Shushan Wushen

Chapter 636 1 Woman, 1 Suite

Chapter 636 One woman, one apartment

Prisoner Niu's call was exchanged for Qi Yu's warmth.

"Get up. Good boy. I bless you." Qi Yu picked up the prison cow with his own hands.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Ya Zi, Xiao Feng, Tao Tie, Jin Yan, Ba Xia, Jiao Tu, Bi An, and Chi Kiu all knelt down to pay respects, calling Qi Yu their mother, and Qi Yu's maternity mechanism was triggered.Appease them one by one.

Tang Chen snickered in his heart, and said in his heart; if Qi Yu knew the truth, he wouldn't know what kind of runaway it would be.

Suddenly, Qi Yu said to Tang Chen seriously: "Quickly prepare to assemble the flying saucer! A bigger crisis is yet to come!"

Tang Chen looked at the sacred loli dragon, Yinxiu phoenix, starry sky beauty wolf, bird phoenix, Tianxiang toad, red-sleeved lion, goddess female tortoise, red police flower tiger, stunning mermaid, fragrant red luan, and prisoner cattle, grievances, and ridicules. Feng, Taotie, Jin Ni, Ba Xia, Jiao Tu, Bi An, and Chi Kiu felt a bit awkward.

Leaving now, then the ten great beasts, and the nine little beasts.Likely to perish.

But if he didn't leave, what about Qi Yu's safety?No matter how it is calculated, it is unfair, and it is difficult to have two rights.

"Take them and go together!" Tang Chen's gaze and attitude caught Qi Yu's attention.Qi Yu simply stated his position publicly.

"Okay!" Tang Chen's eyes fell on Yinxiu Fenghuang's face.

Yinxiu Phoenix had a bitter look on his face, only Tang Chen and Tang Chen were innocent among the top ten mythical beasts in ancient times.spotless.Tang Chen's attitude was undoubtedly asking it to withdraw voluntarily.

"I want to stay in this world!"

Tang Chen smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong! I'm asking about the progress of the project."

But before Tang Chen finished speaking, the sacred loli dragon, starry sky beauty wolf, bird phoenix, Tianxiang toad, red-sleeved lion, goddess female tortoise, red police flower tiger, stunning mermaid, and fragrant red luan all showed determination on their faces.

"I will not leave the ancient world!"

"I will not leave the ancient world either!"

The ten ancient mythical beasts were surprisingly unanimous and rejected Tang Chen's protection.Some things are hard to say.Everything is tacit understanding.It goes without saying.

"I respect your choices!" Tang Chen nodded, giving respect is the demeanor of a god.

When things are done, there is no loss of etiquette.Without knowing it, Qi Yu explained in detail the unpredictable risks he would face in the future.

The ten wild ancient beasts still stubbornly refused.

Yazi got into the dragon's feet and made a strong promise: "The Lord God Father, the God God Qi Yuniang, you go away! I Yazi will protect you mothers."

"And me! I'm not even afraid of the wind. I even snatched my mother back with my own hands. Are you afraid of those extraterrestrial demons? Don't worry." The mocking wind squinted at Tang Chen and Qi Yu, with a proud face.Like a naughty little rascal.

After Nirvana, the birds and phoenix caressed the wind and scales lovingly, silently.Occasionally stealing glances at Tang Chen.A look of tenderness and reluctance.

This is a phoenix that can be nirvana for Tang Chen.

Tang Chen frowned slightly.Unexpectedly, Qi Yu shouted in surprise: "Tang Chen! What's the matter with your eyebrows?"

"What's wrong?" Tang Chen was surprised.

"It seems like flames are flying!" Qi Yu told the real state in one word.

Tang Chen released a wave of thought power, and his face was filled with surprise: "Feng Yuliuyan eyebrow! This is my Fengyu Liuyan eyebrow!"

Swish!Tang Chen raised his hand and grabbed the phoenix feather eyebrows one after another, and cast [Creation Jue], his eyebrows danced for a while, and [Pingshui Thirty Fingers] kept moving.

Pavilions and pavilions are formed in an instant.

Tang Chen carefully engraved the extremely cumbersome prohibition inscriptions, one after another, and carved them.Then the sacred loli dragon, the starry sky beauty wolf, the bird phoenix, the fragrant toad, the red-sleeved lion, the goddess female turtle, the red police flower tiger, the beautiful mermaid, and the fragrant red luan.

