Shushan Wushen

Chapter 599 Touring the entire universe

Chapter 599 Touring the entire universe

"Tang Chen! Are you interested in patrolling the entire universe!"

I don't know how long I was silent.General Qi Zhen finally twitched the corners of his mouth and let out such a sentence.

Tang Chen was taken aback.This is obviously beyond all routines.No pleasantries, nor inquiries.The true meaning of this sentence is too majestic.

Tang Chen looked at Li Yiqi, and responded neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Excellency, General, I'm asking you."

"I'm asking you, Tang Chen!" General Qi Zhen couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't get angry.

"Okay, Li Yiqi, please tell me about yourself. What ideals do you have, and what kind of ambitions do you have to participate in the recruitment selection?"

Li Yiqi suddenly became interested, with a greasy luster on his chubby face, puffed up his cheeks solemnly, and recited slowly: "I have longed to fly since I was a child. I graduated from the elementary school affiliated to Universal Middle School and participated in the Imperial Air Force to defend the imperial sky... …”

"Hey, hey...." General Qi Zhen looked at Li Yiqi jokingly, and said, "Your teacher didn't tell you this set of stylized answers. Who created it first?"

Li Yiqi is very well-behaved, without blinking his eyes, "It's our school's senior, General Qi Zhen's teachings! General Qi Zhen is the pride of our Tang County. He is the No.1 spacewalker in Shu. The number one hero of the Imperial Air Force!" The supreme being...."

"Hahaha...!" General Qi Zhen clapped his hands and laughed.There are tears in the smile, and the smile is very bitter.

"Didn't you hear that General Qi Zhen has been grounded? I'm so old, the Empire...doesn't need the Ministry of War anymore?"

Tang Chen's eyes lit up, and they shone instantly, as if he had realized something.He took a deep look at Qi Zhen.I feel that the general in front of me is a person with a story.

General Qi Zhen took the wet towel handed over by the adjutant, wiped his face, and also wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Whoosh!He threw away the fresh white towel with a flick of his hand.He stroked his hair with his hand.

"Tang Chen, Li Yiqi, what about you two? I'm from my hometown, and I'm also from Tang County, oh! By the way, I should be from Su Fenhe."

"Su Fenhe? Isn't that Sanjiao Town?" Li Yiqi smiled, showing a trace of neat white teeth on his fat little face.

General Qi Zhen shook his head: "The vicissitudes of life, time is like a rushing river, things are people and things are not things. You have never stepped out of the dome, so you can't understand the true meaning of this."

Li Yiqi is very good at making connections, and asked with concern: "Then you are in Sanjiao Town, ah no! Does Su Fenhe have any relatives?"

Qi Zhen nodded and said, "My daughter Qi Yu is in Su Fenhe——."

"Qi Yu?"

Tang Chen and Li Yiqi exclaimed.

"Why do you know each other?" Qi Zhen's eyes sparkled, but she was not excited.

"My classmate, our classmate!" Li Yiqi laughed fiercely, jumped off the chair very boldly, went around the table, and stopped General Qi Zhen's arm.

General Qi Zhen froze for a moment, then waved his fingers silently, stopping the adjutant's obstruction.

Li Yiqi smiled and said: "So you are Qi Da Da. Qi Yu and I are good girlfriends. We played together a few days ago. We went to the western suburbs to eat melons, and went to the northern suburbs to burn wheat. We had a great time. .It's just that I haven't heard her mention you. Are you saying that I'm being rude?"

General Qi Zhen smiled faintly: "Then you never noticed Qi Yu's father, or do you mean you don't pay attention to each other's family?"

Tang Chen's eyes were filled with fear after hearing this.An indescribable shock.

He clearly remembered Qi Yu, that slender, fair-skinned girl.Qi Yu is gentle, gentle and pleasant.Like a glass of pure water.The cold winter does not feel cold, and the hot summer gives people coolness.

She was born extremely beautiful.

Tang Chen had put on new clothes countless times, or made the old robe neat and clean, with white teeth deliberately exposed on the cuffs and necklines, and then secretly applied a little mother's hair oil to make his hair soft...

The little heart was pounding, guarding the intersection that Qi Yu must pass, artificially creating an encounter.

Just for a few words.

The most wonderful thing is that on a rainy day, he can take the opportunity to put his arm around Qi Yu's shoulders.Feel the warm body fragrance.

...the world is so beautiful.

But--. "By the way! Qi Yu's father, why don't I have the slightest impression?"

"Tang Chen, what are you thinking? You smile so lewdly!"

General Qi Zhen smiled and tapped lightly on the table.

"Ah!" Tang Chen turned around abruptly, and in front of him was General Qi Zhen's tiger eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Li Yiqi intentionally took the opportunity to take the position and expose Tang Chen's background: "Qi Da Da, you don't know that you are not in Sanjiao Town. Tang Chen always hooks up with Qi Yu. He hangs around in front of your house when he has nothing to do. I heard... I heard He even held Qi Yu's hand."


Everyone in the room laughed.

Tang Chen was extremely embarrassed.With a blushing face, she twisted her neck shyly, "Qi Da, won't blame me, will you?"

"Damn it! So you really held my daughter's hand!" General Qi Zhen bared his teeth aggressively, but in fact, there was a kind smile from the corner of his eyes.

Tang Chen swayed his body, touched his nose, and didn't know whether to deny it or admit it.

Although, being a fair lady and a gentleman is good, it's not ashamed.Like Li Yiqi, if a boy saw him, he ran away from a distance, that would be a shame.

However, Li Yiqi's big mouth really annoyed Tang Chen.

General Qi Zhen restrained her smile: "Tang Chen, you have to make it up to me. I'm serious about this."

Tang Chen nodded solemnly, and said solemnly: "If Qi Da Da allows you, I can consider getting engaged to Qi Yu!"


Li Yiqi and the adjutant laughed together.

General Qi Zhen restrained her smile, and asked with all her heart: "Tang Chen, you can come to participate in the recruiting of the Imperial Military Department. It can be seen that you are very interested in flying——"

"He came with me. He's going to high school. Hehehe." Li Yiqi felt that he was not an outsider, and confessed everything.And interrupted General Qi Zhen's words.However, when she raised her head and saw the adjutant winking at her repeatedly, she immediately understood.Shut up decisively.

Tang Chen said loudly: "What Li Yiqi said is right! Mr. Qi, I am indeed only here to accompany the exam. I have no interest in flying at all!"

General Qi Zhen frowned slightly, he knew that Tang Chen might prevaricate.I didn't expect this guy to be so decisive.In this regard, he was on par with Qi Yu.View flying as a scourge.

Tang Chen said again: "Qi Da, if I'm not wrong, you have a relationship with General Qi Zhen."

Qi Zhen smiled coldly: "This general is Qi Zhen!"

"Ah?" Tang Chen and Li Yiqi changed their colors immediately.Tang Chen leaned back, Li Yiqi panicked, retreated to the side of the table, leaning on his chair, neither sitting nor standing.He was at a loss and didn't know how to deal with himself.

"The general is the current director of the Imperial Recruitment Bureau, General Qi Zhen!" the adjutant explained proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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