Shushan Wushen

Chapter 597 Acknowledging the Lord with Blood

Chapter 597 Acknowledging the Lord with Blood

"If you don't want to go to the county, then don't go there. The family has no money for you to study. If you still want to study, let's talk about it in eight years!"

Tang Chen didn't wait for an answer, his expression had already betrayed the rejection he was about to blurt out.Tang Dahai resolutely suppressed on the spot.

"Our family will buy your family's house! Shut up!"

Then Tang Dahai and Jin Chan were impatient and reached an agreement with Tang Dajiang.

Tang Dajiang took out a pen, and filled in the column of Tang Chen's previous name with 'Tang Shuang'.Fill in Tang Chen in the column of Tang Shuang's former name.

After some operations, the materials in the file were stuffed in again, and the two swapped the scores.

"Wow!" Tang Chen's blood surged up, his heart was angry, but he didn't dare to curse.

Watching this scene of filth and filth.

Tang Shuang said to Tang Chen in a low voice: "Brother, brother will compensate you in the future. Brother will remember this kind of love."

"Is it useful?" Tang Chen squinted at Tang Shuang.There is helplessness, sarcasm, anger and endless sorrow at the corners of the mouth,

"Great! Didn't Grandpa Jiang look for you recently?" Tang Chen simply tore off the veil, tore his face, and stared fiercely at Tang Dajiang with big eyes.

"What Grandpa Jiang? Which one?" Tang Dajiang was confused.

The corners of Tang Chen's mouth deformed, thinking that Tang Dajiang was pretending to be confused, and reminded loudly: "Jiang Laojiao, Jiang Baogen's father. He opened the mill."

"Grinding house? What kind of grinding house? How can there be a grinding house in Sanjiao Town?" Tang Dajiang was puzzled, and Tang Dahai and Jin Chan also looked at Tang Chen in a daze.

"Go away, say something inexplicable and weird!" Tang Dahai scolded Tang Chen loudly.

Tang Chen's anger rose sharply, he stepped out of the house, rushed out of the yard, and ran towards Jiang Laojiao's house.

However, he soon lost his composure.The scene in front of me was different from what I remembered.

After passing the small courtyard of the Tang family, what should have been seen was the Du family, but there is no Du family, it is a pig farm!

A fat pig with a round belly walked around the yard.Three vicious dogs patrolled vigilantly, barking wildly from time to time.

Tang Chen's heart became uneasy, there were many waves, his breathing was short of breath, and his heart was beating endlessly.Boom boom boom!There was a thunderous explosion, as if it was about to break open its chest and rush out and smash it into the head.

Tang Chen walked through the Du family in his memory with difficulty, which was the pig farm.From a distance, I saw a blue-gray brick house.

The brick house is very simple, exuding the vicissitudes of the years everywhere.The moss crawled slowly on the courtyard wall, and only the Yonglu Road was still smoky.

At the end of the Yonglu Road, at the gate of the courtyard, there is a stone pile.A mythical beast is carved on the stone pile.

Hitch the horse post!
This hitch is actually complete.

Tang Chen's memory was greatly tested.With his last hope, he knocked on the door knocker.

After a long time no one answered, he opened the door...

Creaking~~~.The ancient door hinge, the hinge has been mothed.

Suddenly... Tang Chen hastily withdrew his hand.

At this time, another memory came to my mind. This is a deserted house. It is said that it was a long time ago. It is often haunted by ghosts. Every night, there will be women crying and coughing...

This is Sanjiao Town, the most famous haunted house!

Tang Chen didn't know where to go in a panic, turned around and fled, plop!Tripped by a horse hitch, he got up, stumbled, staggered, retreated to the range of Du's house, and ran forward for a while, panting.

Not tired, this amount of exercise is nothing.It was completely frightened, unspeakable fear, which made him feel cold all over in the hot July.The soles of the feet are 'swish' and take a cold air.

He supported the willow wall in the small courtyard of the Tang family, feeling lingering in his heart.The mind is extremely messy.


There was a commotion from the gate of the small courtyard of the Tang family: "...Leave the furniture to me. It's just a thought. Big brother, if you miss home, you can come back and stay for a few days. It's fine..."

