Shushan Wushen

Chapter 603 Overturning the Black Tent

Chapter 603 Overturning the Black Tent

The sun at noon is hot and fierce.If it weren't for the quiet leaves of the blue maple tree, it would still be in harmony with the blue sky.Then the heart must be getting hotter and hotter.

It is said that autumn is refreshing, but the sky in September is more restless and scorching.It's like grilling.

The youthful and passionate faces are roasted, and the heart of the young man is also roasted.

Tang Chen is a stable person, his mind is as calm as water.However, this water is an endless sea.Once there is no winking wind blowing.Caressing the waves is extremely beautiful.

But the tornado messes up and creates a tsunami....

The sea cannot be calm for a long time, and it will inevitably rise up.The raging waves rolled.Give waves of punishment!

Tang Chen silently ate all the food in front of him, pursing his mouth comfortably.He exclaimed: "The Military Academy is good, and you don't need to spend money on food. It's a wonderful place!"

After the meal, the pilots also had fruit to enjoy.

Tang Chen rubbed his bulging belly, walked to the leisure area, found a seat, sat down silently, picked up an apple, ate it in three mouthfuls, then picked up another apple...

Tang Chen was not using the table alone.

Such a foodie is not without precedent in Universal Middle School, but it is really rare for someone at Tang Chen's age with such a large appetite.

The slobbery boy put on a look, opened his mouth, and resolutely suppressed the teasing words in his throat.

Because this foodie is... Tang Chen!
Tang Chen devoured it voraciously, not even leaving the core of the apple, and in the end he couldn't eat any more, so he sneakily pretended to take all the tangerines on the table.

The students around him all looked up at the ceiling.Pretend not to see.

With a smile on his lips, Tang Chen wrapped the stolen fruit in his flying cloak, and walked out of the cafeteria in a grandiose manner.

In the cafeteria, there were boos all over the place.Countless students laughed knowingly.Some laughed and cried.


Suddenly!Almost all the students are like ducks with their necks pinched.Stop abruptly!

The smile quickly subsided, and the whole world fell silent.A small figure unexpectedly appeared at the entrance of the cafeteria again.Surprisingly, it was Tang Chen!

Tang Chen searched around, but no one met his pupils.They all pretended to look aside, as if nothing had happened, and some gracefully threw away the orange petals, raised their hands and stuffed the orange peel into their mouths, closed their mouths and chewed slowly...

Tang Chen walked to the water intake area in a big way.He found two thermos bottles, put in two packs of tea leaves, picked them up, and left calmly.

Tang Chen left, but the coercion still seemed to be floating in the air.Like floating loose asbestos.All the students felt an uncomfortable itching.

No longer in the mood to sit and relax, they left one after another.

Tang Chen walked back to the dormitory barracks.There are three cast iron beds in this dormitory, with bunk beds.The other five people are not in the same class as Tang Chen.Therefore, Tang Chen did not know their names yet.

However, one person's head was wrapped with gauze, and brown blood coagulated on it.Tang Chen was no stranger to his face.Had a fight last night.

Looking across, Tang Chen suddenly found a notice on his bed.Tang Chen put down two heavy thermos bottles, picked up the notice, swept his eyes, and laughed.

"Bed-wetting in No. 203, Class 203, please go to the infirmary for an examination in time. If you have frequent enuresis, please contact the student department to apply for withdrawal. This bed-wetting has been recorded. Regarding bed No. [-], Lieutenant Tang Chen , Stern warning...!"

Tang Chen crushed the notice, then threw it into the trash basket at the door.Pick up a thermos bottle....

"Hehehe, Tang Chen, you are too polite. We are all comrades in arms. There is no need to pour tea and make amends. There is no need!"

Saying this, he stretched out his arm from under the quilt, grabbed a big tea mug and stretched it out.

Another lieutenant in the same dormitory picked up another thermos bottle very bluntly, "Thank you!" He pulled on his shoes and walked towards his bedside table.He picked up his tea mug——.

A cold expression appeared on Tang Chen's face, and his tone was not kind: "You are in the wrong place!"

"Oh, that's right, this is my tea mug." The guy went in without knowing it, and raised his eyebrows coquettishly at Tang Chen.

"If I said something wrong, I was wrong!" Tang Chen suddenly raised his voice.

The lieutenant was startled suddenly, his hands trembled, and they spilled onto the table.

"...Hiss, scald me to death, why is it still tea, it's hard to wipe..."

Tang Chen looked at him with sad and reproachful eyes, and his eyes became dark.This roar also woke up the rest of the bedmates who were taking their lunch break.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Urgent assembly?"

Tang Chen stretched out one hand and pointed to the quilt on the bed, and with the other hand, the thermos bottle slowly moved behind him, like a gradually... bow!



The lieutenant braced himself, not even daring to meet Tang Chen's gaze, picked up the thermos bottle with difficulty, poured some tea on his snow-white quilt.

Enough is enough, Tang Chen didn't do anything to the extreme.

He stretched out his hand and pointed to another bed, and shouted sharply: "Fall!"

"Okay!" As a result, the guy didn't hesitate at all, without any hesitation, "Wow..."

"Wow! Wow! It's time... a dog!" The lieutenant, who was still on his lunch break on the bed, was not wary of the guy coming.Immediately, he jumped up from the heat.The big tea mug in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, and bounced a few times.

"Stop it!" Tang Chen reprimanded, and handed the thermos bottle to the lieutenant who jumped down.

"Good skill, very vigorous! Go and show the bed-wetting experience to the comrades on the upper bunk!" Tang Chen's eyes glowed with a strange red light, and his tone was firm and unquestionable.

That guy resolutely confessed, glanced at Tang Chen, took the thermos bottle...


"Hold on..."

"Don't! It's all in the past..."

After a while, the three lieutenants who slept with each other on the upper bunk jumped down one after another, blocking the lieutenant who was carrying a thermos bottle.

Tang Chen shouted in a low voice: "Get out of the way!"

This voice is not easy to use, but the evil spirit in the eyes is easy to use.

Tang Chen's name has already been established.After all, he was able to find such a group of ruthless people and get away unscathed.More importantly, in case Tang Chen is offended.Will he be able to leave the universe middle school in the future?

"I also know Jiang Xuelong! My name is Tie Yu." A lieutenant approached Tang Chen with a smile and started the approach mode.

Tang Chen ignored Tie Yu, and looked at the two holding the thermos bottle indifferently, which was very meaningful.

Those two guys, with wry smiles on their faces, stepped on the bed ladder, held the thermos bottle high, and fell on the snow-white quilt.Jumping down, he turned the thermos bottle upside down to signal Tang Chen that the thermos bottle was empty.

Tang Chen looked at the faces of the two of them, pushed away Tie Yu in front of him, walked over to pick up the big tea mug half filled with tea, and handed it to Tie Yu.


Tie Yu's face was very embarrassed, he didn't pick up the big tea mug, it was very difficult, and he showed a begging look.

"I know you are a ruthless person, we live in the same dormitory, and there is Jiang Xuelong's relationship..."


Without hesitation, Tang Chen raised his hand and splashed all the tea on Tie Yu's face.

"If you don't eat a toast, you will be punished! Did you face it?"

Tang Chen's eyes shot out a cold light, looking fierce.The momentum is fierce.He was betting that this guy would not dare to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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