Shushan Wushen

Chapter 598 Wronged and Won

Chapter 598 Wronged and Won

Jin Chan and Li Yiqi, one on the left and one on the right, hurriedly supported Tang Chen.

Suddenly, Tang Chen's body was like a black hole, and Li Yiqi and Jin Chan's bodies rose up with breaths, in the form of mist, whistling~~, along Tang Chen's pores, penetrating through the body, quite joyful like ducks in water!
This is true martial arts!



Li Yiqi and Jin Chan trembled all over, and their momentum suddenly became weak.I staggered.

In contrast, Tang Chen resolutely cheered up.

"Why is it so cold... hiss!" Jin Chan couldn't help shivering.

Li Yiqi's sense is very keen, she said strangely: "Why... I have something very important in my body, and it all disappeared at once? This is the feeling of deprivation!"

"Ah, Qiqi, what you said is very accurate, I feel the same as Fourth Aunt!" Jin Chan also reacted.

Tang Chen couldn't help but a wry smile in his heart, he touched his nose guilty, it was clear that two big black cauldrons turned into black holes, acting as demons!
So he changed the topic decisively: "Mom, Li Yiqi is going back to the county, and I should report to the high school in the city. Li Yiqi is going to bring a lot of souvenirs back. If I need help, I can't just stand by and just drop by. , anyway, the high school in the city is only a few days away. Let's take a ride tonight!"

Jin Chan hesitated for a moment, glanced at Li Yiqi, hesitated to speak.After hesitating for a moment, as if he had made up his mind, he raised his head, his eyes softer than ever before.

"Tang Chen, you are also an older child, this time you are going to study. You should share the family affairs. Are you right?"

Tang Chen didn't know what Jin Chan was going to say, so he didn't express his opinion.Just nodded slightly.

Jin Chan glanced at Li Yiqi, and her eyes fell on Jin Chan's raised buttocks, with a narrowed smile streaming from the corner of her eyes.

Tang Chen's heart tightened, and he thought to himself, Oops!Bad thing.

Sure enough, Jin Chan smiled.

"You~, Tang Chen, Qiqi, you two are big children. I don't know how to behave properly, people will laugh when they see it. Giggle..."

"Fourth aunt!" Li Yiqi suddenly understood his omission.What a clean girl she is.Some things, in the eyes of a caring person, are not difficult to figure out.

Xue Ya's white robe, with such dirty buttocks printed on the robe, is shocking.It's simply too striking.It is absolutely impossible for a person's weight to cause such an effect.The only explanation is that Tang Chen once sat on her... If Tang Chen and Li Yiqi didn't get along well, how could it be....

Tang Chen lowered his head in embarrassment, Li Yiqi's face was flushed, but his big eyes became brighter, the paper on the window will be pierced sooner or later!She is careful.

Jin Chan changed the subject, and then took the opportunity to say: "Tang Chen, since this is the case~, you should go to the county to study high school, it's closer to Qiqi, your Uncle Li and your Li Sanniang can take care of you, you That headache, you go to study in the city ~ we don't worry about it."

"... Hiss! This..." Tang Chen suddenly changed color.How can a high school in the county compare with a high school in the city?This is too childish!
Without waiting for him to explain, Jin Chan directly told the truth that stunned Tang Chen and shocked him: "Tang Chen, to tell the truth, your uncle is looking for your father, crying, making noise and kneeling, Baimao Tangfeng and the others These sons-in-law, nieces, etc. are all here, and let you give Tang Shuang the opportunity to study in a high school in the city. Your father has already agreed!"

"It really is... like this!" Tang Chen has been restless for the past few days. He doesn't know where the premonition came from. He always feels that Tang Shuang will replace him. He doesn't want to... unexpectedly, it really is like this!
"Oh, that's great, just stay at my house, you can help me with my homework! Hee hee~." Li Yiqi's eyebrows were beaming, his big eyes sparkling, and he approached Tang Chen eagerly.In front of Jin Chan, she wrapped her arms around Tang Chen's waist.

Tang Chen bared his teeth bitterly.Some words are really hard to say in front of Li Yiqi.

