had mixed feelings in his heart, and his mind was not working well.He raised his hand and drank a cup of shochu, and actually revealed the trick to pry the wall!

The speaker is simple in heart and has no plans to face his family.I was taken aback.It suddenly changed color.

"Good guy! What you earn this day is my annual salary!"

Tang Dajiang was shocked.His fingers trembled slightly.Zhao Yijia opened his mouth wide, unable to close it for a long time.The chopsticks in his hand slipped and fell to the floor.

Tang Chen swept across with his thoughts, and saw that his uncle and aunt had an expression of 'I really want to strangle you on the spot'.Extremely envious and jealous.

Zhao Yijia blurted out, "Fourth brother, do you know what sister-in-law is thinking right now?"

Tang Dahai laughed dryly, stretched out his hand boldly, and said, "Sister-in-law, what are you thinking? I want to hear it."

"I really want to strangle you and steal your money." Zhao Yijia was furious, with a stern face.

It is said to be non-toxic.

Tang Dahai laughed out loud.Tang Dajiang and Zhao Yijia also laughed heartily.

"Get them all! Hahaha." Tang Dajiang actually made a movement of closing his hands.Looks very greedy.

Only Tang Chen knows that when a fake is true, it is also a fake.Tang Dajiang and Zhao Yijia acted in their true colors, and these few words are expressed from the heart.

if.If God really gave them a chance to kill Tang Dahai at this moment, the two of them would rush forward and strike painfully without hesitation...

After a short time, Jin Chan walked into the small courtyard of the Tang family with a fermented bean curd jar in her arms.

Every time Tang Dahai and Jin Chan earned money, excluding expenses, the rest was bundled into a roll, stuffed into a fermented bean curd jar, and buried under the floor.

To do this is to not believe that the bank is mainly a bank... and there is not much money.It is necessary to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall. .Very convenient.Because such an amount of deposits, if you want to withdraw them in the bank, you need a lot of procedures and an extremely long wait.

More importantly, the money is in your own hands, so it is very convenient to spend it.Like now.It was only a quarter of an hour before and after.You can pay both money and goods.Very convenient.

"Yeah, are you using this to hold money? Aren't you afraid of getting wet? Look at you two, you have really big hearts!"

Zhao Yijia used accusations to conceal the shock in her heart.Tang Dajiang stared at the fermented bean curd jar without blinking.The face is cloudy and sunny.He was full of hesitation.

"I don't want to sell the house..."

Zhao Yijia resolutely and furiously reprimanded: "You have the final say in this family, and I have the final say?"

"Me! This is my Tang Dajiang's home!" Tang Dajiang's beard and hair were all stretched out.furious.Matters of principle cannot be regressed.

Zhao Yijia realized something, and his voice dropped sharply: "Oh, it's nothing, I just asked."

Unexpectedly, this is a good opportunity for Jin Chan and Tang Dajiang to feel proud.


Jin Chan slammed the fermented bean curd jar on the table.The tone is not good: "Sell it if you say it, and don't sell it if you say it won't be sold. Are you playing a game, who will play it?"

"Brother, sister-in-law, what you're doing is a little unreasonable." Tang Dahai showed contempt in his eyes.That expression was unprecedentedly high above.

Jin Chan unrestrainedly took out rolls of banknotes from the jar.

"It's a thousand!"

"This is five hundred!"

"This is three hundred!"

"This is one thousand and five!"

"This is eight hundred!"


"Okay! These are six thousand! I won't keep you tonight."

After finishing speaking, Jin Chan looked around at the furniture in the room, with an indescribable radiance on her face.

Tang Dahai's waist seems to have straightened up, giving people a feeling of being energetic.

What is high-spirited?Tang Dahai and Jin Chan are perfectly interpreting and performing!
Zhao Yijia touched her handbag and stuffed the rolls of banknotes on the table into it. Soon the small handbag became bulging.

Tang Dajiang raised his hand several times, but put it down weakly.Some facts are hard to let go, while some things have to be done.

Zhao Yijia originally put away the banknotes as a tentative move, and she was also afraid that Tang Dajiang would go his own way.

But seeing that Tang Dajiang didn't effectively stop her, she became more courageous, "Mr. Dajiang, quickly give the fourth brother a written proof."

Only then did Tang Dajiang react.Shaking his head: "My brother, there's no need for that."

"It's better to keep a document. Someday his third uncle from the county will come back. There is no evidence, giggling..." Jin Chan smiled slyly.

Tang Dahai smiled appreciatively at Jin Chan.

At this moment, the couple reached a pinnacle in their lives.

It was already midnight when Tang Dajiang and his wife left.It's like moving overnight.When walking, Tang Dajiang bowed his waist, and had endless vicissitudes.It is embarrassing.Zhao Yijia, on the other hand, was in high spirits, talking and laughing happily, without any signs of depression.

Approaching Tang Lei's house, Zhao Yijia's face turned cold: "Hmph! If it weren't for my elder brother to help you with advice, you would have such a large amount of money in the account? Houses in the county are cheap. It's enough for us to buy a Shikumen!"

Tang Dajiang sighed: "The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as my dog's nest. I already know the age of destiny. It's not what I want..."

"Aren't you afraid that Jiang Laojia... will trouble you again?" Zhao Yijia's words were intended to relieve Tang Dajiang's sadness.I don't want to, but there is ambiguity.

"This is a big problem!" Tang Dajiang was immediately terrified and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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