Shushan Wushen

Chapter 628 She Was Such a Person

Chapter 628 She Was Such a Person

A look of horror flashed in Tang Chen's eyes.

Qi Yu's knife was too fast.She has formal military training.The knife drawing is very professional, the knife is very decisive, and the knife technique is very strange.The angle is tricky.

It's too formal.too professional!As expected of a student who has received a paratrooper knife training certificate!
At Universal University, all subjects have to be graded.The use method and practical application of the paratrooper knife is a professional course.And it is a compulsory course.

However, Tang Chen was different.The paratrooper knife he wears is the same as Qi Yu's.

However, the decorative significance is far greater than the actual combat significance.After all, only in the sophomore year of high school can there be a theoretical way to use the paratrooper knife.

And this is just a theoretical understanding.Get a preliminary understanding of the structure, material, and various hidden functions of the paratrooper knife.Appearing in the test paper is just a multiple-choice question, or a fill-in-the-blank question.

But after going to university, at the Universal University, it was different.At Cosmos University, the emphasis on paratrooper knives has reached an almost perverted level.According to Qi Yu's original words; if you give a piece of iron, you can make it yourself.

Tang Chen kept vigilant at all times to prevent the wild beasts on the periphery from counterattacking.Especially air strikes.

But never thought that Qi Yu would suddenly explode!

The paratrooper knife is thunderbolt and lightning, graceful and tricky, and there is a barb on the back of the paratrooper knife, which is to prevent the empty hand from grabbing the white blade!
How many special officers looked at the paratrooper knife and were deeply desperate for it!
Facing the paratrooper knife, you can only dodge it, not respond to its edge!

Suddenly, twinkling and flashing!
With the paratrooper knife in Qi Yu's hand, the tip of the knife pierced Tang Chen's chest with the flying emblem of the empire.

A sneer flashed across Qi Yu's slightly angry mouth, "Don't flash? Are you scared stupid?"

Qi Yu took half a step back, and the paratrooper knife in his hand "chuck!" brought back a drop of blood...!
Tang Chen twitched his right thumb in pain.It was bloody there.A small hole, seemingly quite deep.Tang Chen was astonished and shocked...Desperate!
His deep fear!

Before that, whoosh!The paratrooper's knife drew a sharp afterimage of the knife light, approaching the Yuandan of Qi Yu's right hand Tyrannosaurus rex who came up!

An indescribable surge filled Tang Chen's entire brain.

It was an indescribable sense of swelling, as if the mouth was filled with refreshing gum, the filling was almost bursting, but it could not be discharged....Desperate and helpless... to the extreme of this life...


Tang Chen felt his eyes swell out, and he reached out to touch it, but he was fine.

Tang Chen felt that his hands and feet were swollen, full of soreness and softness, and he looked at them with his eyes, but they were still completely fine.

Tang Chen felt himself staring at the entire deserted ancient grassland, and looking down, he was still standing there.Nothing moved.

...Is it a thought power leap, has it evolved? !

Beyond the mountains formed by the corpses of the overlords, groups of beasts and birds that lost their leaders and screamed helplessly, with scales, hair, feathers and beak patterns, are clearly identifiable!
soon!Tang Chen's thoughts filled the entire grassland!In fact, grasslands are nothing.

On the outskirts of the grassland, the vast desert.A grain of yellow sand, a strong wind blowing, what kind of impact, the direction of the force, the point of action of the force...!
From Tang Chen's mouth, there was a loud and clear scream that human beings could not complete with vocal cords.


On the edge of the grassland, the herds of beasts are overwhelmed.shivering.Peeking at the sky one after another.I wonder why there is such a domineering aura in my mind.Even their leaders, those overlords of the ancient world, couldn't resist this coercion!

"The leader died just like that, the petrification of his old man is too correct..."

Tang Chen was indescribably shocked, he actually understood these animal language!

Then, what was even more shocking was, "Peng!" There was a bursting feeling scattered around.It was as if he burst out of the sky!
Above the sky, there are rows of heavenly books!Oh no!Is it an ancient book?Do not! a portal!

That is countless portals arranged in the shape of 'pin'.

The portal is very three-dimensional.illusory.Like a pencil sketch out a frame.As if transparent.

In fact, Tang Chen could feel that this so-called transparency was only aimed at him alone...transparency!

Tang Chen stood on the top of the mountain, the small cloak issued by the Imperial Ministry of War behind him, loudly and loudly.Black hair on the forehead, rustling and fluttering.

Suddenly!Qi Yu let out an exclamation almost of fear.Already broke the sound of exclamation.


Visible to the naked eye, Tang Chen's heroic figure suddenly became different.He is obviously still Tang Chen, but the corners of his eyes and brows seem to have experienced vicissitudes, and he has endless wisdom.

Is it those eyes?Why is it brighter than the sun? !

Qi Yu was dizzy, shaking her body, she almost collapsed.Unexpectedly, letting Tang Chen recognize the master with a drop of blood would result in such a completely new and unfamiliar Tang Chen!
I saw Tang Chen turning towards Qi Yu coldly, with a trace of unruliness at the corner of his mouth.

Cold?Cold? ……Oh no!It's so peaceful!It is so peaceful that people can't help but think of the dead lake that never flows, as if the underground never sees the sun... Huangquan!
Why do I feel hot all over?am i burning

Qi Yu was at a loss.She no longer felt her presence.It seems that the meaning of her existence is just to try to get close to Tang Chen.Let Tang Chen not be so cold anymore.Let Tang Chen not be so cold...

Therefore, she, Qi Yu...had no hesitation——was burning!

"...Hiss!" Qi Yu's remaining gleam of clarity was deeply remorseful.She didn't expect that making decisions on her own would bring disaster to Tang Chen.

"Did he be taken away by the dragon...?"

This was Qi Yu's last act of sanity before he lost consciousness.

Tang Chen watched Qi Yu collapse in front of him, bang!His head hit the rock, bounced up, and landed again.Qi Yu rolled her eyes, the double oppression of her spirit and body... She fainted completely.


Tang Chen swept across Qi Yu on the ground indifferently.His eyes were still terrifyingly calm.

Swish swish!
Tang Chen's cropped hair, which had never crossed his ears, originally only had a little longer hair on his forehead, but now, all of them began to grow uncontrollably.Waist up in an instant.

Sa Sa Sa ~ ~ ~!

Tang Chen has long hair, jumping like a magic fire.Every strand of hair becomes shiny and shiny, like long and slender obsidian that has been cut off.It is so clear that it cannot be faulted, but it makes people worry about it from the depths of their soul... to break it.

so perfect!I want to protect every strand of his hair for him!
There are birds flying in the sky, there are colorful phoenixes, and there are beautiful and gorgeous phoenixes.There is a barren ancient magpie with incomparable steeds.There are 鵸鵌, there are ancient white cranes...

Tang Chen felt that his memory was being compressed as it gradually drifted away and became empty of books.Compressed to an incredible degree.

Then, the large piece of blank space shattered like spider veins!Collapse!Annihilation!That was a & huge memory that horrified Tang Chen himself!
Tang Chen picked up the flowers and smiled.His eyes scanned Qi Yu who was fainting on the ground, and a word flowed out faintly.

"Such a woman...!"

(End of this chapter)

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