Shushan Wushen

Chapter 595: Dreaming at Night and Suddenly Returning Home

Chapter 595: Dreaming at Night and Suddenly Returning Home

Tang Dahai and his wife must give Lin Xifeng face.

However, Tang Chen still didn't choose to eat, he hurriedly washed up and fell asleep.Cold and hungry, as if in shock, Tang Chen fell into a dream very quickly.

In his dream, he seemed to have had a big accident in Sanjiao Town, his head was bleeding, and Jin Chan fainted several times from crying.

Tang Dahai beat Hao Yunlai several times with fists and kicks, until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.Coughing up blood.

In the end, Tang Dahu came forward, led his men to arrest, and packed Hao Yunlai's family, Huo Jun, Tian Laoji, all into the prison car...

Tang Chen was sent back home, and his home was actually the small courtyard of the Tang family...

Looking at the clean and tidy home, Tang Chen was greeted by his little sister, Tang Yuan, and reported to Tang Dahai and Jin Chan obediently.

The mother, Jin Chan, has black hair that shines brightly, and each hair is extremely sacred.Red lips, white teeth, delicate skin, glowing like jade, very unreal.As if tapped with a finger, it will be broken.

His father, Tang Dahai, is a handsome boy with the temperament of a fake girl.What a flawless man, yet so fierce in fights.His fingers were dripping with blood, and his skin was ripped apart.However, after such a short period of time, the skin and flesh have already healed.

Like a miracle!

Not without showing off, Tang Dahai rubbed the face of his fist and said with a smile: "This is my father protecting me! I also don't want to see his grandson being bullied~. He Tang Chen is my father's favorite grandson, and he never forgets to entrust us when he is dying... .”

People who celebrate the Chinese New Year say 'die'? !

Tang Chen's head buzzed, he woke up from his dream, and the starlight outside the window shone into the east room.

The family is sleeping soundly, and the parents are snoring one after another.Tang Yuan sleeps dishonestly, loves to kick the quilt, and throws her calf like a white radish aside.But the little hand tightly grabbed the quilt, covering her neck tightly...


Tang Chen sighed softly.The pungent smell of formaldehyde came from the nose again.

The Tang family has prospered in selling fur, and the neighbors are a little afraid.Lin Xifeng reminded him several times, but he was also very tactful.

Therefore, the neighborhood relationship is obviously estranged.Several times Tang Chen went to ask Lin Xifeng for advice.

Lin Xifeng looked at his father respecting his son, and it was obviously perfunctory, so he briefly explained the way of doing the questions, so he didn't give guidance.Aunt Lin sneered: "Tang Chen, your family is rich. What are you doing studying so hard? The child is a bit pedantic. Don't take advantage of your sister. Great cause..."

Tang Chen skipped a grade, and there are only three months before the high school entrance examination.This is a small imperial examination.Very important!

Without Lin Xifeng's help, Tang Chen felt confused and struggling.

However, although Tang Chen had skipped a grade, his grades at this time were not as stable as Lin Jing's.If Lin Jingxian could be admitted to the high school in the city, then Tang Chen would be fine.

After thinking about it, Tang Chen also understood Lin Xifeng.

Tang Dahai and his wife successfully counterattacked in terms of wealth.Now it has taken down several stalls opposite the cobbler's shop and opened a large fur shop.The momentum is loud, and there is no second.

Lin Xifeng once helped the Tang family so much and educated Tang Chen into a child prodigy.However, the result is environmental pollution.

The unscrupulousness of Tang Dahai and his wife obviously hurt the hearts of the Lin family.

Thinking in another way, Lin Xifeng was destined to be ruthless: "Your Tang family dominates my Lin family in terms of wealth, so I will compete with you in terms of talent!"

In the parallel space where Tang Chen is now, he always calls his uncle "Da Da".

Obviously, Tang Chen got lost in the [Mandela Gate] where the eighteen public houses were located!
However, the parallel planes are just like this, like a great river that flows endlessly through the ages.Never stayed for anyone.Still flowing.The human race is like an insignificant little fish, a little shrimp, too lazy to bother.Even more dismissive.

