Shushan Wushen

Chapter 600 Love the house and the crow

Chapter 600 Love the house and the crow


Tang Chen asked, "What is the Mandela Gate?"

Not only Tang Chen and Li Yiqi heard this word for the first time.In fact.It was also the first time for the adjutant and Qi Yu to know such secrets.

General Qi Zhen let out a long sigh, and said: "Let the old man be a fool, I can't tell you at this time!"

The general pointed at Qi Yu, "She is from the future! She is the only one who passed through Mandela's Gate!"

Tang Chen and Li Yiqi heard the words and looked at Qi Yu.

Li Yiqi looked eagerly: "Dayu! Tell me, how does it feel to pass through the Mandela Gate? By the way, what does the key look like..."

Qi Yu smiled, shook his head and remained silent.

Tang Chen was very embarrassed, Qi Yu was still sitting on his lap.And that Qi Yu was so well-behaved that he never moved.

"So you are not from this world!" Tang Chen sighed.What he misses even more is that Qi Yu who helped him take care of Tang Yuan countless times and pissed and pissed, so he couldn't get rid of it.

That Qi Yu made a very good impression on him.From that Qi Yu, Tang Chen seemed to see the brilliance of motherhood.Holy.

It can be said that the name Qi Yu in memory has his own halo.Tang Chen longed for that warmth.

Qi Yu in his arms was beautiful and charming, but it was so unreal.Tang Chen felt the heat from each other's bodies.And some greed.It's also a little embarrassing.He was even more embarrassed to push Qi Yu off the chair.

Qi Yu moved his butt, and Tang Chen was teased even more, "...hiss." He gasped.

Qi Yu smiled and said, "I didn't expect to see you again, and to see the appearance of my old classmates when we parted. It's great!"

Qi Yu's voice trembled, and General Qi Zhen nodded deeply, "Thank you, father!"

Qi Zhen waved her hand and sighed endlessly: "I pledged myself to the country, and if it is difficult to grant a family, I am sorry for you and your mother. This time I took you through the gate of Mandela, and I have the right to be a little compensation for my father!" "

The adjutant's face was full of tears, and he wanted to tell the truth.General Qi Zhen shot him sharply and stopped him.

Qi Yu's heart was surging, and Tang Chen vaguely heard her heartbeat.Some doubts.

Tang Chen asked softly, "Qi Yu, what happened to you? Did the future me hurt you? If that's the case, I'm willing to change it! Just tell me!"

Qi Yu squeezed Tang Chen's little hand severely, and snorted coldly: "Master Tang, I hope you can hurt me. After being admitted to Tang County High School, you will no longer be in Sanjiao Town, and you will lose touch with all your classmates." Lian... How much I look forward to meeting you. Even if it hurts!"

"Ah?" Tang Chen exclaimed, guiltily rubbing his nose against Qi Yu's soft back.

Her words revealed the secret in Tang Chen's heart.After Tang Chen walked out of Sanjiao Town, he never wanted to go back.No matter rich or poor, the dragon never turns back and never returns home.

Qi Yu, she really is from the future!

Li Yiqi was very gossip, and took advantage of the situation to ask: "Then Tang Chen will be a big corrupt official in the future?"

Qi Yu shook his head, "I don't know much about the specifics. In fact, I have been inquiring about Tang Chen's whereabouts. First, I heard that he had a serious illness in Tang County No. [-] Middle School. Then his academic performance plummeted. In the end, he failed the imperial examination. Well, he was disheartened, and then went into business."

"Business?" Li Yiqi and Tang Chen's eyes widened.

Qi Yu nodded: "Tang Chen's parents left Sanjiao Town, went to Raksha Country to do fur business, and made a fortune. And... there is no other news."

Saying this, Qi Yu glanced at Li Yiqi.He lowered his head rather guilty.

"Probably not..." Tang Chen shook his head, he shouldn't get involved with his parents no matter what.

"What happened to me?" Tang Chen said to himself, puzzled.

Qi Yu snorted coldly, with a very small voice, undetectable: "It's not Li Yiqi...."

"Li Yiqi? What's the matter with Li Yiqi?" Tang Chen blurted out, but he soon regretted it.

If the dream is the future, then is the future Li Yiqi the one in his dream, that beautiful woman?Not right.Li Yiqi in the dream is not very old....

Tang Chen was puzzled, and stared at General Qi Zhen: "Qi Da Da, can you explain the Mandela Gate to me?"

"No!" General Qi Zhen flatly refused.

The adjutant saw the clue, and explained amiably: "Brother Tang Chen, the general has been grounded because he entered the Mandela Gate to perform a mission and brought back the future Qi Yu, which violated the imperial law. And this The gate of Mandela belongs to the top secret of the empire and cannot be leaked. You can only know about it when you have made immortal military exploits, and when you grow into a general. The blue sky, white clouds, and the vast sky are waiting for you to set foot! We My future is the sea of ​​stars! Study hard, young man~!"

This is spur and encouragement!It even guided a glorious road for Tang Chen.

General Qi Zhen looked at Tang Chen with a strange expression.There is anxiety.He loves his house and his wife, and loves his daughter.He couldn't bear to live up to Qi Yu's pleading gaze.

Swish!He opened the drawer and took out an old film.

"The eyesight of a pilot is the most important thing. When all the instruments on the flying saucer are damaged, they can only rely on their eyes to search for extremely distant targets. Flight exists in formation. All observation instruments fail. In critical moments, between the ship and the wingman You can only rely on these eyes to grasp the speed and space position! If the eyes are broken, the flying career will be terminated. That is to say, it will be grounded!"

Tang Chen looked at General Qi Zhen without blinking, and nodded silently.

"I must protect my eyesight!"

Chi la...

General Qi Zhen opened the film and said, "Do you know the dynamic imaging principle of the human eye?"

Tang Chen nodded, and Qi Yu nodded too.Before Li Yiqi knew it, her face turned red.

General Qi Zhen nodded to Li Yiqi, and said: "You haven't entered junior high school yet, you will learn it later. It's actually very simple. Tell me, Tang Chen."

Tang Chen smiled and said: "What the human eye sees is just a frame of pictures. When the pictures pass by the eyes at a speed of [-] frames per second, the pictures appear dynamic..."

General Qi Zhen raised the film in his hand, and under the light, that part of the film, the picture on it, although not clearly visible, took a cold look.The difference in action is really not that big.

Only by comparing the first picture with the second picture can we judge that there are some differences.

"Do you understand?"

General Qi Zhen's words seemed to be asking Li Yiqi, but he was actually looking at Tang Chen.

"General...!" The adjutant was also wearing a golden general star, which was a major general.Anxiety appeared on his face.

General Qi Zhen squinted at him coldly, "Did I say anything that leaked the secret?"

(End of this chapter)

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