Shushan Wushen

Chapter 590 Feeding a bear

Chapter 590 Feeding a bear


"It's over! I can't run away." Cheng Yaojin hesitated immediately.The big black bear's goal is the little bear cub.They rushed over to die.


As soon as Cheng Yaojin let go, Tang Chen fell to the ground.

"It's all my fault! Oh~~~~."

Cheng Yaojin grabbed his hat and slammed it on the snow.Putting his hands into his hair, he tore it vigorously, his eyeballs turned red in shock,

"Pretend to be a rabbit? Charge up." Tang Chen was full of pride before the battle.

Cheng Yaojin knelt down in the snow, with tears streaming down his face, and paid homage to his classmates far away: "You all have a good journey."

"Boom!" Tang Chen tore the rope vigorously.This is a sled.On it is a bundle of wooden sticks, a small pot and a grill.

"You can't go!" Hearing the voice, Cheng Yaojin pulled and stopped him loudly.

Tang Chen opened his eyes wide and said decisively: "The classmates who came out together, just watched them being torn apart by the big black bear. I can't do it!"

These words are too cruel.As soon as Cheng Yaojin let go, Tang Chen grabbed the sled and tied it under his feet.

"Give it to me! I'll go!" Cheng Yaojin cried.

Tang Chen gave him a cold look: "You're going to die, stop it! Stay still!"


Inadvertently, Tang Chen activated his mind power.Thought power ignores physical barriers, Cheng Yaojin is just a mere mundane.The brain roared and the body trembled violently.

Na Na said to herself: "What kind of eyes are these? Is it a vast starry sky? There are big stars colliding, meteors shooting out, nebula lingering, and aurora criss-crossing..."

Cheng Yaojin is decisively lost, he doesn't know, this is the future, the past, and the present...Time and space are messed up.


Tang Chen stumbled and rushed out.With the blessing of thought power, and it is not the first time for him to play sledge.

Like a feathered arrow shot out.

Tang Chen's clothes fluttered and rustled. He had black hair and two thick eyebrows.

Tang Chen himself didn't know where this courage came from, it came from instinct, his blood was boiling and bubbling, as if it was about to burn.

The big black bear roared, stern and dull: "Roar! Roar! Roar! Ooooh~!"


Tang Shuang was dumbfounded when she found out that it wasn't good. Lin Jingxian's ears were also sensitive, and she realized that the real big black bear had arrived, and she was dumbfounded.His legs were welded to the ground like lead.


Jiang Xueting and Qin Luoyin were obsessed with each other, locked on to each other, and pursued Chai Shao and Qin Qiong desperately.It turned a deaf ear.

What a persistent woman!
Chai Shao and Qin Qiong didn't really take it for themselves, they were just joking.What's more, it's too dangerous to hold the cub in Xueye.

At this moment, the cub in his arms moved abnormally, screaming, struggling desperately, restless.

Looking back, Jiang Xueting and Qin Luoyin persevered.The two looked at each other and smiled.He shook his head.

Qin Qiong laughed and said, "Little bear is the same as a dog, whoever reports first will be nice to him!"

Chai Shao grinned wretchedly, and said secretly: "I think these two cubs should be male!"

Heck, heck, he kept on stepping, Qin Qiong and Chai Shao were still walking very fast.

"Aww! Aww~~~!"

Suddenly, there was a huge roar, containing endless fury.The whole Xue Ye trembled.The reeds emerging from the snow swayed wildly, and the residual snow flew and rustled.


Qin Qiong showed horror.Extremely appalled.Looking back suddenly, Chai Shao's face was pale, trembling, the residual snow on his body was rustling, and he was already a foot behind him.

Ten feet away, there was a big bear, covered in residual snow, and its black fur was frosted with frost. Looking at it coldly, it looked like a black and white cow.

Whoosh whoosh!The big bear raised the big snowflakes all over the sky, galloping like lightning, extremely fast, and the momentum was astonishing.


Qin Qiong's head was bleeding, his hair was frizzy, and the hat flew out at that moment.

Terrified to the extreme.

The arm subconsciously hugged the little bear cub tightly, "Aww~!" The little bear cub screamed in pain.

"Don't harm my little bear!"

The big bear came rushing from another direction, the sky was covered by heavy snowflakes, and Qin Luoyin's eyelashes were dense and dense, very beautiful!But now it is very delayed, and it is covered with frost flowers, which affects the sight.Can't see straight ahead.

Jiang Xueting was also in the same situation. She roared angrily and scolded: "You two are too much! Can you still have fun together in the future!"

"Lie down and play dead! Don't breathe!" Cheng Yaojin roared loudly, which came through the wind and snow.

Qin Qiong and Chai Shao heard the words and carried out the order without hesitation.Throw away the little bear cub and lie on the ground with a plop.

How can the big black bear be so easy to fool, just now you were alive and kicking, and you died in the blink of an eye?
Black bears in winter are far less particular about their taste in life.Sufficient food is precious.


With the majesty of mountains and seas, the big black bear jumped up and smashed his body towards Chai Shao who was a little closer.

rustling...At this moment, icicles radiated from the big black bear's body, and the sun shone on it, bursting with colorful rays of light.


Qin Luoyin could see clearly this time, brushing her eyelashes with her bare hands, the icicles were flying, and she could see it more clearly.

"Tingting run!" she warned.

Jiang Xueting is so smart, seeing a vision ahead, he hesitated in her heart, feeling unknown.Qin Luoyin's reminder was timely.

Puff puff!
Jiang Xueting turned around decisively, turned around and ran away.Tang Shuang and Lin Jingxian, who looked like sculptures in their sights, were still in a daze.

Bang bang bang!Jiang Xueting rolled and crawled, using all fours, and fled towards them.

Suddenly, whoosh~!A black shadow shot past her like an arrow, and she couldn't hold back, and fell on her back with her feet in the air.

There was a hasty look at each other, the expression on her face was not panic, but surprise: "Tang Chen?"

"Tang Chen! You are sending yourself to death, run away!"

Facing danger, Jiang Xueting still never forgot her duty as a friend, reminded her loudly, and yelled to stop her.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!" Tang Chen grinned.With the wooden stick in his hand, he slammed it into the ground.

Boom!Boom!Boom!Snow on the ground flew.

A fine snow mist, rustling ~.

The big black bear jumped up and smashed towards Chai Shao, Chai Shao saw that the situation was not good, he scrambled, he was faster than running, and escaped by more than ten feet.Here is the slope!


The big black bear landed on the ground, and a big hole appeared in the ground instantly.

Bang bang bang!The big black bear waved its paw, and the snow blocks shot rapidly.Quickly climb out of the snow pit.

Seeing this, Tang Chen said, whoa!The sled under his feet changed direction and rushed towards the little bear cub, one in each hand, barely picked it up, and rushed towards the big black bear.

"I'll lead him away! You run! You run!"

"Tang Chen!"

All the students roared loudly, their eyes full of shock.This is to sacrifice one's life to save classmates.Feed a bear with your body!
"Run! Nine years later, I, Tang Chen, will be a hero again!"

"Hurry up! You all get good grades in the exam!"

"No——! Tang Chen...!" All the students burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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