Shushan Wushen

Chapter 638 The First Rain of Apricot Blossoms

Chapter 638 The First Rain of Apricot Blossoms

"Tang Chen! I deduce it from [Qimen Dunjia], this is a terrible trip!" Qi Yu issued a warning.

In fact, without Qi Yu saying that, Tang Chen already had the idea of ​​quitting.A one-star Martial God's cultivation is like a "scumbag" in front of the Supreme Martial God!
"Quickly! Get out of this world!"

Tang Chen roared anxiously, the car changed according to Qi Yu's mind, swish!Immediately transformed, like scales opening and closing, the fiery red armor quickly emerged and spread all over the body.An oval flying saucer appeared in an instant.soar into the sky.


call out!
On the Bing'e Expressway, a red light suddenly shone brightly and was extremely dazzling, and then quickly faded away, leaving an afterimage in place and disappearing.All that was left was a charred tire track.

"He ran away just as he said?! Could this be done by the God of Valor? It's annoying! Hateful!"

In the underground base of Echeng, Tang Chen from this plane became furious and crushed the handle of the telephone.

"Why get angry? He is a mere one-star Martial God, how can he compete with your supreme cultivation? It is wise for him to run away decisively!"

A fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged goddess in a heroic gray military uniform.Emerge slowly from nothing.

On this plane, Tang Chen's ferocious face softened a little, he turned his head and sighed: "Qin Luoyin! It was the first time I stepped on the moon, \I was empowered by your divine power. I have obtained this supreme cultivation. I have always There is a kind of premonition in the dark——"

"You don't need to say too much! If you pretend to be true, you can be true! Great things can happen!" Qin Luoyin said calmly, playing with the military rank on her cuffs.

"But... Tang Chen is different this time!" Tang Chen's tone in this world was a little irritable.

Qin Luoyin raised her head abruptly, her beautiful white face was as cold as snow, and her tone was even colder: "Are you timid to fight? That's good! Go back to Sanjiao Town and go to Mount Shu! Grab the Guiguzi trap Ask about secrets! If Guiguzi doesn’t tell you, you will torture him! If you don’t tell me, you will continue to torture him!”

"Do you think I don't want to do this?! I—I...I can't find Shushan! How to climb it?!"

Tang Chen in this world, his aura is disordered, his supreme divine power is overflowing, his whole body is covered with space cracks, obviously he is full of emotions and has a lot of thoughts.

With a gritted 'crack' sound, he said: "My existence, my disappearance, I am in charge! My life is up to me, not him!"

"Hmph~! It's right to have such a cognition from the depths of the soul!" Qin Luoyin raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"Based on your Supreme Martial God's cultivation, he will be a scumbag every second he becomes a one-star Martial God! I think you should know your next step!"

Tang Chen raised his palm, raised it and slashed it down viciously, a word came out between his teeth: "Kill!"

There was a radiance on Qin Luoyin's face, and she smiled sweetly: "It's true that I chose you! A man! You should be tougher on yourself!"

"To myself?" Tang Chen was startled, then laughed loudly, and let out a foul breath, "Hahaha! It really is to me! Hahaha!"

The laughter was still there, and the two air currents caused the air to vibrate.Tang Chen and Qin Luoyin disappeared.

Tang Chen in this world was born as a flying officer, and in this era he is a meritorious service to the empire.Known as the No.1 moon landing!He is the second human race to step into space after General Qi Zhen.And he accomplished what General Qi Zhen failed to the moon!
In the Moon Palace, he found a secret place on the moon. It was an exquisite but not majestic blue palace. A stunning beauty was wearing an ancient robe, holding a rabbit and sitting under the laurel tree of the palace.

A woodcutter is a mechanical puppet.Cracking and chopping the laurel tree.The leaves of osmanthus fragrans are crystal clear and clean, and they melt in the mouth.

That woman was Qin Luoyin, and she signaled him to turn off the machine emperor of the woodcutter's puppet.Tang Chen did as he did, and then there was a "whoosh".

