Shushan Wushen

Chapter 608 Apricot Blossoms Bloom

Chapter 608 Apricot Blossoms Bloom


In the early morning, a round of red sun burst out of the sea of ​​clouds, majestic and independent.The scorching beauty sweeps away the bitter cold of Qingqiu.

Tang Chen walked out of the house, Jiang Xuelong was brushing his teeth in the yard.His hair was wet and a towel was draped around his neck.This guy brushes his teeth very hard, making a "swish, swish, swish" sound.

"Pfft~!" Jiang Xuelong spat out the snow-white foam, and turned his face to see Tang Chen.

"Are you sober?"

Tang Chen nodded, and smiled shyly, very embarrassed.

"Gulu Gulu——, puff~!"

Jiang Xuelong rinsed his mouth clean, and smiled to reveal his snow-white die teeth.

"How can you drink so much wine at such a young age? The world is dangerous, and young people don't know how deep it is! If I hadn't been ordered to follow and protect you, would you have expected the consequences this time?"

"I cut the film, I don't remember anything." Tang Chen frankly concealed it.In fact, he still vaguely remembers the eclectic memory in the haze.

"Hehe..." Jiang Xuelong shook his head, not paying attention.

"On the table next to your bed, there is a letter from Qi Yu to you."


Surprise bloomed on Tang Chen's face, he turned and ran towards the house.

On the table was a light blue envelope.Tang Chen held it in his hand.It was a pink bow.Adheres to the seal very delicately.Indifferent but beautiful.

Tang Chen couldn't bear to destroy it.Carefully, try to peel off the bow.

Jiang Xuelong followed behind him into the room.Laughing and jokingly said: "I can't see that aliens really value you. If I tell her about your love affair yesterday..."

"No!" Tang Chen suddenly exclaimed, shaking his hand, he actually tore the bow tie, he was very annoyed.

"You, you, you..., don't make trouble."

Jiang Xuelong tidied up the towel, pouted contemptuously: "Hehehe, I'm teasing you. See how you can't take a joke!"

Tang Chen spread his palms in frustration, "Look! The bow is torn. You are so annoying!"

Jiang Xuelong laughed loudly, and opened the drawer: "It's just a military stamp. So what if I give you a stack!"

Say bang!Throw it to Tang Chen with a stack of consecutive editions.There are a dozen of them.

Tang Chen's Universal Middle School also distributed stamps.However, no matter how many stamps there are, they are not as meaningful as this one.

Jiang Xuelong was here, Tang Chen took out the white letter paper, but didn't unfold it.The content of the letter could not be shared with Jiang Xuelong, who was eager to try.

"What did the alien say in the letter?"

Tang Chen was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he seized the opportunity and shouted: "Brother Long, how can you say that about a girl? If Jiang Xueting is a village girl, would you like it? Open your mouth and keep your mouth shut. Alien——. Huh? How do you know?" ?”

You must know that Qi Yu was brought back by General Qi Zhen from other planes. Not many people know about these things.

"I was studying at Universal University and Qi Yu was a classmate. We talked about it from Sanjiao Town, so we knew each other. But at the time I was wondering why she called Jiang Xueting Sister Ting. After getting along for a long time, she revealed it to me of."

"Oh, that's it." Tang Chen nodded in relief.

In that parallel plane, Qi Yu had already graduated from university and started working.Became a white-collar beauty with superior status.Tang Chen has mastered all these.

Now this plane, to serve the empire, also requires various certificates to be qualified.Qi Yu wants to learn the technique of flying a flying saucer, but unfortunately her eyesight is not good enough.The next best thing is to study for a diploma as a military doctor on board a flying saucer.

She is talented and intelligent, and has cultural knowledge that this plane does not have, so she is very handy in learning.The mode of being a master of learning has already been turned on.

Qi Yu's classmates all lamented: "Obviously you can rely on your face to make a living, but you are still so talented! A talented top student is not scary, but Qi Yu is so hardworking! A desperate top student can be called a godlike existence. Clearly He is a god of learning...!"

