Shushan Wushen

Chapter 613 Waking up the person pretending to be asleep

Chapter 613 Waking up the person pretending to be asleep

"...However, the big brother can also see that your family is still powerful and profound. If it weren't for your character, you wouldn't be able to come out of the golden house to hide your beauty, and you even found a little one behind Li Yiqi's back...!"

What Lin Jingran said was very true.Be reasonable.Tang Chen's heart trembled when he heard it.Something bad happened.Isn't this just wearing clothes?
If the words are not speculative, the banquet ends unhappy.

When paying the bill, Lin Jingran refused to let Tang Chen pay the bill.In the end, it turned out that Lin Yu spent the money.

Tang Chen bid farewell to Lin Yu and Lin Jingran, Qi Yu drove without delay, and drove all the way to Weicheng directly.

Wei City is adjacent to Raksha Kingdom.Due to the special geographical location, with the imperial franchise, the merchants of the Dujuan Dynasty can engage in trade with foreign merchants in Weicheng.

The Tang family originally opened a fur shop in Weicheng, which was quite large in scale.Taxes are great.The Weicheng government also gave strong support.

However, Jin Chan and Tang Chen's daughter-in-law Li Yiqi, for some reason, converted to the Raksha Kingdom's Heavenly God Sect.

At first, Tang Dahai and Tang Chen didn't care.I also think that after all, it is doing business in the Raksha Kingdom. If you believe in the religion, you are friends with each other, which is more convenient for business exchanges.All the Christians in the world are one family!

However, as the stars move and time flies, the decay will inevitably ferment.After being fully brainwashed by the Deity Sect, Jin Chan and Li Yiqi, like other believers, offered non-spiritual objects to the Deity Sect altar.To show redemption.

Thirty percent of the annual income!
When Tang Dahai and Tang Chen found out that there was a shortage of funds in their books, it had been a long time.Find out where the money goes.The father and son were furious.

However, Jin Chan and Li Yiqi not only did not want to repent, but even worsened.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law actually ignored the fur business.Hang out with a bunch of scumbags who are idle and eliminated by society all day long, form a group to brainwash, and wash whoever they see!It is also called; work for God and spread the gospel.Dao Shi Fengshen Dao!
Seeing that the situation is not good, Tang Yuan resolutely finds someone she likes and gets married.

Taking advantage of the Tang family's father and son's desperation and business chaos.Tang Yuan and his wife also opened a fur shop, using Tang Yuan's name to cut off the Tang family's customers.Then he became very rich.

The house leak happened to rain all night, and the Tang Family Fur Shop finally went bankrupt under the pressure of all parties.

Tang Dahai frowned, his head turned white overnight.Moaning and moaning all day and all night.Tang Chen originally wanted to end his marriage with Li Yiqi while he was young.Start a new life again.Start a business again.

Unexpectedly, Jin Chan showed her lustful power and threatened Tang Chen with death.Marriage in this life can only bind Li Yiqi alone.

Tang Chen drank alcohol all day long to forget his sorrows. At his age in his twenties, he seemed to be as vicissitudes of life as a 80-[-]-year-old old man.Sadly, his eyes are full of pain!The forehead, the corners of the eyes, and deep wrinkles.Smoky fingers are browned, and when you open your mouth, you can smell the mixed smell of alcohol and tobacco...

The whole person is abolished.

That's it!


It was already evening when Tang Chen and Qi Yu felt it.On the way, the two discussed several plans.However, this is a plan after all.

After all, he had no contact with Tang Chen from this plane, so he didn't know his actual situation and status.

You can't wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep.The reason is the same.If this plane, such a sad Tang Chen, is so rough, once he loses his fighting spirit, then no matter what perfect plan he has, it will be impossible to implement it.

Unless you make a lot of money and give it to him abruptly.

But it's possible, he still dislikes how heavy the money is!

Qi Yu said: "I think it's very necessary for you to meet with you in this plane. Change his tragic fate, but..."