A gorgeous pearl emerged from the puppet woodcutter's body, and shot into the dantian of Tang Chen's lower abdomen.

So far, Tang Chen in this world, by accident, got the opportunity that belonged to the real Tang Chen.Fortunately, he obtained the cultivation base of a supreme warrior.

Both Tang Chen and Qin Luoyin were born in Sanjiao Town, but there is no such person as Qin Luoyin in Sanjiao Town in this world.Therefore, Tang Chen in this world did not recognize Qin Luoyin.

Qin Luoyin communicated with Tang Chen, who lived up to his mission, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

When I think of the strict rules of Tangmen in Shushan.She immediately shuddered.Simply grit your teeth and make mistakes.Tang Chen, who took this world with him, entered the Blue Silver Palace of the Great Dream, and obtained the secrets of Mount Shu, the precious memories of the sages of the past dynasties.

However, Tang Chen in this world, how can Tang Chen's life essence be so strong?Because the concentration of life spirit is not enough.Failed to obtain the Secret of Shushan.

Qin Luoyin is also a woman, and when a woman becomes ruthless, she is even afraid!She told him bluntly.After some bewitching, Tang Chen in this world was inspired to become bloody.

"Prince, general, Ning has a kind? What he Tang Chen can do, I Tang Chen can do too! I have to do better! More perfect!"

Qin Luoyin and Tang Chen from this world fell into a state of madness, driving the flying saucer of the empire, frequently going in and out of various worlds, and using [Shadow Overlord Art] to collect Tang Chen's life origin from the corresponding world.Without the source of life, a person's luck will decline to the extreme.

However, Qin Luoyin and the brainwashed Tang Chen didn't care about the life and death of those hundreds of thousands of Tang Chen. How could they care about the development of Tang Chen left behind after he left?
In this way, Qin Luoyin and Tang Chen went in and out of various worlds, using destructive methods of plundering and fishing.This [Jian Tian Di] trial was a mess!

However, when Qin Luoyin and Tang Chen returned to the Moon Palace and entered the Great Dream Blue Silver Palace again, the authentication still failed.

There is no other reason!Tang Chen, who actually participated in the trial, had a concentration of life essence as high as [-]%!

That is to say, Tang Chen, who lives up to his mission, no matter how much he accumulates his source of life, it will be of no use.Because you'll never be halfway there!

This time the real Tang Chen appeared in this world, for Tang Chen in this world, it was indeed an excellent opportunity!

However, when the opportunity came, Tang Chen in this world still fell into hesitation.Because he is the Supreme Valkyrie!
God has the pride of God.The Supreme has the dignity of the Supreme!He wanted to fight the real Tang Chen with all his strength, obtain the mission openly, and openly refine... Tang Chen's original true spirit!

"I'll go to the Imperial War Department and help you apply for a flying saucer."

Qin Luoyin was in this world, and after being manipulated by Tang Chen in this world, Qin Luoyin became his personal adjutant.

Tang Chen in this world nodded, took the pen, and signed the document for authorization.Looking at the back of Qin Luoyin's departure, his eyes showed confusion, his mood was complicated and difficult to understand, and he muttered to himself: "Spring is here, the spring rain has soaked the flowers and trees, and the apricot blossoms are blooming!"

He stretched out his palm, and there was a drizzle of rain beating on his fingers. The raindrops were crystal clear, like bead curtains hanging down, "Ah~!"

With a sigh, he leaped up calmly, and stepped on the round raindrops with his toes. The small raindrops were slightly flattened, never broken, and bounced tremblingly. Tang Chen took advantage of his strength and stepped into the sky slowly.

Shaking his hair, a few blue and golden thunderbolt lightnings rippled away, he waved his hands to push aside the sea of ​​clouds, and walked on the clouds.

A civil aviation airliner buzzed past beside him.

Click!Click!Several flashes shot out of the cabin.

Tang Chen turned his head slowly, seeing the stunned and extremely shocked eyes in the porthole...

(End of this chapter)

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