Shushan Wushen

Chapter 614 Wangfu Downstairs Downstairs Water Like Sky

Chapter 614 Wangfu Downstairs Downstairs Water Like Sky

"Tang Chen! I found you, Lin Jingxian and the others couldn't find you."

Tang Chen yelled his own name awkwardly, and called this world again, sadly reminding himself.

Sadly reminding Tang Chen of the yelling, he got off the donkey and said with a smile: "Third brother, look, I didn't lie to you, my little brother asked me to talk about something today. Don't look at me idle, care about me, and what I want If you do some business with me, there will be visits every three to five times, I can't bear to disturb you!"

While talking, Tang Chen sadly urged Tang Chen to take advantage of the situation and get away, tidying up his very expensive coat in the past.He also stroked his hair.

Tang Chen walked over gracefully, without looking at the third brother or the others.Not fast or slow, the blue flying cloak on the back is fierce and windy.Lift it up to reveal the exquisite flying armor.

This outfit doesn't belong to this world, the third brother and the others are a little bit eyelid when they see it.Because no matter the boots, cloak, or armor, there are military ranks, military ranks, and seniority badges.

Tang Chen greeted Tang Chen calmly and urged Tang Chen, "Brother Tang Chen, let's go, I'm missing you. They are all from my own family, why don't you give me face?"

Sadly reminding Tang Chen that something was wrong, he was afraid that he would leave the tiger's den and enter the wolf's den.The family is in trouble.He sadly urged Tang Chen to save face.He easily refused to meet fellow villagers, especially Lin Jingxian and the others.He gathered his vitality again, waiting for the possible opportunity.

A heart that has made a comeback has been burning hot like fire.

Therefore, he is very vigilant.He did not blindly follow Tang Chen away.Because he saw Tang Chen's attire, especially the exquisite leather armor. At first glance, there was some workmanship and it was difficult to imitate it.The price is destined to be extremely high.

This handsome young man is by no means an ordinary person.

Seeing Tang Chen's extraordinary bearing, the third brother didn't dare to disturb him.Looking at Tang Chen sadly.Sadly, Tang Chen was urged to hesitate again, to hesitate again.But in the eyes of others, it is unfathomable.

This product is still in the right place?Do you have a good posture!

The Tang family's rise was very rapid, and it was like a crushing push, occupying the Weicheng fur market in one go.Very legendary.

And similarly, the end of the Tang family also fell with a crash.The three main sales force, Jin Chan and Li Yiqi, who are not doing their jobs properly, are going to preach together, and the other Tang Yuan is resolutely married.Started a new stove, flourished, and accounted for half of the fur industry.

The rise and fall are like shooting stars across the sky, too dazzling, too stunning, and too fast.

It can be said that when no one reacted, everything was over.

Tang Dahai and Tang Chen's father and son, how to recover has always been the focus of concern for those who are interested.Because once pegged, it means following the trend, and there will be a lot of wealth rolling in.

The third brother is using a routine and wants Tang Chen to partner in business.Trying to manipulate the Tang family into debt.In this way, the Tang family father and son had no choice but to plan a new business.

I have to say that the third brother's trick is very clever.One improved the efficiency of the Tang family's father and son's movements.The other is to buy shares with debt, and get involved in new businesses no matter what, and get a share of the pie.

But what about the facts?The relationship between the Tang family father and son and Tang Yuan was very stiff.Even the father and son hated Tang Yuan very much, but there was nothing they could do.It goes without saying that when the family needs Tang Yuan's service, she chooses to launch it.Not only take away the new version.Also steal customers.She was the last straw that broke the Tang family's career!
At this moment, Tang Dahai and Tang Chen had nothing in their pockets.I want to do business, but I have no capital!What to do?

Of course, outsiders cannot know the details of all this.

The third brother and his group wanted to know Tang Chen's identity, and laughed and teased Tang Chen, hoping that Tang Chen could recommend him and introduce him.

But, they didn't know that they didn't know this Tang Chen when they sadly urged Tang Chen!

