Shushan Wushen

Chapter 588 Bear Hunting with Ponytail

Chapter 588 Bear Hunting with Ponytail


The white snow is like waves, from one place to another, rushing down thousands of miles.Looking at it as far as the eye can see, it solidifies like fat.Vast and extremely magnificent.

Below the snow-capped layer are wild grass and reeds.Winter is cruel to beasts.It is the end of wild birds.Animals look for birds and animals, and humans set up ambush for animals.This is the food chain.

Cheng Yaojin was born in the Orion family, the Cheng family, fishing in spring and summer, and hunting in autumn and winter. He was born in the Cheng family, and they are all good hunters.

He twirled a ponytail familiarly, wrapped his hands alternately, dazzled his eyes, and a ponytail cover that seemed simple but was actually exquisite was born.

Usually a ponytail cover can be chained with three animal traps, which is considered a master hunter, but the members of the Cheng family can chain five animal traps with a family secret technique.That's the thing!

Cheng Yaojin searched for places with several animal traces, used a small wooden stick to pierce the snow layer, and placed the first ecstasy formation.

The so-called Soul Bewitching Formation is completely based on a ponytail as the machine emperor and five animal clips as the means of attack.

Walking on the snow is not easy, as it is for humans, and so is it for animals.Wild animals generally have to walk along the footprints when returning to their nests.It is the most appropriate way to set up the ecstasy array near the old nest, but whether it is a bird or a beast, the nest is the crystallization of wisdom of endless years, and the camouflage is infinitely ingenious.

Sometimes, the nest is clearly at the foot, and the angle is wrong, so I turn a blind eye.

Cheng Yaojin didn't hide his secrets from his classmates, telling the secrets of the Cheng family over and over again.

In fact, easier said than done.As far as hunting is concerned, it definitely takes time.Everyone understands the truth, and each has its own ingenuity.It takes countless insights, personal experience, continuous speculation, and a little bit of talent to become an excellent hunter.

"Tch~! Jin Zi, you are just chattering like us, look at your clumsy appearance, three ecstasy, tore off five ponytails, and it took so much effort to ruin eight ponytails. You too No way, you didn’t get the true biography, did you?”

Tang Shuang sneered, teasing unscrupulously.

Lin Jingxian also taunted: "Ah, you're really blinding the tail of the big black horse. The big black horse knows how stupid you are, so you have to cry!"

"Giggle, hooves and palms up and crying, giggling...Jing Xian, have you ever seen a horse cry?" Qin Luoyin covered her red lips with a giggle, and brought the conversation back.

Not talking, not laughing, not lively, there was a big beauty, Qin Luoyin, who stood up, and Cheng Yaojin grinned so much that her stomach was exposed.

Tang Chen swept across with his thoughts, and in an instant, he found several lairs.Some nests also have hibernating young.

"This is... a bear cub?"

Tang Chen couldn't help being shocked.You must know that there are very few traces of black bears in the snow field.Bears are proud and lazy. Once they come out of the cave, they will run out of ammunition and food. However, relying on their keen sense of smell, they can always return with a full load.Sometimes, throughout the winter, there is no need to forage again.

"It turns out that there is a little bear consuming reserves!"

Tang Chen made a simple analysis, and immediately understood the meaning of it.He glanced at the classmates around him, not without worry.Bears are very sensitive to smells.

Everyone is so unscrupulous, it has already polluted this road.According to the urine behavior of black bears, it would rather starve its cubs to death than go back to the old ways.

"Jin Zi, the next group of obsessive formations here." Tang Chen asked Cheng Yaojin in a low voice.

Cheng Yaojin squinted at Tang Chen: "It's not necessary, I'm the plum blossom array, I'm afraid that if you get excited, the big bear will run away. This is a big bear. Big bear... you know? It's just a hunchback dog, Bear blind, black blind!"

Tang Chen shook his head, and said firmly: "Trust me, that's right. This road is so smelly now, if the big bear comes back in a while, you won't be able to use your ecstasy formation."

Cheng Yaojin smiled: "You, you are too delicate. After a while, there will be a white hair wind, and there will be no smell. Don't worry, the big black bear will not come back until it is dark."

"If he gets a lot of food, why not come back? Isn't he a fool!" Tang Chen argued, trying to persuade Cheng Yaojin.

Lin Jingxian resolutely chimed in: "We came out to play, to have fun, no one expects to catch a bear back, don't make Tang Chen feel bad, he will let the next group be the next group. "

"Yeah, okay!" Cheng Yaojin gave Lin Jing some face, and set up a set of ecstasy formations, five-plate beast clips, at the location designated by Tang Chen.

"This way..." Tang Chen pointed to another place.

"Go!" Tang Shuang urged.

Cheng Yaojin didn't have time to refuse, so he did it directly, and set up the second ecstasy formation, which was still a five-pan beast trap.

"Gold, here." Tang Chen pointed out one point again.

Cheng Yaojin didn't wait for others to speak this time, and without further ado, he set up another place.

"Here..., gold, here...."

Tang Chen reported two more places in one breath.The snowy weather was extremely cold, Cheng Yaojin's eyebrows and eyelashes were stained with hoarfrost, and his fingers were frozen. He stopped, rubbed his palms, and stamped his feet to breathe.

"Tang Chen, you don't play like this. You are a scourge of resources. Look, look, you are going to surround the whole Dianzi, let me tell you, it's not like this, you The whole encirclement."

"Yes, it's just an encirclement. Let's roast a big bear tonight! Hee hee hee." Tang Chen bared his small white teeth and smiled wildly.

"Get out! You're dreaming. We don't have enough clips. I won't play around with you anymore. I still have to use Tiaomao." Cheng Yaojin felt that Tang Chen was unreliable.

Lin Jingxian, Tang Shuang and the others also felt that Tang Chen was messing around a bit.

Looking around, the footprints of the students just formed a semicircle. Even laymen can see that this formation is too unrealistic.

"Did you see something? Could it be that the center of the circle is a lair?" Jiang Xueting was still thinking delicately, and her beautiful eyes showed doubts.Bright and sparkling, big eyes shine.


Tang Chen's face showed horror.Before he had time to respond to Qin Luoyin, he had already seen a big black bear rolling on the snow in the distance.

This black bear is two meters long, wide and fat, with thick and short limbs, short neck, and small eyes, giving people a clumsy feeling. In fact, the bear's movements are quite flexible. If an adult is irritated Big bear, it will become so fierce that it can kill a cow with one paw.

The black bear is a huge monster with a very mixed diet, eating almost everything, such as birds, rabbits, mice, fish, ants, honey, acorns, chestnuts, wild fruits, and leaves.

This black bear, who was too lazy to walk on the gentle slope, was also lazy and even smarter. He threw a deer in his hand, and then, holding his head, rolled over and over again.

The speed may seem slow, but it is actually amazing.Because Tang Chen and the others absolutely couldn't reach this speed.

"It's too late, Jin Zi, hurry up! Create the original ecstasy array and surround this area, hurry up! Quickly! Quickly!"

Tang Chen said, he rushed out like an arrow.Phew~!With lightning-like movements, he plunged headlong towards the obsessive array placed nearby, swept across with his thoughts, carefully removed the machine emperor, and was about to move it.

"Stop! Aren't you messing around!" Cheng Yaojin was furious and scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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