Shushan Wushen

Chapter 594 I am a clear sky

Chapter 594 My corner is clear


Tang Chen looked at the vicinity and the distance, the familiar scenery, scenes of the past appeared in his memory.


He couldn't help but chuckled, laughing at himself.

When returning to the Tang family, one must pass by the small courtyard of the Tang family.Tang Shuang was sweeping the snow in the yard, but in fact his brothers-in-law were doing the work. He, Bai Lang, conductor Mei Zihua, Su Mei, Che Zuijia and the others made a snowman.

Seeing this scene, Tang Chen's heart seemed to tremble.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" Lin Jingran asked in a low voice.

Tang Chen was noncommittal, and the three teenagers hurried past along the other side of the road.

Go back to the Tang family and the Lin family courtyard.The pungent smell of formaldehyde and the smoke from firecrackers caught the three teenagers off guard and coughed a few times.

"Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang are really not easy. Tang Chen thinks you are right to skip a grade. The air in the city is sweet."

Lin Jingran's words were very tempting.Tang Chen's eyes sparkled for a moment.

"I will work hard!" Tang Chen raised his clenched fists and shook them violently twice.

Lin Jing was not without jealousy, and said with a smile: "You, Tang Chen, are going to be admitted to the city, and you really hit people. My old man, you don't do good things. You tortured me to death."

Tang Chen skipped a grade and entered the third year of middle school, which was done by Lin Xifeng.

Hearing the words, Lin Jingran was not without encouragement, and took advantage of the momentum and said, "Then why don't you study hard for the exam and crush Tang Chen?"

"It's quite difficult! This kid is an evildoer!" Lin Jingxian shrugged seemingly disappointed.

Tang Chen laughed it off, the three people in the outer room separated, and Tang Chen returned to the east room.

East House.

Tang Chen's mother, Jin Chan, was busy cutting sausages, and Tang Chen's heart trembled suddenly.It seemed that he hadn't looked at his mother so much for a long time.Jin Chan has changed too much, a picture that was originally white and delicate, like porcelain shining with luster, as if there is a sound when it is knocked....

But now... it's dull, haggard, and blotchy.Especially the tip of the hair, the black waterfall-like hair in memory, is actually mixed with silver hair, shining brightly.

25-year-old mother!How long have you been so haggard and slovenly?
Tang Yuan grabbed a piece of sausage and ate it dirty.Tang Chen glanced at it, feeling disgusted.

"I don't want to eat dinner!"

Tang Chen's mind was a little confused, and he was about to lie back on his exclusive small bed after leaving a sentence.

"Go, go, go, chop some wood. You'll have a pig's head in a while!"

Jin Chan shouted at Tang Chen, but never looked at him.Tang Dahai protected his son, and waved his hands: "Don't tell Tang Chen, I'll do it, I'll go and break it. It's rare for a child to have a holiday. He's only ten years old, and he's doing a good job."

"Tch~! What an easy job to learn, no sweat, no effort, no calluses on your hands. Hypocritical~!"

Not without contempt, Jin Chan teased Tang Chen, and the kitchen knife in her hand "Dong Dong Dong" turned a large piece of sausage into chess pieces of different thicknesses.

A strange feeling suddenly rose in Tang Chen's heart.This home made him feel strange like never before!

Whether it's Jin Chan's unkempt appearance, or Jin Chan's rough dishes, and her indulgence to Tang Yuan...

This is a feeling of discomfort from the depths of the soul.Tang Chen himself felt strange about it!

Why do I lock my eyebrows tightly, and my forehead hurts because of it!
Why do I shrink my hands and feet, and dare not breathe freely!

Why do I always want to escape, even refuse to waste my sight, I can't bear to see it!
Why do I always have the urge to run away...?

"Wash your hands and eat!"

Accompanied by Jin Chan's sharp call, "Wow~!" Countless chopsticks were thrown on the dining table.

"Hurry up, open a place, the hot pot is here!" Tang Dahai held the hot pot, the heat was dense, and the waves rolled.The white steam is like mist.

Jin Chan clattered and placed the plate of leftovers from the morning and yesterday on the corner of the table, and a pure land suddenly appeared in the middle of the table, just enough to accommodate the hot pot.

Tang Dahai said: "Take away the leftovers, no one will eat them. Clean them up!"

Jin Chan took away two plates of leftovers, and cast a sidelong glance at Tang Chen, "Tang Chen, get up, clear the table first, wash your hands quickly, and eat!"

Tang Chen felt dizzy.Why such a strong sense of discomfort?
This home is not warm at all, it is hard and extremely cold, like a huge piece of ice.

How can I eat when I feel bad?

Tang Chen said: "I won't eat, you can eat by yourself. I'll lie down for a while. I'm tired from going out to play."

In fact, Tang Chen felt tremors all over his body, which was a sign of exhaustion.But he couldn't understand why he was so weak.

Originally, he was very much looking forward to devouring all the food on the table.But at this moment, he didn't have that mood at all.

Regardless of the hygienic conditions or the atmosphere of eating, he really couldn't swallow it.Hard to even say.

Jin Chan and Tang Dahai were furious decisively: "Get out! Get out! Don't be an eyesore!"

Unexpectedly, Tang Yuan also imitated the appearance of an adult, and stretched out her fingers arrogantly: "Get out, stand outside, and don't enter the house."

Tang Chen felt extremely depressed.This is not unusual in memory.But why today he felt humiliated, uncomfortable, mixed feelings, so sad?

When people are in a bad mood, their blood will surge up.Unable to face everything rationally.

Tang Chen didn't covet the smiling face, and took the initiative to admit his mistake.Instead, he got up with difficulty, pulled up his cotton robe, wrapped it around his body, and rushed out of the east room.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, although it is the Spring Festival, it is still expected to be cold in spring, the sky is cold, and there is a north wind whimpering.

As soon as the cold wind blew, Tang Chen realized that he wasn't wearing a hat.I plan to go back to the house to get it.

As soon as the door opened, Tang Dahai, Jin Chan, and Tang Yuan all raised their chopsticks and shouted kindly, "Get out!"

Tang Chen gritted his teeth, his lips and teeth were cold, and he exited the outer room.In the yard, the Tang family built a warehouse, which contained various chemical ponds.The stench is pungent.

Tang Chen couldn't stay in the yard, so he had no choice but to walk out of the yard.

Look at the gray sky, revealing a corner of blue.Clean and calm and beautiful.Tang Chen had mixed feelings, the self in his mind happened to be that flawless corner of the sky.But the dirty and messy clouds surrounded it.It looks so depressing in eyesight!
In ancient books, it is recorded that most mortal races descended to the earth with the stars in their hands.I was a star in my previous life, and I have come to this world to walk around once in this life.As long as those ancient great figures with names and surnames persevere, they will eventually be crowned and worshiped generals, and their power will be overwhelmed by the world.Eternal fragrance.

...But me, what the hell is a corner of the blue sky!Such a blue sky, but there is no way to dispel that annoying cloud!
Tang Chen felt sorry for himself and thought indiscriminately.Stretching out his hand, he called weakly: "The wind is coming! Come on with a gust of wind, disperse the chaotic clouds, and blow away the annoying smell in this yard!"

"What? Was kicked out again? It's the New Year's Eve. Let's go, Mr. Lin will tell you about your dad."

Lin Xifeng appeared suddenly, and dragged Tang Chen into the east room.

(End of this chapter)

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