Shushan Wushen

Chapter 635 Fighting the Huqin Emperor

Chapter 635 Fighting the Huqin Emperor

Tang Chen was startled when he heard the words. He had amazing experience, so he quickly realized the root of the crisis.

When this barren world, civilization automatically evolves to the age of gods and demons, the barren world will become [Prehistoric World].

At this time, [Mandela Gate] has lost its protective effect.The spiritual energy scattered in the prehistoric world is like the fragrance of delicious food. All cultivators in the sea of ​​stars come here after smelling the fragrance, and flock to it.


Above the sky, before Qi Yu finished speaking, an extremely soft and melodious voice filled the whole prehistoric world.

In an instant, the white clouds shattered, like fairy flowers blooming suddenly, drifting with the wind, and disappearing between heaven and earth.

"Hahaha...! The old man Huqin is here too!"

Following the sky, there was an extremely rampant laughter, and a wooden stick-like body floated out of the flowers of the white clouds.

The fairy flowers are gone, and there is a new life.I can vaguely see the foot of this alien life, which is a cylindrical single foot.

A slender golden bow was flying on the feet of Huqin Emperor.It was the golden bow rubbing against the Huqin Emperor's ankle bone, and the melodious fairy sound was flowing.

"It's too late!" Qi Yu looked frustrated.

Tang Chen raised his hand and squeezed Qi Yu's palm. "Don't worry about me!"

In fact, if Tang Chen wanted to leave at this time, he could still escape from the prehistoric world.However, that prisoner cow, that sacred loli dragon, that Yazi, that starry sky beauty wolf...Isn't he an irresponsible man?
It's okay not to admit it, but things can't be done that way.The obligation to do must be bravely undertaken.There is no escape!

Men must be responsible!I have to finish the gun that I made an appointment with tears in my eyes.What's more, Tang Chen is the existence of Martial God.A god must have the strength of a god!

"Who is here, why did you break into the ancient world?!"

Tang Chen didn't know that the civilization here had evolved to the prehistoric world.Therefore, it still calls itself the old name.

"The aura of heaven and earth is rich here, and those who have the ability can get it! You little aborigine, you are actually a humble human race, how dare you shout like that. Destroy!"

Huqin Emperor is very rebellious, extremely disdainful, the golden bow flutters, pulls out the tone, the void trembles, in the form of ripples of overlapping waves, slap!Sa!Sa!Attack Tang Chen and Qi Yu.

"Back off!"

Tang Chen stuffed Qi Yu into the car, and before he could get in, the car started with the door open.With a roar, he jumped and jumped more than ten feet. Tang Chen was led by the handle of the car, and his body was dragged to sparks.

"Tang Chen!" Qi Yu yelled anxiously, stretching out his arm and yanking Tang Chen hard.

"Lord God Tang Chen!"

"Lord God Tang Chen!"

With a voice, the sacred loli dragon, starry sky beauty wolf, hermit phoenix, bird phoenix, Tianxiang toad, red-sleeved lion, goddess female turtle, red police flower tiger, stunning mermaid, and fragrant red luan are followed by nine little mythical beasts, They all showed up.

They caught up with the car and leaned over to rescue Tang Chen.

Tang Chen is a one-star Martial God at this time, and he is actually capable of fighting.However, the attack of the Huqin Emperor was pervasive.The sonic attack is very strange, very surprising.

Tang Chen had to concentrate all his cultivation to protect the car with all his strength, so he seemed embarrassed when he neglected the other.

What's more, the master's moves are flashy, with continuous moves and routines.Not only that, but the way of stacking waves, one wave is higher than the other.Surging and surging, the lethality is even more majestic.

The ancient gods and beasts, each of the top ten gods and beasts had extraordinary skills, and they made a decisive move to save Tang Chen.

Tang Chen took a breather and resolutely fought back with anger.His eyes shone, and the divine power passed through his eyes, turning into a golden awn that was more than ten feet long.It is a supernatural power [Fiery Eyes].

Putting aside the false and preserving the true, Tang Chen glanced over, looked carefully, and immediately saw the weakness of Emperor Huqin.

One is the snake skin covered on the feet, and the other is the golden bow on the feet.Both are the weaknesses of Emperor Huqin, but the biggest weakness is the two big tendons from the head to the ankle of Emperor Huqin.

