Shushan Wushen

Chapter 629 Broken

Chapter 629 Broken

Tang Chen leaned over and hugged Qi Yu with his own hands.But it didn't wake her up.

"Hush...! This seat is so dangerous!"

Drinking ice for ten years almost shattered my lungs.Tang Chen couldn't help feeling jealous.

Of course, at the moment when Tang Chen's original soul fell, the physical body on the top of Tang Chen's Shu Mountain would recover.After all, this is a trial, not death.

However, in the past ten years, it was precisely because of Tang Shui, the hidden stake in the Sanjiao town of Tangmen Panshitang, who neglected his duties and failed to keep his mission in mind.It caused Tang Chen's tragedy.

In fact, Guiguzi had already been forced to suspend his comprehension.He hurriedly shuttled through [Mandela's Gate], traveled all over the world, and visited Tang Chen's traces.

Guiguzi didn't know where the original soul was lost in? !

He met a young man named Su Qin and taught him some secret techniques.After discovering that Su Qin was not Tang Chen, Guiguzi resolutely paid attention to Zhang Yi, but after passing on the Shushan secret technique a few times, he found out that he had admitted to the wrong person again.

As a result, Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Sun Bin, Pang Juan, Shang Yang, and Li Si, Mao Sui, Xu Fu, Gan Mao, Sima Cuo, Le Yi, Fan Ju, Cai Ze, Zou Ji, Li Shiqi, Kuai Tong, Huang Shi, Li Mu, Wei Liao, etc. combined Of the 500 people, all of them were changed by Guiguzi, and they became very powerful characters, crushing a great world.


After tossing for a long time, Guiguzi was in despair.Only the physical body that returned to Shushan and waited for Tang Chen's trial to die, the original soul died, and the physical body recovered.

This is an extremely long process.Guiguzi couldn't let go of his regret.Resurrected Tang Shui with his own hands, and shared a divine sense to whip this beast all day long to vent his hatred.

Not only that, Tang Shui's father...Tang Jin....

No one was spared!Kill once every hour.Then resurrect, and then violently beat!
Time flies, civilization evolves.Human nature has undergone earth-shaking changes.But the mission must be kept in mind.As a disciple of the Tang Sect, he was ordered to Shushan, so he must be loyal to his duty and keep his mission in mind.An original heart, unswerving determination.

This is the most basic.If everyone lives for himself.Lived so wonderfully that he was hated.Living in poverty, must be despised.So how cruel and merciless is this world!
When everyone realizes this, no one is willing to make sacrifices for it.The human race also collapsed.Died in obedience to evil, died in selfishness, the entire ethnic group was annihilated, and a new civilization was born.

At that time, the human race once ruled all spirits.And left behind to behave vilely and violently.Selfishness etc.Very bad impression of Wanling.

Offended all living beings.The human race will become...the most humble ants.And because of the huge number of human races, the sad one has become the bottom of the food chain in the new civilization...

According to the experience and lessons of history, all the world is like this.But the human race is always a spring, and it will rust away if it is not used.The harder the pressure, the stronger the explosive power.Finally, after endless years, the new human race has accumulated the wisdom of countless outstanding people who have succeeded in succession, and gathered in a big world, the entire human race has risen again...!
However, the passing time, the years of humiliation, was so long.

Happiness and beauty are always short-lived. After less than 10 years, the human race went back to the old road.Die, revive, revive and die again... and then revive again!

In this way, counting carefully, one glorious day of the human race requires countless ancestors to spend trillions of years in sorrow!
Of course... the world is full of miscellaneous things.There is also a big world, which is located outside the infinite dimension.There is the origin continent of civilization, and the ancestors yearned for the peace, harmony and happiness there.I heard that there is the Milky Way galaxy.

However, the Shushan lineage of the human race has long lost the coordinates of the Milky Way galaxy.No way to get in touch.

Guiguzi watched helplessly at the foot of Shu Mountain, Sanjiao Town's little prosperity.Houses were demolished and buildings were built.Then it was pushed down and built into a tall building....

There are many high-rise buildings, and finally the high-rise buildings are blown up, and the skyscrapers that surpass Shushan are built.

Those ordinary people in Sanjiao Town can't see Shushan.Several times, Guiguzi witnessed with his own eyes a woman howling terribly, with disheveled hair, begging him for mercy.Guiguzi was startled.It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

Immediately blushed with shame.Waved a hurricane, and the man behind the woman flew upside down, coughing up blood.

Guiguzi was angry, and so were the disciples of Tangmen.But for Shushan, time is the best way to deal with all this.

In the end, little by little, those skyscrapers, under the gaze of Shushan Tangmen disciples and Guiguzi, were weathered little by little, and finally they were annihilated in history and turned into the purest elements.

At the foot of Shushan Mountain, the Sufen River re-flows, giving birth to fish, and lush grass grows on the bank.And from nowhere came many birds and beasts.

I don't know how many years later, a group of people came here, fishing and hunting here, and lived together in a hut.Made a fortune.He left happily.Later, some of these people fell into despair, some missed this place, and some returned here.

Gradually, a village was formed here.At the beginning, there were three or five households, and then there were thirty or fifty households... After endless years, a young man named Zhao Yifang was appointed as the village head because he was very good at handling things.Later, the village chief Zhao Yifang turned the village into a town, and Zhao Yifang became the mayor of the town...

I don't know when, Panshitang in Shushan sent a large number of Tangmen disciples to use the method of cigarettes for generations to keep their hearts burning.The bright pillars and dark halls were set up....

The small courtyard of the Tang family in the open, and the Jiang family’s mill house in the dark...  Later, the hidden pile broke the inheritance before the bright pile, and the Tang family tried to wake up the Jiang family, so the two families got quite close, but in the end, the Tang family... also got involved.

"This is another copy!" Guiguzi watched all this, shaking his head and sighing.

Guiguzi sits on Mount Shu, guarding the body of Tang Chen in front of him.Looking at the [Mandela Gate] above...Muttering in his mouth: "Young master, which world are you living in? Which plane?"

The "Gate of Mandela", which was spinning and rolling like an ancient book, made a sound like flipping a book.I can't accept this.

After all, the Mandela Gate is a gate.

All the gates of Mandela turned into a book.And inside the door, it is in the form of overlooking the pyramid.

Go in [Mandela's Gate] and move forward.Every one is no exception, the first to enter must be the spire of the pyramid.The so-called spire is also a [Mandela Gate].


Stepping into the spire of the pyramid, the [Mandela Gate], the two [Mandela Gate] in the shape of the word 'pin', are changing positions at any time.

In this way, one life two, two begets four, endless.until the end of civilization.In the doomed age, a group of humanoid lunatics smashed all the [Mandela Gates].

In a pile of broken walls, in the silence of death.There is a [Mandela Gate], step in, and return to...Shushan!
(End of this chapter)

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