Therefore, Tang Chen's trial this time, - see the world.Decisively changed direction.Complicated and confusing, just like the ordinary growth experience, it is full of uncertainty and countless weird and unpredictable risks.

"I still feel something is wrong!"

Tang Chen blurted out, muttering to himself.The state of mind is no longer calm, and sleepiness is lost.Simply, close your eyes and sort out the knowledge of various subjects in your mind.

It's only been three months since the senior high school entrance examination.If you want to be admitted to a key high school in the city, you must not have any dead ends in knowledge...

Drunken like a dream, like a dream, one foot deep and one foot shallow, after more than 100 days, no matter whether the steps are vigorous or not, whether the back is still not proudly straight.Time waits for me.He, Tang Chen, finally rushed to the examination room.

After another anxious and anxious wait.

The postman who delivered the notice did not come to the door....

Tang Dahai actually came to the door!

"Brother, why are you here?"

Tang Dajiang and Jin Chan were still vigilant, and asked first in a questioning tone.

Tang Dajiang sneered, but lowered his posture: "I'm not giving Tang Chen an estimate."

"No need! Tang Chen didn't do badly in the exam this time!" Tang Dahai waved his hand and refused.

It was rare for Jin Chan to see Tang Dajiang deflated, and she was very relieved, condescending, and said: "Brother, we are busy. The goods in the store are too late to be produced, so please don't make trouble. If you really want to help, just sell the old house of the Tang family to my family." .Look, my place is too small, and it makes my neighbors uneasy.”

Tang Dajiang's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Fourth, fourth daughter-in-law, you guys. Let's be honest, brother, I came here for this."

"What? You're moving to the county? Zhao Yifang..., ah no! Has his uncle settled the relationship for you?"

Tang Dahai was silent, the leather knife in his hand was flying, and he was busy.In fact, he had already been distracted and listened to Jin Chan's words to Tang Dajiang.He only shot at the critical moment.

Tang Dajiang raised a finger in a very low-key manner, pointing to Westinghouse, "Shh..."

Then, he nodded.

"How much?" Jin Chan asked.Tang Dahai silently put away the leather knife.Listening with strained ears.

Tang Dajiang pulled a stool by himself, snap!He patted his thigh lightly, and then said: "Brother, brother and sister. Alas! Actually, I don't want to leave, but big brother is in trouble."

"Tch~! Lack of money? After selling the Tang family compound, don't you have money? The county is no better than the town, and the expenses are definitely not small."

Jin Chan was neither yin nor yang, and took up this sentence.Implicit.Our family is rich!Not a small amount!
At this moment, Tang Dahai had to stand up and speak out. He said, "Brother, tell me, what's the problem? My brothers and sisters. I don't have much ability, so I can only support you."

Tang Dajiang smiled, ignored Tang Dahai's subtext, and said, "I planned that if Tang Shuang was admitted to the county high school, I would not leave Sanjiao Town Middle School. After all, I will go to his uncle's house for food and lodging, and your sister-in-law Zhao Yijia and I, It also saves a lot of expenses. Hahaha, it’s not for nothing.”

"Chi Chi..." Tang Dahai and Jin Chan laughed.Tang Chen also laughed.

Tang Dajiang glanced at Tang Chen, his posture dropped abruptly, and said, "The reason why I want to go to work in the county is also for our Tang Chen, for Chenchen!"

"Eh? What's the matter with Guan Chenchen?" Tang Chen's parents were suddenly taken aback.

Only then did Tang Dajiang get to the point, and said: "Tang Chen went to study in the county. It's inconvenient for him to live in school at such a young age. He can be bullied to death if any child comes here."

"Don't be afraid of this, at worst, go to high school in the town." Tang Dahai waved his hand without any psychological burden at all.

Tang Chen's heart was half cold.What is this?So irresponsible!Is it your own?

(End of this chapter)

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