"Okay!" Tang Chen pursed his lips tightly, his eyes shrank from the golden light, he pinched the Jue with his hands, and ran the [Shadow Overlord Jue] with his palms, there was a flat clang, and his palms clashed...

The two big tendons of Huqin Great Emperor are the two veins of Ren and Du in martial arts, Tang Chen resisted flatly and immediately disrupted Huqin Great Emperor's rhythm.

"Heh heh...." Even the words that Emperor Huqin uttered were out of tune, let alone attacking.

At this moment, "Whoosh!" The little divine beast prisoner swayed the dragon's tail, and the dragon's feet climbed onto Tang Chen's shoulder, squatting deeply, and jumped onto the shoulder of the sacred loli dragon, climbed up to the dragon's horn, Borrowing again, whoop~!Like a sharp sword, it shot towards the sky.

"Be careful, prisoner cow!"

"Be careful, prisoner cow!"

The holy Lolita Long and Tang Chen exclaimed at the same time.Qi Yu blinked her big eyes in shock, she didn't understand why Tang Chen showed such strong concern for this little beast.

However, this worry was unnecessary. Prisoner Niu actually understood Pingze in a short moment, and following the rhythm issued by Tang Chen, the scales on Prisoner Niu's body opened and closed, further suppressing Emperor Huqin's attack.

Finally, the ground was no longer dusty, but the big white clouds in the sky shattered, and the Huqin Emperor spun angrily like a windmill.

"The second vein of Ren and Du who controls it..." Tang Chen sent a sound transmission with his spiritual consciousness, and used his thoughts to help the prisoner to make a move.

With Tang Chen's help, Prisoner Bull is really like a tiger with wings added, and the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes.In the end, the long body of the dragon wrapped around Emperor Huqin's body, firmly imprisoning Emperor Huqin's Ren Du Ermai.


With a dragon chant, the prisoner bull defeated the soul of Huqin the Great.Whoosh!The Nascent Soul of Emperor Huqin, with a flash of inspiration, was about to flee.

Phew~!The sacred Lolita Dragon soared into the sky, and with a teleportation, it blocked the path of Emperor Huqin's Nascent Soul.

"Son, come quickly!" The sacred loli dragon called out, and the prisoner bull controlled the body of Huqin Great Emperor, whoosh!Appeared in front of Emperor Huqin.

"Swallow!" The Holy Lolita Dragon urged.

Emperor Huqin wailed mournfully: "Spare me! It's not easy to practice, please forgive me."

"Noisy!" Everyone shouted angrily.

Prisoner Niu had hesitated at first, but at this moment, with the affirmation of many aunts, he no longer held back, and opened his mouth full of blood.Swallowed the Nascent Soul of Emperor Huqin in one gulp.

"Human race! Damn human race! Human race will only waste the progress of civilization. This world is ruined..."

Emperor Huqin was about to die, and he complained unwillingly.However, just as alien races cannot stop the process of human race dominating all spirits.Emperor Huqin's complaints are also the same.

"Good prison cow!" The sacred loli dragon carried the prison cow and landed in front of Tang Chen.Tang Chen exclaimed.A word of praise.

"Thank you Lord God, Daddy!"

The prisoner cow obediently greeted him.Very respectful.

Qi Yu's eyes stared like a little bun.Suspicion on his face: "Tang Chen! What's going on? This little beast actually calls you daddy—"

Tang Chen blushed, and said perfunctorily: "This is good manners and customs. Customs! Customs!"

"I don't believe it!" Qi Yu shook his head firmly.And he used his fingers to pick the scales on the prisoner's body, but his eyes were fixed on the prisoner's five claws.

The sacred loli dragon stabbed the prisoner cow: "This is your mother. The god Qi Yuniang."

Prisoner Bull is the oldest among the nine little beasts.Received a lot of teaching.Without waiting for the Holy Lolita Dragon to remind her any more, she knelt down on the ground obediently: "See God Qi Yuniang! Mother~~~."

Prisoner Niu gave a melodious address, and immediately climbed onto Qi Yu's thigh.

Qi Yu's heart was touched in an instant, and her pretty face blushed.My heart is also messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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