Shushan Wushen

Chapter 592 The Great Dream Blue Silver Emperor

Chapter 592 The Great Dream Blue Silver Emperor

Tang Chen was bending over to untie the sled, when Qin Luoyin exclaimed, "Oh!" He was startled.

Unexpectedly, the big black bear violently hurt people, which was really beyond Tang Chen's expectation.

"Qin Luoyin!"

Tang Chen shouted.Phew~!Jump forward.

Tang Chen tripped over the unrelieved sled.Plop!Tang Chen's eyes were about to burst.Without seeing with eyes, his thoughts are clearer.

The big black bear slapped Qin Luoyin away, jumped up again, and landed on Qin Luoyin's body. It had a big pink tongue with barbs...

Chi la ~ ~ ~.

Qin Luoyin let out a desperate scream, and half of his face was bloody.Eyes, ears, mouth and nose are missing.

That was a beautiful girl!
"Do not……!"

Everyone slammed and heard the sound of heartbreak.


Jiang Xueting rolled her eyes and turned away.

The two of them are girlfriends, they have a close personal relationship, and their relationship is very good.

The big black bear was very violent and became mad at the sight of blood.The big bear paw swung, slapped and tore vigorously.Snow blocks flew, and so did flesh and blood.

The beautiful school belle, who can be expected to graduate in half a year, the goddess who controls the direction of her own life,... the fragrance disappears and the jade dies!
"Qin Luoyin!"

Everyone howled loudly.Tang Chen's heart was broken.Unimaginable tragic scene, shocking!


The big black bear went berserk, waved its big bear paw, and stood up.With a cry, he rushed towards Lin Jingxian.


"Well fresh!"

The students retreated one after another, with sad faces, this was the only thing that could be done.

Tang Chen yelled "Brother!" again.

Only him, he is Tang Chen!

Tang Chen chanted the adapted version of "The Li Weng Conversation with Rhymes" loudly, and a mysterious force descended.


Tang Chen turned his hand and punched the ground, boom~!The ground collapsed instantly.

The huge snow pit gave Tang Chen a huge reaction force, Tang Chen flew upside down, like a cannonball leaving its chamber.

Hit the heart of the big black bear.


A shocking scene appeared, Tang Chen's arm was twisted strangely, and the angle was unbelievable.

An arm protruded from the big black bear's chest.

Tang Chen's!
Tang Chen used too much strength, his arm... was broken!

Lin Jingxian's face was covered with blood, which was extremely miserable.Slap ~.The life force of the big black bear drained rapidly, and the big bear's paw slowly fell, sticking to his cheek, and knocked him down.

Tang Chen drooped his arms, blood was gurgling from the corner of his mouth.

"Tang Chen!"

Jiang Xueting reacted the fastest, Tang Shuang and the others stopped their fleeing steps and rushed back one after another.

The students gathered around the big black bear and Lin Jingxian, and solemnly kowtowed.

Tang Shuang mourned in a sad voice, choking with sobs: "Jing Xian, having Qin Luoyin as your companion on Huangquan Road is also a fulfillment of long-cherished wish. From now on, Qin Luoyin will hand over the burning paper to you, a classmate, buddy can do it That's all..."

"Live first!" Cheng Yaojin pulled Tang Shuang up and rushed towards Tang Chen.

"Tang Chen, how are you? How are you?" Jiang Xueting pear blossoms were raining, and a layer of ice appeared on her face from crying.

Pain appeared on Tang Chen's face, and he raised his broken arm to avoid it, "This arm is broken, it hurts..."

Cheng Yaojin ran to the bushes, and stuck three branches from the tree stump. "It hurts! It hurts a lot! Hold on!"

Tang Chen nodded, showing determination.Know this is to set the bone.

Cheng Yaojin grabbed Tang Chen's elbow with his big hand, and ruthlessly stroked down——.


Tang Chen let out a beast-like howl, bean-sized drops of sweat on his head hit the snow with a "tap-tat-tat~~".

"Okay! Don't move!"

Cheng Yaojin picked up three wooden sticks and was about to tie them to Tang Chen's arms.

Tang Chen swept away his thoughts, and shook his head: "Slow!" As he spoke, Tang Chen pointed his left hand at a muscle, and poked hard...



