Shushan Wushen

Chapter 607 Human Traffickers Abduct Children

Chapter 607 Human Traffickers Abduct Children


Tang Chen said: "What should I do?"

Ren Tiangang smiled meaningfully: "Efforts may not succeed, but giving up is doomed to failure!"

"I understand!" Tang Chen nodded solemnly.

"Principal, I have an unfeeling request. See if you can contact me."

"What?" Ren Tiangang's eyes widened vigilantly.Xindao, if you don't punish you, it's cheap, why do you need additional conditions?
Tang Chen pursed his lips and said, "I want you to try to contact me to get a set of textbooks from Universal University."

"What? You! You're so ambitious!" Ren Tiangang resolutely refused.Said unceremoniously: "Tang Chen! As long as you handle the current course as well as the previous one, it will be very good. Remember to keep it! Don't let up. The future needs to be done step by step, and be down-to-earth It’s too unrealistic to eat a fat man with one mouthful and dig a well with one shovel...!"

Tang Chen was unhappy and returned home depressed.

He secretly competed in his heart.Ren Tiangang must be slapped in the face with his grades.

In fact, Tang Chen really has not been idle these days.Whenever he is in class, he is not just listening to the teacher in his classroom.Sweeping through his thoughts, he was listening to the teaching with a half-knowledge in the first year group of senior high school, as well as the second and third year of senior high school.

That's why he asked the teacher a question. The teacher was caught off guard and prevaricated, and made another appointment.

The gentleman thought that Tang Chen couldn't understand, after all, some knowledge was beyond the outline.It can be said that the teacher is very responsible.

The next day, Tang Chen took a few sheets of paper, densely filled with questions, and went straight to the teachers of various subjects.Asked together with a dead skin.

Some gentlemen could clearly see that what Tang Chen asked was beyond the scope of this semester, and even beyond the scope of the first year of high school.However, an explanation was still given.There were only a very small number of individuals with mocking expressions on their faces.

"Tang Chen, I know you are a legend, crushing your peers and skipping grades all the way. However, this high school is no different than elementary and junior high..."

Tang Chen passed with a smile.Cynical, indifferent.

The life of the first year of high school is quiet.Few study hard like Tang Chen.The second year of high school is also relatively scattered.

The polarization in the third year of high school is serious.Incomparable frustration spread on many people's faces.It was unspeakable despair.To pass the imperial examination and successfully advance to the University of the Universe, for them, it is already about to be shattered, or in other words, the shattering of ideals has already entered a countdown state.

Tang Chen's timing was very accurate. He went to Ren Tiangang for the first simulation in his third year of high school.

Ren Tiangang sighed.It is meaningful and meaningful to say: "I hope that you who have suffered setbacks will not forget your original intention and forge ahead!"

Add punctuation marks, a total of 21 words.Ren Tiangang still specially approved him to participate in the big mock exam.

In the third stage of senior high school, Universal Middle School and County Middle School, as well as Shucheng No. [-] Middle School, had a total of seven simulated full-truth exams simultaneously.The first mock exam is particularly important. The difficulty of the subsequent mock exams will be reduced, trying to give candidates the illusion that their grades are improving steadily.

This is a common routine, but unfortunately, Lin Xifeng has already poked all this and told Tang Chen everything.

Tang Chen did the paper very seriously, and he did it entirely with his own ability.No thought power was used.In fact, time does not allow it.Especially in 【Analysis】He hasn't finished answering the paper yet, the time is up.

He was a little frustrated, and when he walked out of the examination room, his thoughts swept across.Shocked and stunned to find that most of the students did not answer well like him.

However, Tang Chen sighed, shook his head in frustration and left.

Ren Tiangang has been monitoring Tang Chen through the falcon monitoring system.Seeing this, he showed a faint smile.He also shook his head.

"This kid didn't do well in the exam. I hope he won't quit because of this."

Da da da ~.He tapped on the executive desk, and in the end, he sent someone to call Tang Chen to comfort him.

Tang Chen frankly spoke out about his shortcomings, and realized his shortcomings.Seriously accepted Ren Tiangang's suggestion.and reported his thoughts.

Ren Tiangang saw firmness through Tang Chen's eyes.So, he called all the teachers in the third year of high school and introduced Tang Chen to them.It was clear that Tang Chen needed their help.

These gentlemen must give Ren Tiangang face.They all agreed.

Tang Chen was very grateful and clasped his hands together.Bow and salute one by one.This also made these gentlemen feel good.Sure enough, after that, whenever Tang Chen asked, he would give him all he could.Tang Chen benefited a lot by quoting from many sources and drawing inferences from one instance.

After a few days, the results came down.Tang Chen's grades were extremely miserable.There are still a few subjects that have failed.However, the total score is still squeezed into the top [-] of the school.That is to say, if Tang Chen entered the third year of high school at this time, he would be considered a middle school student.

That's already pretty impressive.As expected, it caused an uproar again.

Cao Guowen and the others were dealt with by Tang Chen last time, although the incident was deliberately suppressed by the school.But Cao Guowen and the others faintly realized that Tang Chen should have done it.

"What? Cao Guowen, you want to invite me to the street? I heard it right!"

Tang Chen was shocked.He stared blankly at Cao Guowen.

Cao Guowen smiled and said: "We are classmates, so why not get close? Some time ago, I was a little jealous of you and said many bad things about you behind your back. When I realized that it was wrong to do so, I thought of you Apologize. No, the allowance is paid today. Hehe..."

He raised a few banknotes in his hand.

Universal Middle School is a military school, and the Imperial Ministry of War has allocated funds to give these lieutenants a considerable monthly allowance.

Tang Chen also realized that it's not good for his classmates to fight too stiffly, so he said with a smile: "You won't ask me out, you have ambushed him, grab the hanging tree and beat him up, and then throw him into the cesspit." ?Hahaha……."

Cao Guowen laughed heartily, rubbed his face, and shook his head: "My heart is towards the bright moon, but why is the bright moon shining in the ditch? Go and give me a good word. Anyway, these allowances will be consumed by you , if you don’t go, I’ll treat you as an apology for this month’s allowance. You can keep it.”

Said, pop!Stuffed it into Tang Chen's hands.Turn around and make a gesture to leave.

Tang Chen grabbed Cao Guowen, smiled, and said sincerely: "Let him pass the past, I forgot about it long ago. You have to be careful, just remember it. Hahaha, I'm not familiar with the county seat. Don't you lose me. I'm still a child!"

"Wow! What the hell are you a child?" Cao Guowen couldn't help but laugh.

Tang Chen said solemnly, "I'm only ten years old. I heard that there are human traffickers who abduct and sell children in the county, and they are very rampant. If they abduct me to beg for food, or throw me into a coal mine to mine, the consequences will be unimaginable. The empire will also die." One general is missing!"

"Hahaha, good! good! good! Let the traffickers abduct you, it's hard to say who will sell who..."

They were teasing and laughing at each other, hooking shoulders and backs, very cordial, Tang Chen, Cao Guowen and the others went shopping.

(End of this chapter)

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