Shushan Wushen

Chapter 593 The Death of Bear Big Bear 2

Chapter 593 The Death of Xiong Daxiong Er

The broken souls of Big Guai and Xiao Guai are hidden in Xiong Da Xiong Er's brain.

Tang Chen induced Daguai and Xiaoguai to hug Xiong Da and Xiong Er, it was a trick.

In fact, Tang Chen can channel spirits, relying on the power of thoughts.But this method of resurrection was provided by Daguai and Xiaoguai.


Chi Chi Chi....

Lin Jingxian made a move, lighting up fireworks one after another.

Phew~!Shhhhhhh...!Flames burst into the sky.With a bang, it exploded in the air, bright and fierce, in various poses and with different expressions, blooming in an instant, this is the eternal youth of fireworks!
Boom boom boom...So dull, so shocking, so gorgeous.

The beauty of fireworks lies in their vastness and majesty, but also stunning eyeballs.

The ears are revived for it too!A certain decibel that had been silent for a year suddenly resonated.Many souls trembled.

As with humans, so with bears.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were terrified, their teeth bared and their eyes messed up, and they waved their little bear paws in horror.

Tang Chen quietly observed the souls and spirit bodies of the big boy and the little boy with his thoughts.

"Big brother, little brother, if you don't come back now, when will you wait?"

The soul of Daguai who is still fighting with Xiong Da's soul, and the soul of Xiaoguai who was violently beaten by Xiong Er...


They pulled away one after another, whoosh, whoosh..., abruptly broke into the brains of the big boy and the little girl.

"Aww.... Roar~!"

No matter how willing Xiong Da Xiong Er was to be reconciled, the souls also broke out of their bodies, chasing the big boy and the little girl respectively, and also followed.

"It's broken!" Tang Chen blurted out, beating his chest and stamping his feet.

"what happened?"

"what's wrong?"

Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian saw Tang Chen's expression was wrong, sweating profusely, with nervous expressions, they grabbed Tang Chen's arm.Care to ask.

Lin Jingxian asked: "The frozen fish at noon is not fresh, did you spoil your stomach?"

"I have toilet paper here!" Lin Jingran took out a stack of tissues.

Tang Chen was restless, but he couldn't offer any help.The two brothers of the Lin family interrupted, but he couldn't tell the truth.

With an idea, he pointed at Xiong Da and Xiong Er, and said, "Look, their eyes are dull, they are both like this!"

Sure enough, Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian were attracted by the state of Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

The souls of Xiong Daxiong were separated from the body and were dying.Lost all sanity.I can't even control my breathing.

"It must be the seven vicious dogs of the Chen family who did the damage! Scum! Find someone to kill them!"

Lin Jingxian had a bad temper, picked up Xiong Da and ran into the yard, broke into the Westinghouse, and went directly to the Chen family to argue.

Lin Jingran was afraid that Lin Jing would be wrong, so he followed Xiong Er in his arms, and accompanied his younger brother to Xingshi to interrogate him.

Tang Chen checked that there was no one around, and resolutely whispered encouragement: "Big brother, little brother, you have to hold on. You can only fight wits, don't fight hard..."

Da Guai replied: "Don't tell me, thank you, this is my home field, it happens that my soul is missing, it's very incomplete, I'm trying to devour it."

Tang Chen was overjoyed. Seeing that Daguai was bent over, trembling, shouting, grinning, his body was suffering great pain.

Thought power swept across, Xiaoguai was not very optimistic, Xiong Er was very cruel, and was biting Xiaoguai's soul instead.Xiaoguai's soul is already broken, so it's really difficult to fight against Xiong Er.

Tang Chen pointed at Xiaoguai in a deep voice: "Brother Xiaoguai, you bite it too, take a bite and swallow it. Hurry up!"

Xiaoguai will immediately agree, the two brothers have fought against countless ghosts for fifteen or sixteen years, and have rich fighting experience.It's just that the bear's soul is terrifying.Xiaoguai hasn't adjusted to it yet...

"Aww, ahh..."

At this moment, the big boy is biting and devouring Xiong Da's soul, and the little boy and Xiong Er are biting each other, the body is really hard to bear.