Qi Yu, the school flower of Xueshen, is crushed by her contemporaries Tiao Ling, no matter her appearance or knowledge, she lives in her shadow~.

Another complained: "Living in the same era as Qi Yu is really sad! It's like being classmates with aliens..."

This sentence undoubtedly tells the truth.Unfortunately, no one takes it seriously.

Jiang Xuelong was not without envy and jealousy, and shot his eyes at the letter in Tang Chen's hand, "As far as I know, this is the first time that God Qi Yu has written a letter to others. In the past, she has never even written a reply letter. I really envy you, you little brat." Boy~."

"I accept your jealousy! Hehe~. Hehe uh~." Tang Chen proudly raised the letter paper in his hand, his eyebrows fluttering, not without showing off.

Jiang Xuelong is more talkative.Tang Chen joked with him, laughed and cursed for a while, seeing Tang Chen's slow reluctance to open the letter to read the content, he understood it, and left knowingly.

Tang Chen rubbed the letter paper silently, picked up the envelope again, twitched his nose lightly, and took a deep breath.

Like an orchid like a musk deer... It only exists in the heart.

"Ah Choo~!"

Tang Chen sneezed at the stimulation of the fragrance of the ink.

Qi Yu's handwriting is more graceful, even though he is so eloquent, he wrote as many as five pages.But Tang Chen still couldn't get enough of it.

The letter is full of endless thoughts for Tang Chen, every word is full of affection, and every sentence contains endless lovesickness...

On Tang Chen's face was a sorrow that was not commensurate with his age, and he whispered softly: "I'm still a child!"

yes!Tang Chen's heart is like a mirror.Most of Qi Yu's longing was given to Tang Chen from that plane.


Tang Chen was bitter, but he couldn't let it go.He couldn't afford this relationship, let alone let it go.As a substitute, the taste is very complicated.Mixed feelings.It's hard to tell people.

She said in her letter that she had passed her dissertation defense, and that she should have an internship opportunity soon, and she would once again have the opportunity to enter the flying saucer.Ask Tang Chen if he wants to accompany her to return to that parallel space again...

"How is it possible?" Tang Chen frowned sadly.He put away the snow-white letter paper, reloaded the light blue envelope, picked up the broken bow again, and pressed it on the seal.

Thoughts were flying Tang Chen couldn't help sighing, and said to himself, "Do you really think I'm a child? Is it a youth development plan, or replace him? If it's really possible, I really want to see him , see if he is as wonderful as me?"

The corners of Tang Chen's mouth grinned slightly, revealing an unruly and conceited look.

The pupil in the pupil, inadvertently landed on the letter in his hand, turned into tenderness, that was endless nostalgia.

He remembered the passion Qi Yu had for him when he met Qi Yu at the beginning, and even more missed the bitter love that crossed the planes and the world.In those few days, that love was like a piece of rock sugar that couldn't be melted away.

Knowing that it is sweet, it cannot be melted in ice water.

Tang Chen was full of thoughts, guessing wildly, Tang Chen actually pulled out the letter again and unfolded a corner;
...the apricot blossoms here....

Tang Chen covered his chest with his hands...

On that day, it was raining lightly in Tang County, Tang Chen didn't hold an umbrella, and staggered away from Jiang Xuelong's barracks. He didn't go straight back to Universal Middle School. In the suburbs, he stopped in an apricot grove.

It's late autumn, where are the apricot blossoms?

Tang Chen stood in front of the apricot grove, looking across the entire apricot grove, and refused to leave for a long time.

Unexpectedly, inadvertently, he actually caught a glimpse of an apricot blossom on the branch of a not very tall apricot tree~.

Apricot blossoms are in full bloom!

"There are really almond blossoms!"

Water was flowing on Tang Chen's face, he didn't know if it was tears or rain.He murmured and moved the corners of his lips, as if he was speaking to himself, or as if he was speaking to a letter wet in his arms.

"The apricot blossoms are really blooming. So beautiful! So beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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