Shushan Wushen

Chapter 606 Desolate Ancient Falcon

Chapter 606 Desolate Ancient Falcon

As the general of the Imperial Flight Bureau, Ren Tiangang has been in control of the Universe High School for many years.There are countless readers.He saw Tang Chen's future at a glance.

"Tang Chen! I appreciate your personality! If we were the same age, I would definitely make friends like you."


Tang Chen looked unbelievable.Thousands of calculations, the most difficult calculation is not playing cards according to the routine.

Ren Tiangang said: "Anyone who achieves great things must have a firm mind. Stick to his point of view, even if the path under his feet is wrong, he must go on without hesitation! Don't follow the trend, don't waver, and would rather die than give up and never turn back!"

"Ah?" Tang Chen exclaimed in astonishment.

A serious expression appeared on Ren Tiangang's face: "Why is Tang Chen... very surprised?"

Tang Chen opened his eyes wide, extremely shocked, and subconsciously nodded.It is absolutely hard to believe that these words come from such a dignified headmaster.

"Do you agree with my point of view?" Ren Tiangang stared at Tang Chen's eyes piercingly, and asked again.

Tang Chen shook his head, hesitantly responded: "It's too biased... right!"

Ren Tiangang waved his hand resolutely, with a sudden momentum: "No! You Tang Chen is still inexperienced, so you don't understand. But every important person must be punished. You can't leave any dead ends in life. You can't leave any regrets for yourself. I would rather let the world down. No one in the world can bear me!"

"A big man like this? Then who would dare to associate with him?" Tang Chen blurted out.The road without friends is difficult.A big man without loyal subordinates is no different from a paper tiger.

This point, although Tang Chen was young, it did not affect his knowledge.

A cunning flashed in Ren Tiangang's eyes, and he laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Hahaha! Tang Chen, you still know! Knowing that you are still flawed, you will report it, pick quarrels and stir up trouble, and ambush your comrades!"

Tang Chen was startled, secretly thought it was bad.It was tricked.

Ren Tiangang was so aggressive that he oppressed Tang Chen like mountains and seas, and reprimanded him loudly: "Fistes and feet are flying around, and a beating is enough, but you even threw your dear comrade into the cesspit, do you know that methane poisoning can kill people! You are murdering!" ! Sending you to the military court is also qualified...!"

Tang Chen lowered his eyebrows and looked embarrassed.

"Let's go! I'll take you to have a look. See what's inside!"

The headmaster, Ren Tiangang, grabbed Tang Chen, pulled him out of the headmaster's office, and approached a large room at the end of the corridor.

"Huh? What is this?"

As far as Tang Chen could see, there were countless round beads floating in the room.Tang Chen's body trembled involuntarily, and he became dizzy.Sweeping through the power of thought, I saw countless mysterious fluctuations rippling in all directions.

This fluctuation is invisible to the naked eye. If Tang Chen had not possessed the power of thought, he would not have noticed the mystery at all.

"This is the falcon radar monitoring system arranged in phase array!"

Tang Chen took a breath, "Falcon radar? So this is a detection system... so to speak—."

"Not bad!" Ren Tiangang nodded approvingly, and patted Tang Chen on the shoulder: "In Universe Middle School, every plant and tree can't escape the falcon radar monitoring system. These eyeballs are all gods from ancient times. An eagle, or a falcon bird! Has great supernatural powers! Your little tricks, hehe..."

Tang Chen raised his hand and touched his nose, feeling a little guilty.

He had a feeling of being on his back.Thinking back to the projection on the big wall of the principal's office just now, there really are no dead ends.

"Principal, I was wrong!" Tang Chen admitted his mistake decisively.Fight for leniency.

Ren Tiangang laughed, and pulled Tang Chen out of the monitoring hall, and said as he walked, "Although Universal Middle School is a base for training pilots for the empire, since it is a school, it is not a religious brainwashing institution. We train talents. One is to master the duty of teaching students according to their aptitude. Forcibly changing anyone’s nature is not the purpose of the school. If the blood of a man is lost, then where is the strength of an imperial soldier?”

Hearing this, Tang Chen still couldn't feel at ease.I am deeply afraid that Ren Tiangang will trick him again.

So, Tang Chen picked up the question he was concerned about and asked, "Master Principal, so many gods of eagles and falcons come from ancient times and have been handed down for endless years. Don't they lose their essence? Or do we have some way to do it ourselves?" Energy supplement?"

Ren Tiangang stopped, looked Tang Chen up and down, and admired meaningfully: "General Qi Zhen really deserves to be a model of the empire, with such a strict mouth. Didn't he reveal it to you?"

"What?... Oh, then would you like to tell me? I'm your student. Hehe~. Qi Dada doesn't want to overwhelm the host."

Tang Chen's eyes flickered instantly, and he finally understood why the stern and selfless Ren Tiangang let him go.It turns out that there is General Qi Zhen's background in it.Endorsement for his platform.

"Little ghost. I climbed up the pole. Well..." Ren Tiangang scolded with a smile, and then said: "General Qi Zhen, you know why you were grounded. I won't talk about it. Just go along the way After all, there is nothing wrong with bringing back my daughter who is not going well..."

"Huh?" Tang Chen's heart twitched.Is it about Qi Yu?
However, Ren Tiangang said a word, and then solemnly said: "This may be a secret for you now, but for you in the future, it should be an unshirkable mission."

"Mission?" Tang Chen was so smart, he immediately understood that what Ren Tiangang was referring to was nothing more than his own academic performance.This result is maintained until the third year of high school, and there is no suspense to pass the imperial examination.

Therefore, Ren Tiangang took the opportunity to popularize science, maybe it was a means of motivating Tang Chen's fighting spirit.

After thinking about this, Tang Chen felt relieved.

Xin Xinran let Tiangang say a few secrets: "...General Qi Zhen took Qi Yu back through the [Mandela Gate]. After you enter the Universal University, the first mission is to pass the known [Mandela Gate]. Deira's Gate], go to the past, future, and even the current space-time plane. That is, each parallel space..."

"Time travel?" Tang Chen exclaimed in surprise.

"Of course!" Ren Tiangang cast a serious look, and cast a sideways glance at Tang Chen, "Why don't you think so many falcons' ancient eyes come from?"

Tang Chen was trembling with excitement.He instinctively fantasized about the future.Breathing is a little short.

"Is it dangerous?"

"Fuck!" Ren Tiangang's face was full of black lines.I didn't expect Tang Chen to cherish his life so much.

"You should think about it first, whether you are qualified enough! You must know that the flying saucers that pass through [Mandela's Gate] are biological flying saucers. Each one is extremely precious."

Tang Chen eagerly asked: "What is a biological flying saucer?"

Ren Tiangang smiled inscrutablely: "The ancient creatures, they are the overlords of the wild era, the masters of the stars. They have supernatural powers that modern creatures do not possess. The bones of the ancient creatures that made flying saucers cannot be replaced by any material in this era. "

(End of this chapter)

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