Shushan Wushen

Chapter 609 Two Qi Yuming Frozen Willows

Chapter 609 Two Qi Yuming Frozen Willows

Ren Tiangang had painstakingly planned an arrangement for Tang Chen to relax, which inadvertently aroused everyone's enthusiasm.

The teaching director, Wang Zhanxin, handed in his resignation the next day. He resigned from his position and chose to return to the Graduate School of Universal University to continue his studies.Because he feels that he still has potential to tap.

The most annoying thing is that those cooking soldiers actually grabbed a gentleman at the meal, and then took out a piece of paper, which was densely written with questions.If it's one or two, it's all right, but each of them is like this.

This annoying self-motivation!

The principal, Ren Tiangang, was extremely worried, with a gloomy expression on his face.Because many faculty and staff have reported that the cafeteria is too disturbing to the people, and sometimes they have a lunch at noon until the evening, and they have not eaten it in their mouths.

Those cooking soldiers had a weak cultural foundation and asked too many questions.A little delay, another delay, and the meal will be missed.Some famous teachers and giants actually almost came late for class a few times.Not to mention eating lunch.

However, when Tang Chen knew all this, it was far from such a serious situation.

However, the situation Tang Chen encountered at this time not only far surpassed the seriousness of Universal Middle School, but it was even more difficult for people to accept and choose to believe.

Tang Chen returned to Sanjiao Town in the car borrowed by Qi Yu.

Qi Yu was already impatient, and she was a little curious about the state of Qi Yu in this plane at this time.In contrast, Tang Chen is also more curious about the encounter between the little loli Qi Yu and the big beauty Qi Yu beside him!
Countless cold days, colorful snowflakes froze the world of Sanjiao Town, and also froze the tender green willows above the willow wall.On the brown willow branches, the emerald green leaves like ancient bronze rust swords faintly exude a sharp edge.Unrivaled sharpness!
The small courtyard of Qi Yu's house.

The little loli Qi Yu's knife-like eyes overshadowed Liu Ye's sharpness, swish~!Through the willow wall, his eyes shot at Qi Yu, a beautiful woman outside the courtyard gate.The subtle induction made her even ignore Tang Chen who hadn't seen her for a long time beside the beautiful Qi Yu.

"You~ are... who?!"

Qi Yu paused every word and spoke out with difficulty.She clearly felt the vast stream of information rushing into her thinking and memory in a turbulent flow, and she had a splitting headache.But he couldn't move half a step.

"Tang Chen~~~." On the side of the willow wall, Qi Yu, a beautiful woman, was on the verge of falling, and her steps were staggering.

Seeing this, Tang Chen supported Qi Yu.

The big beauty Qi Yu, with a face as pale as snow, waved her arms with difficulty: "Go! Go! I feel danger... My thinking has become confused~. Hurry up!"

Tang Chen crossed the willow wall worriedly, and the little loli Qi Yu in the courtyard was slowly collapsing towards the snow~.


With Tang Chen's voice, he himself didn't know who he was calling for. He shouted all the way, and he carried the big beauty Qi Yu in embarrassment, and moved towards the car with difficulty.

At this moment, the sound of rumbling thunder came from the range of eighteen public houses in the west of Sanjiao Town.Above the sky, electric snakes swim away, and thunderbolts roar.Countless clouds of strange shapes surged layer upon layer.

"Ah...? Thunderstorm in winter! The master said this is a vision from the sky! There must be something strange!"

In the small run-down house next to Qi Yu's house, Ma Houpao's wife and old Taoist Jiao Dianlun rushed out in disheveled clothes.

"If you want to tell me! This is eccentric! If you are eccentric, you can't be eccentric!" Ma Houpao's wife has already seen through all the tricks of the old man.Unceremoniously poked through.

"That's that brat Tang Chen!" The old Taoist Jiao Dianlun had sharp eyes and let out a strange laugh.Whoosh whoosh~.Run to Tang Chen.

"Ah...! What is this in the sky? What's the matter?"

Ma Houpao's wife followed Jiao Laodao with her eyes, and the vision of Zhenxi fell into her eyes inadvertently.exclaimed.