Tang Chen was decisive and beyond doubt: "I know what you are worried about. Once you recognize each other, it may cause disorder in the plane of the parallel space, and an unpredictable and uncontrollable catastrophe will appear. However, I don't care! door], we will travel to other planes at random!"

Qi Yu said firmly: "As much as you have, I will follow you! Never leave! Firmly support! Fully cooperate!"

"Okay!" Tang Chen glanced at Qi Yu appreciatively.During these days, Tang Chen's affection for Qi Yu grew day by day.

Perhaps, people come into contact with each other only to experience something together.Emotions will be more indelible.Only then can each other be sincere and give each other the support they want.This is the tacit understanding in the legend.

At the beginning of the Chinese lanterns, the high-rise buildings are lit up with bright neon lights.Weicheng is extremely prosperous.The main road is full of traffic.There was a lot of voices.Noisy and bustling.

Tang Chen, who was sad, had already had his second drink, walked towards the bar with standard drunken steps, staggered with a few drinking buddies, complimented each other.

Must bar after dinner, grill and take a bath.This is a series of stylized processes of nightlife.

Today, the sad Tang Chen is just like in the past.Drunk and dreaming.

"...Third brother, you said that I, Tang Chen, have already become such a badass. I am not afraid of all the things you said! If you memorize the idea, where can you recite it? The big deal is to wipe your neck with a knife, and it will be settled!  … Just be born chic and unrestrained, and die clean and tidy...!...Comfortable!"

"Tang Chen, you, your Tang family's emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, the third brother is the most accurate at seeing people, you are not a thing in the pond, how can you compare with those ordinary people? You are destined to be lucky this time... ...!"

The one who was called the third brother had a flushed face from drinking, a big greasy face, fat folds on the back of his head, two thick eyebrows, and the corners of his eyes shone with an aura of contempt for everything.Looking at the sad Tang Chen, there was always a hint of sarcasm.

Sadly urging Tang Chen, he raised his head weakly: "Third brother, this brother is only capable, but let's be more careful, I dare not do things that violate the law! The big deal is that my house has not been sold yet when I go back to Sanjiao Town!"

"No! Don't say that. You need the courage to break the boat. Sell the old house first. Sell it quickly. Your old house has bad feng shui, or you have been so unsatisfactory in the past few years? You will be lucky if you sell it. ! Make a fortune!"

A drinking buddy next to him loudly urged Tang Chen to mourn.

When Tang Chen heard the words, Ji Lingling shuddered, as if most of the alcohol had subsided.He straightened up and snorted coldly.

"Don't point fingers at me. Don't even gossip about my family's Feng Shui. You guys, I don't feel congenial. I drank too much today, so don't take it to heart when I say the wrong thing. I remember your love .I'll call back another day. Farewell!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Chen sadly urged, cupped his hands, waved again, and stopped a taxi.Open the door and get in the car.

"Stop! You've drunk too much! It's too dangerous to go home alone!" Before the third brother finished his sentence, several other drinking buddies rushed up, stopped the sad reminder Tang Chen, and sent the taxi away.

"What are you doing? Don't let me go home. Don't make trouble! I'll drink it another day..."

Sadly reminding Tang Chen that something was wrong, his mouth circled around, trying to get away.But the third brother and his group warmly hooked up their shoulders and kept their faces together, but they just kept the sad Tang Chen firmly imprisoned.

In the distance, Tang Chen and Qi Yu in the car watched all this.Qi Yu couldn't hear the conversation.But Tang Chen can.His thoughts swept across without missing a word, he could hear clearly, and he could see even more clearly.

"I'm in trouble. Get out of the car and save me!"

Qi Yu shook his fair neck, couldn't stop laughing, and gracefully got out of the car and locked the door.

"Interesting! It's rare to save yourself."

That's what he said, but Qi Yu's eyes showed complicated and incomprehensible emotions.

Because, the tragic Tang Chen in this plane, and the Tang Chen in the world she traveled through before, are in a state... so similar!
(End of this chapter)

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