Tang Chen solemnly confessed: "This is your trump card to save your life, and it is also your cave. I give you the moving talisman, so that you can place this cave in your favorite cave, the blessed land of heaven and the beautiful mountains and rivers. Remember! To live is to keep everything safe." it is good!"

The sacred loli dragon, the hidden phoenix, the starry sky beauty wolf, the bird phoenix, the fragrant toad, the red-sleeved lion, the goddess female tortoise, the red police flower tiger, the beautiful mermaid, and the fragrant red luan have led the cave, with tenderness and sweetness on their faces, But more is the sourness of parting.

Qi Yu was sweating profusely there, and she commanded the Yinxiu Phoenix to assemble the various parts of the flying saucer.Smelted together with the phoenix real fire.Seamlessly welded.Made the first flying saucer in ancient times.

In fact, Tang Chen can travel through the [Mandela Gate] without the aid of a flying saucer.However, the [Mandela Gate] is too precise, and there are some civilized worlds that exclude practitioners from entering.What's more, Qi Yu can't walk in the air.

The space is a vacuum and turbulent flow, Qi Yu cannot survive.

After more than half the matter, Tang Chen reached into his bosom, and took out a piece of amber, which contained a pill of dust.Red as blood.Yingying shines.

This was used by Tang Chen to refine the phoenix body for Yin Xiu.

After taking this elixir, the hermit phoenix will be split into two, male and female, becoming the light phoenix and the fairy phoenix.

"Whoosh!" Xiaofeng snatched Amber and praised loudly: "Daddy Lord God, this thing is really exquisite, is it for me? Can you give it to me?"

Tang Chen was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer.The parting is imminent, and I can't bear to hurt Xiaofeng's heart. At the same time, the most important thing is that this elixir is very important for the hermit Phoenix.

"Give it back to the Lord God, Daddy, don't be naughty." After Nirvana, Bainiaofenghuang's handsome face looked a bit cold, but he knew the general situation.

"No! I like it. I want to keep it as a souvenir. This is the only evidence of my father's existence!" The mocking wind was very stubborn, shouting in his mouth, and innocent tears overflowed from his big eyes, rustling and fluttering.He stared straight at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen had no choice but to lean down, and said solemnly: "Sarcasm! Daddy entrusted you with a task, okay?"

"Master Daddy, please tell me!" Xiaofeng raised his head expectantly.

Tang Chen leaned into the ear of the mocking wind, and whispered: "This is not an ordinary thing. There is a [Couple Golden Elixir] sealed in this amber, and you won't need it if you keep it. After Dad and you Qi Yuniang leave, You sent this elixir to Yinxiu Phoenix, and made an agreement in advance to ask for its favor. Maybe it will be useful in the future."

"Thank you, Daddy! You're still thoughtful. It's great to feel like Daddy!"

Xiao Feng's words came from the bottom of his heart, and after he finished speaking, the little beast Xiao Feng's eyes were red.Tang Chen was in a complicated mood.But he was more embarrassed.I want to say something more.But when he opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

After a moment of daze, Qi Yu has already done it.She pulled Tang Chen, and hurriedly got into the flying saucer.

Tang Chen originally wanted to say some farewell words.But the parting was so unexpected.He didn't wait for his words.


The flying saucer rose from the ground, the grass and trees on the ground were low, and a huge circular totem spread out radially like a brand mark.


Yinxiu Phoenix was also exhausted. He just took a breath, thinking that Tang Chen and Qi Yu had already set off.

"My elixir!" Yinxiu Fenghuang stood up in a huff.

"Ellite? Could it be that you really want my Lord God husband to make alchemy for you?" The holy loli dragon looked contemptuous.

"My lord god husband will make alchemy for you? You don't deserve it!" Starry Sky Beauty Wolf gloated.

"What are you thinking about? Are you tired and confused or your brain is scorched? Tch! You! No! Deserving!" Bai Niao Fenghuang raised his middle finger, every feather on his body was filled with the pleasure of stepping on others, and swaggered in the wind.Complacent.

Yinxiu Phoenix was furious and anxious.A feeling of being tricked arises spontaneously...

(End of this chapter)

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