However, Tang Chen sadly urged Tang Chen to have a strange feeling for the Tang Chen in front of him.Never before.It's amazing, it's hard to describe it in words.

Tang Chen glanced at Tang Chen sadly, and instantly understood his concerns.Smiling reservedly, but no longer speak.

The scene was a little stiff.

The timing was just right, Qi Yu walked slowly, she naughtily but gracefully waving the car key with her fingers.

"Tang Chen! Old classmate, long time no see!"

He said this casually, but Qi Yu's eyes were a little red.Once upon a time, when she met him in that world, it was the same opening remarks.

At this moment, it was like a sad reminder to Tang Chen and Qi Yu, standing in the center of the universe, and the surrounding scenery and stars were changing.The vicissitudes of life, time flies.The hustle and bustle of people's voices is instantly blocked~.

The whole world fell silent.Very delicate and delicate, like dripping water into a lake.

The background of the street is a huge neon sign [Wanghu Tower]. At this time, the line of the "lake" suddenly crackled and shattered, like a thunderbolt and lightning, and the electric snake swam away.There are only two horizontal strokes left, and one stroke and one stroke....It is actually a "husband" character!

Wanghu Tower instantly became Wangfu Tower!

"You—" Tragic Tang Chen couldn't believe it, and rubbed his eyes in horror.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years, how are you, old classmate?" Qi Yu sniffled, his tone very abnormal.

Tang Chen stood beside him, feeling a bit apprehensive.Because Qi Yu never lost his composure when facing him alone. "I'm still a child~!"

Tang Chen comforted himself in his heart. ...he tried to make himself disbelieve it~.

Sadly urging Tang Chen, he finally lost his composure, his face was filled with surprise, and an indescribable brilliance bloomed on his face: "Qi Yu! It turned out to be you! It's you!... Are you okay?"

Sadly reminding Tang Chen, without losing the opportunity, he took a few steps forward and grabbed Qi Yu's extremely delicate and lustrous hand, which was as delicate as handed down porcelain. .

Qi Yu remembered something and was angry: "You are still so domineering! Hey..."

Tang Chen beside him was heartbroken...

What cut Tang Chen's heart the most was that Qi Yu actually embraced Tang Chen with both arms, ... and the knuckles of his fingers turned white, that's because he used real strength!

"Good old friend wow...!"

"Damn! Really love! Tsk tsk..."

The third brother and the others whispered to each other, feeling that it was not a good time to make things up.Say goodbye hastily, and leave in a panic.

The water below Wanghu Tower is like the sky, and the clear lake water comes from the sea of ​​heart.The sorrow of cleaning up Tang Chen, his whole temperament changed instantly.

His figure, as if cast from steel, was as tall and straight as before.Sadly, Tang Chen showed a confident smile in his eyes.

Tang Chen swept over with his thoughts, and found that his wrinkles were all open. If it wasn't for the faint white marks, it was almost unimaginable. This is the decadent, decadent, slumped, sad guy a few minutes ago?
"are you OK?"

The two hugged each other for a long time, and then parted again, unexpectedly they agreed and spoke in unison.

"Get in the car! Get in the car! An adulterer, are you not afraid of being laughed at by others? Go away! Don't be ashamed."

Tang Chen angrily pushed and shoved the two men and women.

"Yeah, what are you doing you? You child..." Qi Yu dodged to avoid Tang Chen's clutches.Sadly reminding Tang Chen, he stretched out his hand to prevent Tang Chen from touching~.

"I'm a child? Oh my god..." Tang Chen looked troubled, and said angrily that he couldn't do it anymore.

Sadly reminding Tang Chen, he said with a smile: "Does this kid like to cling to you? Look at me holding you, and how angry he is. You're so mad at me! What are you doing!"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head and hugged Qi Yu again.

Qi Yu's big, watery eyes are like lake water, bursting with bright light!She tilted her head slightly, dodged the obstruction of Tang Chen's forehead, looked at Tang Chen, and raised her eyebrows proudly.

"Tch~!" Tang Chen stamped his feet angrily.I'm in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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