His thoughts swept over, and there was a small piece of bone residue there, which didn't match.

"Tie it on!"

Cheng Yaojin showed an expression of admiration, and exclaimed loudly: "You are still willing to feel the pain a second time to verify whether it is true. Tang Chen! You are a man. You are the person I, Cheng Yaojin, respect the most in my life."

Tang Chen ignored him, grudgingly at Lin Jingxian, and looked at Tang Shuang, "Brother, help me up, he's fine. He's already woken up."

Hearing this, the teenagers didn't know what to do, they hurriedly pushed the big black bear away and helped Lin Jingxian up.

Lin Jingxian actually kept his eyes open all the time, he was obviously frightened out of his wits.He asked uncertainly, "I'm still alive? Am I really still alive?"

Tang Chen nodded, and gave Lin Jingxian a hug with one arm. Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Chai Shao, Tang Shuang, and Jiang Xueting all embraced Lin Jingxian and gave affirmative answers.


Lin Jingxian suddenly burst into tears.It collapsed in an instant.

After another comfort, Lin Jingxian finally calmed down.

Cheng Yaojin looked at Tang Chen's wound, suddenly remembered something, and ran to the big tree stump in the bushes.

Tang Chen and the others were all in a panic, their robes were badly torn, "Let's go, first go to shelter from the wind." Tang Shuang calmed down and supported Lin Jingxian.Jiang Xueting supported Tang Chen, and they staggered towards the tree hole.

Suddenly, Tang Chen realized something, and whispered: "Jiang Xueting, go find a green grass in the tree hole, go quickly!"

"Green grass?" Jiang Xueting was skeptical, but what Tang Chen said was true.Had to run to the tree hole.

In the tree hole, Cheng Yaojin was staring at a green grass in a daze.

According to an ancient legend, word of mouth in the Orion family, after the placenta of the big black bear withers, there is a high probability that it will turn into a miraculous plant.The effect is extremely miraculous.Raw flesh from bones, rebirth against the sky.

But legends are legends after all.Today, Cheng Yaojin is also by accident, thinking of this allusion.

There are obviously two plants of green grass, and one plant only has a root. Considering that the big black bear suffered such a serious injury just now, and healed up in an instant, it should be eaten by one plant.

But this other one, how to pick it?This is a treasure of heaven and earth.

Tang Chen didn't know about this legend, he locked onto the big black bear just now, and the big black bear munched on a piece of green grass, the skin and flesh healed, and he was instantly shocked.Later, Qin Luoyin's bleeding interrupted Tang Chen's thinking.

Whoosh!Jiang Xueting broke into the tree hole.

"Ah? There is really a green grass!" Jiang Xueting exclaimed, and pulled it out decisively.

"You—." Cheng Yaojin was furious.He stretched out his arms to stop Jiang Xueting.

Jiang Xueting yelled sharply: "Tang Chen asked me to fetch it. Get out of the way!"

"How did Tang Chen know?" Cheng Yaojin was taken aback.Jiang Xueting pushed his arm away.Run out of the tree hole.

"How to use it?" Tang Chen was a little worried.He looked at Qin Luoyin's corpse at his feet.

"Leave it to Qin Luoyin! May she live forever!"

The students burst into tears again, and bent over to pick up Qin Luoyin's remains.Even bloody snow blocks were moved and pushed together.

Jiang Xueting held Qin Luoyin's incomplete head, weeping uncontrollably, and placed the green grass on the incomplete cheek...

A majestic voice, very abrupt, full of sighs.There was a faint sound: "The big dream is the Blue Silver Emperor, and the little ghosts fight with the Immortal Gang. The Taiyin Tree reflects the heavens, and the wonderful flowers and fruits are wonderful."

In an instant, the blue light filled the sky burst out.The radiance is as bright as a blazing glow.

The whole snowy field is instantly reflected by fluorescence,
Tang Chen's mental power suddenly discovered Qin Luoyin's soul.Three souls and six souls, nine spiritual bodies.

"Young master!...See you soon~."

Boo ~.

Qin Luoyin's nine spirit bodies leaned over and kissed Tang Chen's boots.Phew~, it turned into specks of light, and quickly collapsed into the invisible.

(End of this chapter)

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