Shushan Wushen

Chapter 602 An Unprecedented Riot

Chapter 602 An Unprecedented Riot


In the universe middle school under the night, the water blue maple trees are swaying.The figure is graceful.


There were bursts of wailing in the forest, accompanied by the rhythm of "boom, boom, boom!", the voice was low but not shrill.Think carefully.

These two or three gangs were far more than the ones surrounding Tang Chen, and some of them were slower to start.It turned out to be a big deal.When they realized that there were a large number of ruthless people ambushing in the Shuilanfeng forest, they couldn't help but looked at each other, their muscles twitching.

These lucky lieutenants and second lieutenants stood in the bright place and hesitated.

"It's not good!" Chai Shao muttered with a keen mind.

Tang Chen was also a little panicked. After all, there were 50 to 20 people outside the Shuilanfeng forest. On his own side, including Li Yiqi, there were only 20 people.The most frightening thing is that 18 of these [-] people are from the county.

Fighting across schools is a big taboo.If it is not done well, it will provoke anger.

Flying Academy, that incomparably coquettish little cloak is a status symbol.The cloak is fierce and very conspicuous.Once, it was spied on by the outside world.Then the entire cosmos is not talking about riots, and it is almost the same.

Because it's about the honor of the pilots!His own comrades broke their heads, which is also an internal fight.Once the scope of involvement is too broad.That undoubtedly offended the public.

"Scrape! Strip everything!"

With Tang Chen's order, the villagers untied the sacks without hesitation.The lieutenant and second lieutenant inside the sack were miserable, with bleeding from their noses and mouths.Swear loudly.

" are going too far! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

No one paid attention to it, and there was a "bang bang bang!" Bigfoot suppressed it.Then he was in a hurry and stripped naked.Finally stuffed the big sack back.

It's summer, and changing clothes is easy.The villagers of Tang County No. [-] Middle School quickly put on soft armor and wrapped their cloaks.

"Pull out the bricks! Each person picks up two pieces!" Tang Chen ordered again.

This is his worst plan.In case of exposure, you can only fight recklessly.

"Let's go! The equipment area in the southwest corner!"

Tang Chen gave an order, and rushed out of the Shuilan Maple forest with Chai Shao dragging two big sacks.

"Let go of me! Let go of me! You guys are going too far...!"

Miserable curses came from the big sack.

"Shut up! Make noise!"

Tang Chen roared sharply, let go of the sack, and kicked with his big feet "Bang bang!"There was a sudden silence in the sack.

The gang surrounding the Shuilanfeng forest saw Tang Chen being so cruel.Fear appeared on their faces.

Ever since, the evaluation of Tang Chen in his heart was tantamount to improving his cognition again.

... This is a ruthless person!By no means a pedantic nerd….

"...Give me back my flight suit..." From a sack at the back, there was a desperate roar of rage.

"What? Got skinned?!"

The flight suit is marked with military rank and rank, as well as the emblem of the Imperial Ministry of War.It symbolizes the infinite respect and glory of identity.Usually, in the fights between the comrades in the Universe Middle School, they would deliberately avoid tearing the flight suits.

Now he was being skinned? !This is so shocking and unexpected.Doubts abound.

Pilots have excellent eyesight.Observation is also amazing.

Suddenly someone noticed the clue and shouted: "Look at their combat boots! They are cloth shoes!"

Under the night, the lights from the dormitory and barracks were dim and dim.The soft cowhide leather boots on Tang Chen's feet were inlaid with the imperial flight emblem on the side.The emblem of the boots shines brightly.

Look at Li Yiqi again, the same is true.But Chai Shao and his group of 18 were suddenly different.Both are ordinary cloth shoes and straw sandals.

"Not good!" Tang Chen growled, raising the brick in his hand.

"They are from other schools! Kill them!"

"Dare to go to the universe middle school to play wild, you are tired of life!"

The second lieutenants and lieutenants, seeing Tang Chen's real situation clearly, decided not to be intimidated anymore.Angrily rushed over.

The teenagers in Sanjiao Town are all good fighters in fights, and there are few weak ones.In a group of two, they first raised their hands and threw the sack, but the other party ignored it and dodged to avoid it.The person in the sack screamed and cursed loudly.

The most taboo thing about fighting in groups is to turn around and run away.Turning around and running away, the whole gang was exhausted.

Tang Chen is well versed in this, and Chai Shao and Qin Qiong also understand this truth. The 19 people and Li Yiqi raised their bricks one after another and rushed towards each other fiercely.

All of them are extremely mighty and powerful, and their momentum is astonishing!
Bang bang bang!
In a single blow, the momentum was like a tiger, tearing apart the opponent's defense line of 50 people. Qin Qiong, Chai Shao and Tang Chen, who took the lead, ran a few steps and confessed: "Everyone follow Li Yiqi!"

Then the three of them rushed back like hungry tigers and rescued the fellow sophomores who were running behind.

In just a short moment, those fellow villagers were already bleeding.Tang Chen and the three of them rescued in a timely manner.Now it's just a skin trauma, later on, it's bound to be ravaged.You have to be dumbfounded.That would be a shame.

"Hurry up! Catch up with Li Yiqi!" Tang Chen reminded the fellow sophomore who fell to the ground.

Sweeping through his thoughts, he tilted his body, dodging a punch from a young man with a horse face behind him, and hit a brick with his backhand.

The horse-faced second lieutenant plunged headfirst into the ground.

"Run!" Chai Shao grabbed Tang Chen's arm, pulled him, and ran in the direction of Li Yiqi desperately.

At this time, the dormitory barracks area was too noisy.Finally the pickets were alerted.Countless weeks of patrolling teams ran here.


The second lieutenants and lieutenants of the picket team blew their whistles as they ran.For a moment, the entire universe middle school campus was boiling.

"What happened? So many whistles? The direction of the dormitory...!"

"Could it be a fire, damn it! My pickles! ... and books ...!"

Many teenagers who took a walk in the cool air, or ran at night, ran to the dormitory and barracks area one after another.

Li Yiqi led the eighteen heroes, and quickly ran to the playground area with seven turns and eight turns.It's very close to the school gate.

However, there are many changes.The playground area and the training area, as well as the picket team in the teaching building, the patrol team, and the weekly team, met head-on.

"Stop! Accept interrogation!"

"Shoot out!" Cheng Yaojin's eyes were red.

He snatched the military stick of the picket leader on the opposite side with his hand, and knocked it to the ground with a backhand.He swung his military stick again and frantically attacked another picket.

Cheng Yaojin's actions ignited the fighting spirit of eighteen heroes.One by one the blood surged up.Whoever has a baton in his hand rushes to him.

After all, they were wearing flying cloaks, and their movements were fast and fierce.For a while, no one noticed.

When it came back, Cheng Yaojin and the others had succeeded.Those patrols and week members who are not equipped with military sticks, no one dares to go straight to the front!They retreated one after another.Or, blowing the military whistle frantically.

Whoosh whoosh….

Tang Chen and Queen Chai Shao also caught up with Li Yiqi and the others, "Don't love to fight!"

When Cheng Yaojin came to his senses, he took a stride, jumped out of the entanglement formation, and rushed straight to the school gate.

Those standing guard at the school gate are absolutely formidable regular troops.Army Aviation Soldiers!
"Stop! Accept interrogation!"

"Everyone stop!"

Swish Swish Swish!A team of army aviation soldiers who guarded the school raised their steel guns.

Tang Chen shouted from behind: "An unprecedented riot broke out in the barracks. We are running for our lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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