Shushan Wushen

Chapter 591 Burning paper next year

Chapter 591 Burning paper next year


Tang Chen roared and rushed towards the big black bear.Pretty close.A sudden change of direction aroused Xue Wu all over the sky.


Tang Chen slid down the slope, raised his hand, whoosh~.A little bear cub was thrown out by him, "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!"

As expected, the big black bear was crazy, and rushed down the slope.

Tang Chen's roar at the slope still didn't stop: "Run! Run!"

He yelled and shook his arms, the cub was too heavy.But the last cub was his trump card to save his life, and he wanted to throw it in another direction.

The students finally came to their senses, and with a heavy heart, they kowtowed fiercely in the direction Tang Chen was heading away from.

"Tang Chen! Go all the way! I will burn paper for you every year!"

"...Sister will burn the breast meat for you!"

The students glanced at Qin Luoyin, and it was she who yelled the last sentence!
At this moment, no one is making fun of them, all four limbs are used together, bones and bones are desperately converging, pulling each other, and finding a direction to escape.

This was a steep concave slope. Tang Chen slid to the bottom of the pit with the last cub in his arms. He let go suddenly, and his body lost weight.Phew~!
Rush up an uphill.

There is no way, there is no wooden stick in hand, only rely on the inertia of the natural slideway.

Nearly halfway through the slide, the power of inertia gradually disappeared.


Tang Chen didn't hesitate, poof~!Dip your hands into the snow.Untie the sled, one foot deep and one shallow foot, and rush to the top of the snow hill.

Behind him, the big black bear and the two bear cubs howled desperately, "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Tang Chen felt that he should be out of danger.Looking at the top of the snow hill a few steps away, the reeds are swaying.The snow should be shallow.Simply stopped.Looking back at the bottom of the slope.

The big black bear carried the two cubs, threw them out, then rushed up and held them up.Throw it out again, hold it up again....

"So it's like this!" Tang Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

Just now he wondered, could it be that Xiong Zizi couldn't help falling so badly that he was injured?I didn't expect Big Bear to climb the slope....

"Isn't this the same method as throwing that deer!"

Tang Chen realized that when he reminded the students just now, he might have overlooked that Gentle Po obstructed the line of sight...

After a while, take a rest and relax. Tang Chen concentrated his energy, released his mind, and searched for Lin Jingxian. Tang Shuang and the others——.

"Eh?... Is this... the most dangerous place, the safest place? It's dark under the lights?"

Tang Chen never dreamed that the students would all run to the bushes and stumps!

Tang Chen was a little suspicious and couldn't figure it out.He didn't know much about the big black bear in his cognition.But thinking of having Cheng Yaojin around, he felt relieved.

He walked along the hill, and suddenly found a slide. If he climbed up the snow hill, he should be able to slide directly to the bush and meet his classmates.

However, he, Tang Chen, secretly felt that this matter was unreliable, because Cheng Yaojin was crying and dragging people one by one...

"Get up, the big black bear will be back in a while, why are you running in this direction? Go...! Get up...!" Cheng Yaojin almost begged, pulled up one, and then pulled the other. Pulled up, fell down again.

"I really have no strength. I'm out of strength! I'm out of strength! Take a breath, take a breath!" Qin Qiong waved his hands weakly, begging for forgiveness.

All of them gasped heavily, with white steam swirling around their bodies.The heat evaporates quickly.

"Isn't it because of you, we can still abandon you if you are stuck here?" Qin Luoyin spoke eloquently, not without complaints.

"Forget it, forget it, don't ask for favors, it's because we are in a hurry to choose the road and the hunger..."

Jiang Xueting was exhausted and told the truth directly.

"Huh!" Qin Luoyin was humiliated, and turned her face away angrily.Tears welled up on my face.She is a person who values ​​friendship.

"Tang Chen..."

Lin Jingxian and Tang Shuang also had pained expressions on their faces.Think for a while, hit the ground.

"Heaven is jealous of talents! Why are you explaining to Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang..."

"My younger brother, he is so stunning! Fourth uncle and fourth aunt..."

"It's sad, it's sad, my classmate... best friend Tang Chen...!"

"Next year... Everyone, don't forget to burn paper for Tang Chen... What month is today...?"


I don't know how much time passed, "Aoooooo..." The roar of the bear gradually approached.

At this time, the vitality of the students gradually recovered.

Tang Shuang and Lin Jingxian, whoosh~!He hurriedly stood up and pulled Cheng Yaojin up.

Cheng Yaojin didn't lose his strength, but he was in a hurry, so he lost his strength.My lips were purple, I don't know if it was from the cold or from the anger.Or startled by the roar of a bear.

The three shot and quickly pulled the others up.

In fact, Tang Chen kept yelling in the distance, reminding them to escape, but the white-haired wind howled and hummed.The reeds screamed, and the bear roared.I can't really hear it.

"Hey~. These guys have lost their strength. Are they tired or scared? Too sad? Enough!"

Tang Chen was greatly moved by their sorrow, seeing that the big bear was getting closer and closer to the lair, and the crisis was approaching...

He scurried up the hill high and lashed the sled.


Bend down and dive.

The wind whistled in his ears, and Tang Chen's ears buzzed.The eyes can no longer see the scenery clearly, and they can only rely on their thoughts.

"Transferred? Good! It's still in time!"

The slope under Tang Chen's feet was even steeper, close to a half-right angle.Unable to change direction.


Tang Chen leaped up like a fish jumping up through the clouds and fog.Jumped out to the other side of the hill.


The big black bear was shocked, roared halfway, and was stunned.

Tang Chen rolled several times in the air, fortunately with the blessing of his thoughts, he kept adjusting his posture~.

Swish!Snowflakes are like waterfalls, filling the range of this lair.

The big black bear was shocked.It has never seen this formation.Unexpectedly, with a sound of "ow", he left the two bear cubs and ran away!

Clap clap clap...!
The big black bear stepped on the ponytail, arousing the ecstasy formation, and the five animal traps jumped out of the snow layer.

The ponytail is pulled, the machine emperor is disconnected, the spring contracts, click!Click!Click...!
The big black bear fell down and rolled over in pain, but unexpectedly, it triggered the ponytail again...

It rang continuously.


The big black bear roared angrily, waved its paws, and tore off several traps, dripping with blood, but it was not fatal.

Rumbling..., as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, it plunged into the bushes and hid in the big tree hole.

Tang Shuang said angrily: "Cheng Yaojin! You don't work well with this trap."

"Of course, it was a jumping cat. Who knew it was a bear!" Cheng Yaojin had a bitter look on his face.Give yourself a hard mouth.

In Caodianzi Xueye, there are not many encounters with big black bears.His hunting experience... that's all.

"If you look down on nature and take chances, you are looking for death!" He raised his big red face with five fingers, not very embarrassed.

"Don't be so emotional, run away!" Lin Jingxian roared angrily.

Qin Luoyin saw Jiang Xueting burst into flames, hugged a cub and ran away.

She is not to be outdone.Dash to the other end.

Cubs are not dolls.He is also wise, seeing that the situation is not good, he groaned, turned around and ran towards the bushes.


The snowflakes mixed with snow blocks all over the sky finally cleared up, and Tang Chen appeared out of nowhere.


Qin Luoyin was so frightened that she sat down on the ground, "Tang Chen has manifested himself!"

"Ow!" The big black bear jumped out of the tree hole again, waved its big hand, "Boom!" It slapped.


Qin Luoyin howled and flew away.Half of his face was bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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