Over the eighteen public houses, stratus clouds gushed out in large strands, and the mist rolled in. Suddenly it was as black as ink, and suddenly it was as red as blood.Suddenly, the clouds are blue, white and snowy, and the thin clouds are separated out, which is strange and supernatural, just like opening an ancient color card book.

what!It's like a door!

Tang Chen seemed to have a sense of it, his thoughts swept over, and he suddenly found that, no matter the door or the book leaf, it spread to the top of Tang Chen and the big beauty Qi Yu.Waves of mysterious and unpredictable aura rushed towards him.

"Tearing us apart!"

Tang Chen shouted loudly, opened the car door, and stuffed Qi Yu into the car. He took a small step and jumped into the driver's seat.

Suddenly, he was dumbfounded.

Can't drive!

Crunch....The car vibrated violently.The countless learning materials that Qi Yu brought to Tang Chen floated in the carriage as if they were born with sanity and weightlessness.

Tang Chen and Li Yiqi actually soared into the air, as if being torn apart by an invisible big hand, they were tightly attached to the roof of the car, unable to move.

"Ah....Damn it! How could there be a Mandela Gate here!?" Qi Yu, a big beauty, turned pale and was furious.It was even more frightening.

Looking through the glass of the carriage, Tang Chen was shocked to find that the car was actually taken away from the ground.

Bang bang bang!
There was a sound of slapping the window.

Tang Chen swept across, and suddenly found that Jiao Dianlun's wretched and frightened face was tightly pressed against the windshield of the car.

Jiao Laodao was also sad. He had just run near the car when he tripped in the air. After he fell, his robe was hung on the car logo and he was dragged up.

Suddenly!A stronger electric light flashed across, and the three of them, together with the car, disappeared from the sight of Ma Houpao's wife.

"Jiao Jiao!" Ma Houpao's wife exclaimed loudly.

Swish!A white light flashed, and all those who witnessed this scene felt a thunder explode deep in their souls.The incomparably bright thunderbolt in front of my eyes is dazzling, and I raise my hand to cover it~.

Suddenly... \
I don't remember anything.As if all this never happened.

Since then, in this plane, the alien Qi Yu and Tang Chen, the God of Tang Chen, that enchanting young man who crushed an era, disappeared strangely.It has become an eternal mystery!
The person who disappeared at the same time as Tang Chen and the aliens was the false old Taoist Jiao Dianlun, but no one, including the citizens of Sanjiao Town, had ever mentioned the trace of this old Taoist Jiao.It was as if Jiao Dianlun didn't exist in Sanjiao Town.He lived and died, it was so insignificant.

Even his so-called cousin's family, Ma Houpao and his wife, seem to have forgotten his existence.

When people live to this level, it can be regarded as unprecedented.

Qi Yu, who was in the courtyard of the Qi family, got up in a daze, looked at the red shoes under his feet, and was full of resentment.

"Why are the soles so slippery? You fell to my death~."

The memory of Qi Yu, the beautiful woman she once attracted, mysteriously disappeared.Little loli didn't realize it.

However, since then, little loli Qi Yu seems to have opened a window in her heart.

Whenever faced with the extremely obscure and mysterious papers of various subjects in the past, there is always a feeling of deja vu in the dark, and she does it effortlessly.

This state lasted until she graduated with a Ph.D. before it disappeared.She never remembered the scene of the two Qi Yuming in Sanjiao Town freezing willows, but occasionally felt that the fall was very strange.

How many years later.Qi Yu would occasionally think of Tang Chen.

"Can my current achievements compare to yours, which was so magnificent and stunning...? Yes... Did these faded red shoes bring me good luck? I have worn them all my life, tirelessly Dancing. Tired!"

How many times have I dreamed back at midnight.

Under the starry sky, Qi Yu always took out that pair of faded red shoes and looked at them carefully.Then put it away carefully.It's like putting away a bunch of dusty thoughts~.

"Tang Chen, my old classmate, you have been missing for so long, where have you been? Where are you? Are you okay...?"

(End of this chapter)

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