Visible to the naked eye, the skulls of the big boy and the little girl deformed, sometimes huge, sometimes into a weird cone shape, and sometimes took on an inexplicable shape.

The eyeballs were red, like dripping blood.Holding his head, rolling all over the ground in front of the yard.

Hao Yunlai's family heard the quarrel from Westinghouse and ignored it.Deliberately pretending not to know, the family is in the east room and refuses to come out.

Therefore, they never saw the scene at the gate of the courtyard.

However, Huo Jun saw it.This guy has always been greedy for alcohol, and it's the Spring Festival again, so he is even more unrestrained.Tian Laolan also has the same virtue. Although the two neighbors are different in seniority, they are colleagues.During the Spring Festival, we are having a big drink at Miss Tian's house.

He came out to relieve himself after drinking too much, and happened to see this scene.When Huo Jun returned to the room, he told Tian Laolan that he had given it to him.

"Hehehe, Tang Chen from Tang Dahai's family is really sluggish, he's beating the Hao family's idiots. Tsk tsk..."

Tian Laolan's drunken eyes were hazy: "It deserves it! The Hao family, you don't accumulate virtue. The old lady of the Hao family used tricks to break his Tang family's feng shui and force him to move. Tang Chen is a leader!"

Huo Jun smiled, sneered, raised his head and drank a cup of shochu, and said with a smile, "Shall we go to see the excitement?"

Miss Tian found an opportunity and urged: "Go, go! You are always suffocating and drinking in the house during the holidays. You are in good health, and my father can't stand it. Go! I will go with you."

Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian hugged the two dead bears, yelling and refusing to let go.

"Chen Big Dog! Your father is in prison, and you are the head of the family. You must give an explanation...!"

Chen Dagou's younger brothers, each of them was confident and confident, and argued hard.

Chen Liugou completely shirked responsibility and insisted: "Didn't you die at that time? What does it matter to us?"

"What you brought is a sick bear. This is blackmail. We have tried this trick before!" Chen Sangou was furious.

Lin Jingran immediately pointed at Chen Sangou and yelled: "Chen Shan, are you sure that this is a sick bear? Do you dare to go to the hospital for an autopsy?"

"What is an autopsy?" All the Chen family members looked confused.

Lin Jingxian pouted contemptuously, and sarcastically said: "It's terrible to be uneducated, it's just anatomy!"

"What is dissection?" The seven dogs of the Chen family, together with Chen Dagou's daughter-in-law and Chen Dana's mother-in-law, asked casually.

Lin Jingran also came out of bad water, and lied: "Send it to the hospital and give the little bear an injection. He will make a human voice and speak human words. How did you die? Are you scared to death? Just ask!"

Lin Jingxian understood Lin Jingran's routine with one ear, and nodded seriously: "It's the same as jumping the gods, passing the shadows or something! How about it? Don't you dare?"

The children of Chen Dana of the Chen family don't study much, they just love to fool around, they have rich social experience, but they really have too little knowledge.He heard that Lin Jing was rarely aggressive.It stopped immediately.The whole world fell silent.

At this moment, boom!

Suddenly, the door of the east room shook violently, and Hao Yunlai's rage suddenly sounded: "The Tang family is such a benevolent and good family, why did such a big hooligan like Tang Chen come out!"

"The boys of the Tang family have been bad since they were young! They wanted to harm Li Yiqi since they were five years old! Today, they have harmed my grandson of the Hao family. Let's fight!"

Mrs. Hao also made a shrill voice, shaking the east and west rooms.The walls trembled.

Huo Jun's daughter-in-law added fuel to the flames: "Yo Yo Yo, I just said that casually, no one thought, all the old sesame seeds and rotten grains are shaking out."

"Did Tang Chen harm Li Yiqi?" Miss Tian asked gossipingly.

At the gate of the courtyard, Tang Chen was surrounded by neighbors in an awkward situation. In the circle, under his feet, the big boy and the little girl had deformed heads, bleeding from the corners of their eyes, mouth, and all seven orifices...

"Aww... Tang Chen woooooo..."

(End of this chapter)

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