Tang Chen's face was mottled through the green willow leaves. Under the noon sun, Tang Dahai, Jin Chan, Tang Dajiang, Zhao Yijia, and Tang Shuang walked in the yard and walked towards the main house.

Tang Chen suddenly thought of something, and turned his gaze to the window of the main room.

"Oh? Hey!"

With a large iron pot, Qi Hei was extremely eye-catching.

"Wind and rain and sun, it can be said that it has been exposed to wind and rain for many years. Why hasn't it been rusted?"

Tang Chen's eyes suddenly filled with doubts, and he remembered something in the dark.It seems that this big scapegoat was sold out after a lot of effort that he had with some partners who couldn't remember their faces!
However, Tang Chen searched his memory, left the small courtyard of the Tang family at the age of four, and had never set foot in this courtyard.

He should have no chance to experience whether the big black pot is serious or not.

"Tang Shuang!" Tang Chen didn't know which tendon was wrong, so he pushed aside the willow wall to greet Tang Shuang.

Tang Shuang looked around and said, "Father, there seems to be a classmate, I'll go and have a look." Tang Dajiang said something, and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

Tang Chen touched the gate of the courtyard, sneaking around: "Tang Shuang, here."

Seeing Tang Chen, Tang Shuang smiled comfortingly and regretfully: "Brother, you ran away without making a sound. Brother is still worried about you. With your..."

Tang Chen waved his hand, interrupted Tang Shuang and said, "Is that big black pot heavy?"

Tang Shuang was stunned, she didn't expect Tang Chen to ask such a question: "It's heavy, why is it so hard to lift it?"

Tang Chen said: "Let's go! Sell it, let's buy something delicious."

Tang Shuang smiled, "Okay, I didn't expect you to be such a person! You like prodigals."

"Don't smear the ink, let's go!" Tang Chen pulled Tang Shuang and groped towards the big black pot.

Tang Chen teased with a smile: "Anyway, the old house is sold to you, so you can do whatever you want. I don't feel guilty at all."

In the main room, Tang Dajiang and his wife and Tang Dahai and his wife discussed details and money.

Under the window outside the main house, Tang Chen and Tang Shuang moved the big black pot with great effort.Trying to lift up, move away….

"What movement?"

Xia Tian didn't close the window, Zhao Yijia inside the house suddenly pricked up his ears.

"Oops, my mother found out!" Tang Shuang shuddered, feeling guilty.Unsteady hands....

The big black pot slipped down.Although the edge of the iron pan is blunted, it still has a sharp edge.Tang Shuang let go, causing the big black pot to lose its balance in an instant.


"My hand... hiss!"

Tang Chen took a step back, covering his right with his left hand.Grinning his teeth in pain, he sat down on the ground.

"Go out and have a look, there seems to be some movement." Tang Dajiang said smoothly.

So everyone in the room came out and saw that it was Tang Chen.

"Tang Chen wants to sell this black pot." Tang Shuang was actually very shameless, and betrayed Tang Chen without hesitation.

Tang Chen was angry, stretched out his bloody right hand, trembling.


Blood splattered, fell on the big black pot, and also splashed on Tang Shuang's face.Tang Chen is sincerely disgusting Tang Shuang!
"Bastard! You, you, you, you bastard!"

Tang Dahai scolded Tang Chen angrily, and helped Tang Shuang wipe the blood with his big hands. Jin Chan and Zhao Yijia entered the room, one went to find medicine, and the other went to get a wet towel.

Tang Dajiang taught Tang Shuang, with a look of indignation: "You two have fun, don't hurt your friendship. How old is Tang Shuang and how old is Tang Chen, let's make room..."


When no one paid attention to Tang Chen.Mutant rebirth.

Shhhhh~!The big black pot on the ground shrank rapidly.With a swish, it got into Tang Chen's belly button.


Tang Chen was shocked, covered his stomach with bloody hands, puff!Fall again.

"Hundan! What kind of garlic are you pretending to be! Robes! Robes!"

Tang Dahai was furious, he saw a bloody handprint on Tang Chen's snow-white robe.

(End of this chapter)

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