Shushan Wushen

Chapter 589 Snow Catastrophe

Chapter 589 Snow Catastrophe

Cheng Yaojin tried to stop him.

Tang Chen couldn't care less about him, he swung his body, changed to another position, carefully stuffed into the snow layer, and was about to set up the emperor.

Cheng Yaojin wanted to capture the Soul Bewitching Formation, but Lin Jingxian grabbed him and shook his head.

"Let Tang Chen mess around, what are you doing so seriously."

Tang Shuang also smiled and pulled Cheng Yaojin, "You, Jinzi, I didn't mean you, you think that going out to play is the same as doing quizzes, you have to relax when you have to relax. Come on, let's help Tang Chen. Just move it over."

Jiang Xueting, Qin Luoyin, Qin Qiong, and Chai Shao all came over to help Tang Chen speak.

Cheng Yaojin was quite broad-minded, and he laughed loudly, "Okay! Then let Tang Chen mess around. Anyway, just dancing the cat for a while is enough for us."

Leaping cats are wild rabbits.To encounter such a world of ice and snow, for Tiaomao, it is tantamount to a catastrophe like annihilation.There must be traces when walking, and there is no way to hide.More importantly, unable to jump.Wherever it passes, the snow layer rises, and a snow ridge stretches into the distance.

The students helped each other, set up the original Soul Bewitching Formation, and re-arranged it to form a circle.

Jiang Xueting was even more suspicious. She actually trudged towards the center of the circle.

Seeing this, Tang Chen yelled in horror: "Come back, come back! Don't go anywhere. We're leaving."

Saying this, a small black spot appeared on the horizon visible to the naked eye.It was the big black bear carrying the deer.

Jiang Xueting was very naughty, and deliberately made Tang Chen angry, shaking her snow-white jade neck, pouted: "I won't listen to you. Let me see what's behind this bush!"

"The big black bear is back. Let's run!" Tang Chen could only tell the truth.

"Don't listen to him bluffing people, Old Jiang, you go and pick it up, there are usually rabbit nests in the bushes." Cheng Yaojin shook his head with a smile, and pulled back a city.

This time, no one spoke for Tang Chen.After all, Tang Chen's actions seemed a little nonsense.

Tang Chen stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance, "Look, that's not a big black bear! Run away!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Tang Chen's finger, but they saw nothing but a vast expanse of whiteness.

"Tang Chen, you're lying again~, hum~, brat!"

Jiang Xueting yelled coquettishly, and Qin Luoyin also ran to her side in a joking manner. The two pushed aside the bushes, and suddenly, a large silver-white tree stump appeared.


The students suddenly became surprised and rushed forward one after another.

"Come back! Come back! It's dangerous!" Tang Chen warned again.Even without the blessing of thought power, his eyesight is also very good, and he can see very far away.However, his classmates can't do it.

Danger is imminent, as if a building is about to collapse.

Jiang Xueting and Qin Luoyin bent down, pushed aside the bushes under the stump, and suddenly called out in surprise: "Yeah! Come on. There are two little bears here!"


A stone stirred up thousands of waves, Lin Jingxian, Tang Shuang rushed towards the bushes.

"Bring it here and let me have a look~~."

As expected of being from the Orion family, Cheng Yaojin resolutely judged the danger, realized it was not good, and hurriedly asked Tang Chen: "How did you find out?"

If you ask this question, the answer must be broad.

Tang Chen stretched out his hand and pointed, "Look at Jin Zi, over there... Can you take a look?"

At this time, the big black bear has already run into the normal line of sight.Fear appeared in Cheng Yaojin's eyes.


"Students, hurry up! Run!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xueting, Lin Jingxian and the others were all immersed in the great joy of capturing the cubs.

"Don't scare people, let's get rid of the little bear!" Lin Jingxian solemnly warned Cheng Yaojin, and communicated with Tang Shuang quickly.

"How?" Tang Shuang looked excited.

"Let Tang Chen's house go and raise them together!" Lin Jingxian took Tang Chen's idea without hesitation.

"Okay!" Qin Qiong also leaned over to agree.

"Okay!" Jiang Xueting's pretty face lit up, her eyes bright.

Qin Luoyin is an actionist, hugging the bear cub, he ran straight away.Shouting while running: "Send it back! Hee hee hee...."

"Put down the cub!"

"Put down the cub!"

Tang Chen and Cheng Yaojin yelled sharply, desperately trying to stop it.Unfortunately in vain.

Lin Jingxian, Tang Shuang, Chai Shao, Qin Qiong, guarding Jiang Xueting and Qin Luoyin, puff puff...!Stepping on the white snow, one foot deep and one foot shallow, ran towards Sanjiao Town.

"It's broken! Tang Chen, stop them!"

At the critical moment, Cheng Yaojin was sober, he knew that his prestige was not enough to stop the crazy behavior of his classmates.

However, Tang Chen's face was anxious, and his heart was even more anxious.Like a throwing knife, this kind of thing has already happened.How could he stop it?
"You go, Jin Zi! You go and tell them the truth!" Tang Chen pushed Cheng Yaojin.

At the same time, the big black bear is far enough away for everyone to see clearly.

"Look everyone! From the northeast corner, the big black bear is coming!" Cheng Yaojin yelled as he chased after him.

"Throw away the little bear cubs! Lose the little bear cubs!"

Don't say the last sentence, the students will really listen to Cheng Yaojin.After all, it was very terrifying for Xue Ye to encounter a big black bear, and the end was extremely miserable.

But when these two sentences are put together, no one can believe it.

"Trust him? That's a fool! Hahaha..."

Lin Jingxian had a playful face, Tang Shuang laughed heartily, Qin Qiong and Chai Shao helped, and took the little bear cub.

rub rub rub...

Run like hell.

"Slow down! Don't abduct my little bear cub!" Qin Luoyin and Jiang Xueting realized something and exclaimed tenderly.

"Chase!" Lin Jing said.Loud clamor.

"Damn, they got it~!" Tang Shuang grinned, adding fuel to the fire.

"Hey, hey..., wait for me...! Stop...!"

Qin Luoyin and Jiang Xueting competed with each other, chasing desperately.It was steaming all over.It's like the Nine Heavens Xuannv descending to the earth, and the immortal energy is in her body.

Qin Luoyin fell down, her face was covered with snow, her nostrils and mouth were blocked.

Lin Jingxian and Tang Shuang helped her up, and continued to encourage: "Chasing! Hurry up and chase! Here, I've been picked peaches~."

Qin Luoyin was horrified, and used her strength to get up, using all four limbs together, stretching her long legs, waving her arms, angrily...

Seven people run faster!

Cheng Yaojin missed Tang Chen, after all Tang Chen was young and had short legs.He went back, intending to pick up Tang Chen.

Tang Chen impatiently kicked the planer, and shouted sharply: "Leave me alone! Go and catch up with them! Go! Go!"

Faced with a dangerous situation, Cheng Yaojin didn't care about it, and acted brazenly, resolutely suppressing Tang Chen.

Clasping Tang Chen's hands with one hand, and embracing Tang Chen's legs with the other, he rubbed his arms hard~!So he picked up Tang Chen.

"Put me down! Damn it!"

Tang Chen was like a big fish, only his waist could twist.

In a hurry, Tang Chen's mental power kept locking on to the big black bear...

"It's late! It's over!"

The big black bear's sense of smell is quite sensitive.It has realized what happened.He actually screamed and threw away the deer.Sa!Sa!Sa!

Snow waves soared into the sky.

Boom boom boom!
The big black bear rushed towards the seven people who had gone home desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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