However, Li Yiqi is also a girl with a delicate heart, and her face turned cold: "Tang Chen, what do you mean by such an ugly face?"

With that said, he pushed Tang Chen away vigorously, and deliberately took two steps back.

Tang Chen really wanted to say at this moment, 'The quality of teaching in high schools in the city is not comparable to that in high schools in the county...' '

But, how can this word be exported?
"Ahhhhhhhhhh! My head hurts again, alas~~~."

Tang Chen had no choice but to pretend to be sick, which really worked.Li Yiqi was immediately embarrassed, but fortunately Jin Chan entered the room and gave the time to the boys and girls, otherwise Li Yiqi would have been embarrassed.

In fact, Li Yiqi's words never escaped Jin Chan's ears.With a secretive smile on the corner of Jin Chan's mouth, she patted the stack of banknotes on her waist.

"Hey~. I can't help my mother. This mother is not as good as a little girl's film. It's really one thing for one thing. Well! It's a lot less tongue-in-cheek~"

Jin Chan felt relieved, got on the dumpling and got off the noodles.While muttering, she was busy entering the room, and went to give Tang Chen and bread dumplings.

yard.Here, Li Yiqi asked with concern, inquiring about his health, with an anxious expression on his face.

Tang Chen waved his hand, and said perfunctorily: "It's okay, it's okay! I'll take it easy. I'll take it easy, I heard it too; I can stay with you in the county for three years~ I'm over excited. I understand Understand, my little heart is too fragile..."

"Really! You...!" Li Yiqi smiled like a flower, fluttering with long and dense eyelashes, and bright eyes.Lovely.

Tang Chen was annoyed and aggrieved, the most depressing thing in the world was this.

Let’s think broadly about everything, the junior high school preparatory year, then the first year, the second year, the third year, a total of four years.Besides, Li Yiqi is three years older than himself. Normally speaking, at his own age, he is only in the fourth grade at the beginning of school.Be content!

Tang Chen shook his head, and naturally hugged Li Yiqi, taking advantage of it.Taking advantage of the opportunity, Tang Chen has always enjoyed it.

While Li Yiqi was excited, he was still full of girlish vigilance, shyly pushing him away.

"My fourth aunt will make dumplings for you in the evening. It's okay for you two to go, so you can help me peel garlic and mash garlic! Hehehe..."

Jin Chan held the washbasin, kneading her face with one hand, with a smile on her face and a spring breeze on her face.

"I know how to roll the skin! Fourth Aunt, I'll help you..." Li Yiqi bravely raised his fair little hand, shaking his slender figure, shy but not lacking in complacency.

"Okay!" Jin Chan responded heavily, her eyes bursting with strong admiration. "Go wash your hands, the rolling pin is over there..."

Beeping, Tang Chen rubbed the garlic with his small hands, and put them into the basin one by one.

Tang Yuan blinked her big eyes, and approached Tang Chen mysteriously, "Brother, brother, is sister Qiqi the future sister-in-law?"

Tang Chen gave Tang Yuan a sidelong glance, a cold expression appeared on his face, and he let out a cold snort. "Wash garlic! Hurry up, I'm going to start pounding!"

"If you don't say it, don't say it. Why is it fierce? I know you look down on me and think I'm delaying your going out to play. Hmph~! No one looks like an older brother..."

Tang Yuan fished out the garlic angrily, threw it on the ground, and ran, shouting: "Mom, mom, brother threw the garlic, threw it on the ground, it's dirty and can't be eaten, he's ruining things, You hit him..."

"Wow..., sued again, planted and framed..., wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

Tang Chen pursed his lips, shook his head, hummed a little tune, picked up garlic one by one, and threw them back into the basin...Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously.

inside the house.

"Tang Yuan, don't frame your brother. I really don't know what you think of your little brat's idea! How much did you beat your brother because of your blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He will go to the county when he meets..."

Tang Chen was so wronged, with a look of grief and indignation, tears streaming down his face.

"So, it turns out that they all know wow, so they still hit me...?!"

(End of this chapter)

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