Shushan Wushen

Chapter 637 Stratification Solidification

Chapter 637 Stratification Solidification


Immediately, Qi Yu's handwriting on Fang Tiandi, elegant yet rough, caught Qi Yu's eyes...

【... As night falls, red lanterns hang high in every household, white snow and red lights, smoke from earthen houses, and the small town is a beautiful New Year picture full of festive atmosphere!
Children are the happiest, running wildly outside the gate with small lanterns. Some children carry lanterns made of canned bottles, with iron wire wrapped around the edge of the bottle, and the two ends of a thin rope are tied to the iron wire. , It is a simple little lantern with a small stick.

My lantern is a foldable cylindrical pink paper lantern with landscape paintings on it, very delicate and beautiful.But I am very envious of the canned bottle lanterns of other friends, because it is strong, and I am not afraid of the candles inside when I run fast, so I burn the lanterns.The small candles lit in the lanterns are called "Kowtouer Liaoer".

The melon seeds are cooked by grandma in a large pot. After frying, they are taken out of the pot and put into a dustpan, and then taken to the yard to winnow the "flat seeds".There is only one kind of candy—fruit candy. The candy wrapper and the candy inside are always stuck together. Spit out the candy wrappers.

Mom was busy in the steaming kitchen.Stir-fried fungus with cabbage, laying eggs, fried peanuts, fried octopus, stewed pork vermicelli, home-cooked cold dishes, stewed sauerkraut blood sausage, and even Leaping Cat, which is wild rabbit, its stewed local chicken ~ delicious... Dinner is a Best meal of the year.

After dinner, the whole family sat around the kang table.Dad started to distribute New Year's money, each child had a face value of 2 yuan, which was a lot of money for me at the time.After handing out the New Year's money, Dad will also take out a stack of brand-new dime banknotes, and let the children have prizes for guessing riddles.Guess a reward of [-] cents, and after one night, I can also get [-] cents.

Mom brought up a small pot of slow-prepared frozen pears and frozen persimmons.I have never seen my mother eat it. When I asked her, she said: "It's too cold to bite my teeth, so I don't like to eat it."

It took many years to realize that my mother didn't like to eat, but that there were too few things, and my mother was reluctant to eat.

There is no TV, no Spring Festival Gala, but the family sits together laughing and having fun.We will always be a happy family who love each other.

The New Year's Eve dinner must be dumplings. There are two dumplings with a cleaned coin in each, and two dumplings with a piece of fruit candy in each.Those who are lucky to eat it indicate that they will have good fortune and prosperity in the new year.After the dumplings are cooked, grandma first puts out a few and puts them in a small dish, and puts them on the side of the pot, saying that they belong to Lord Stove ~.

After letting go of a few shuangxiangzi and a small whip, the whole family sat around the dining table and started eating dumplings. The sound of firecrackers in the distance came one after another, and the New Year's bell was ringing...!
The years are too hasty, and the time of nearly ten years flies by.Compared with today's rich material life, the Spring Festival in my childhood still has a special taste in my memory.Although there is a lack of material, I can still reap the joy of welcoming the new year...

Time is like the sand at the fingertips...

As the Spring Festival approaches, where is the taste of my year...?I don't even know... where is he? ! 】

"Who is he?" Tang Chen asked.

Qi Yu glanced at Tang Chen, then flicked through the diary.

The diary is very thick, and the cover is a little yellowed. It is obvious that the owner not only writes every day, but also flips through memories from time to time, and occasionally uses different ink marks in the blank space to add a few words of emotion.

After a long time, that 'he' was finally found out by Qi Yu.

"Crack!" Qi Yu closed the diary and slammed it hard on Tang Chen's shoulder.

"You! Why do you have trouble with the gods in every world? You can't stop and stop, complete your studies step by step, fall in love and get a job, get married and have children? You are a person whose love disappears! ... If life is just as it was before See, how wonderful it would be!"

Tang Chen touched his nose guilty, and the guilt in his heart became more intense.I had no choice but to talk about others.

"We left Bingcheng, Qi Yu, you drove the car, we took the highway and went straight to Echeng. Tang Chen from this world is there."

"All right!"

Qi Yu glared at Tang Chen angrily, picked up a pen on the ground, and wrote a line in the diary; everyone has different opportunities, just go with the situation, and the years are quiet.He is in Echeng.All is well, don't read.

The two did not leave in a shocking manner, but pushed open the anti-theft door and walked out. Tang Chen turned around and locked it, then walked out through the wall.And Qi Yu smiled gracefully.

Qi Yu'puchi' was amused.

"You! What's so good about you? You look like a child, but you act like a child. How can you look like a god!"

Tang Chen accepted the criticism solemnly, and echoed humbly: "Senior Qi Yu is right. The golden words are so deaf!"

Qi Yu stopped abruptly, looked at Tang Chen and said, "Tang Chen, something is wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Tang Chen's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his face was pale.How he didn't want to part with this best friend!But what I did was unbearable...Do friends have anything else to do?

Qi Yu said seriously: "The childhood memories written in Qi Yu's diary in this world, wearing red robes during the New Year, but you see the clothes of passers-by we saw just now, fashionable and beautiful, where are the ancient traditional costumes? Here is a Tech Planet Wow!"

Hearing this, Tang Chen gasped.He paid too much attention to Qi Yu's reaction just now, but he ignored it.

"Well, the progress of civilization here has developed into the era of class solidification, and it is also a fiery era when hard work is destined to be rewarded. Clothes must be commercialized, not magic weapons."

"Magic treasure? How do you say it?" Qi Yu asked.

Tang Chen explained: "In the world of self-cultivation, clothing and boots and accessories are all magic weapons with various functions, such as storage, attack, or escape. Hmm, it can also be said... functional type .”

"Oh, I understand when you say that. But the question is..., is this related to what we're talking about? Why do I feel that you are sneaky and not upright?"

Qi Yu smiled half-smile, and squinted at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen let out a "thud" in his heart, but he tried to calm down on his face: "Of course it's related! Think about it, doesn't this just mean that this world is a fusion of heaven and earth. With the rapid leap of civilization, promote [ Mandela’s Gate] keeps upgrading. In other words, it’s like a bunch of scrapped film crumpled up and discarded in a drawer. The originally exposed images are glued to each other, and the images inside are inadvertently mixed with each other... .”

"...Hiss!" Qi Yu's complexion changed, and his eyes were bright: "Tang Chen! Your metaphor is too appropriate."

Tang Chen smiled and said: "Of course! There may be a possibility that when you walk from upstairs to downstairs, you may have traveled to another world. All of this is so natural and harmonious, but the details are slightly different. Flaws, not so stand up to scrutiny."

Inspired, Qi Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Then this world must be full of amnesia patients, and the number has increased a lot!"

At this time, the two had already walked downstairs.Tang Chen stretched out his hand and pointed to the car on the parking space.Show a wry smile.

"Qi Yu, look at our car! We should have been forcibly transported to another world!"

Of course, Tang Chen's words were just a joke.

Qi Yu had already noticed all this, and his hair stood up in anger.And there is smoke curling up and dissipating.

"Hundan! Who did it!"

Looking at the parking space, the miraculously vivid car has been sprayed with various colors of paint...

(End of this chapter)

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