Shushan Wushen

Chapter 639 There is a Phoenix Laiyi

Chapter 639 There is a Phoenix Laiyi

Qin Luoyin obtained the approval document from the empire, scanned with his spiritual sense, and found the traces of Tang Chen in this world, shook his head, and let out an indisputable sigh.


She jumped onto the clouds and dragged Tang Chen down.And scolded: "Here comes this shocking trick again. Do you know how complicated the process is to eliminate public opinion and put out fire?!"

Tang Chen in this world let out a mouthful of turbid breath fiercely, and the clouds in the stratosphere were blown out of a deep black hole by him.

"I don't know what you think about all day long. You have no ambition at all!" Qin Luoyin said angrily.

"Let's go! Let's go! Go to the Flight Department to apply for approval. You also have to go to the Space Administration to apply for approval. This is a cumbersome process..." Tang Chen in this world is very good at calming Qin Luoyin's emotions.Changed the subject easily.

Sure enough, Qin Luoyin frowned slightly.He snorted coldly: "You are still the Supreme Valkyrie, so you can't rush into the hangar and grab a flying saucer?"

Tang Chen, who is in this world, has a serious expression on his face: "The great hero has a family, a country, and stars all over the world! The status of the empire is above everything else! Everyone gets what they need, and there is no order. What do we need those rules and regulations? No rules, no rules. Isn't this world in chaos!"

"Okay, okay! I beg for mercy! I beg for mercy! Don't use such bureaucratic accents, Your Excellency General! This second lieutenant has been taught."

Qin Luoyin raised her hands high, showing an impatient expression.I'm afraid she was also terrified by Tang Chen in this world!

In fact, if Tang Chen in this world took the initiative and pursued him on the spot, then Tang Chen and Qi Yu would definitely encounter a fierce battle.And it was a crushing fiasco!
However, Tang Chen in this world is still guilty...In other words, that insignificant trace of the true spirit of the origin of life allowed Tang Chen in this world to maintain a sense of shame.There is no hasty and decisive conquest!

The process of applying for a flying saucer is very complicated and requires approval at all levels.It took a long time.Inadvertently, it was half a year.Although Tang Chen in this world is fully capable of ignoring the laws and regulations, grabbing a flying saucer and running away.But to do that would be tantamount to rebellion.

Therefore, Tang Chen and Qin Luoyin could only silently wait for the approval process to progress slowly.

As a result, on this day, a rainbow bridge burst out suddenly in the sky.A phoenix and a phoenix suddenly appeared.The feathers are colorful, dazzling, and extremely gorgeous.

In a flash, the phoenix streamer in the sky fell to the ground and turned into a man and a woman, the man was Guangfeng Tianyin, and the woman was Xianhuang Xiuxiu.

"Alien invasion?" Qin Luoyin called out coquettishly.

"It's auspicious to have Feng Laiyi!" Tang Chen in this world didn't care.

call out!call out!
Tang Chen and Qin Luoyin teleported together and appeared in front of Tianyin and Xiuxiu.

"The phoenix does not fall into a land without treasures, why do you come here?" Qin Luoyin understood that there should be no gods and beasts in this world.Hence this question.

Unexpectedly, Guangfeng Tianyin and Xianhuang Xiuxiu were furious when they saw Tang Chen behind Qin Luoyin.

"Tang Chen! You've betrayed your promise, and I'll work for you, just walk away! Shameless villain!"

Guangfeng Tianyin and Xianhuang Xiuxiu made a bold move.With four punches, all the feathers were released, like the sharp blade of a magic weapon, whoosh!It suddenly enveloped Tang Chen.


Tang Chen snorted coldly, but didn't explain, in fact, he didn't have time to explain.But with just this cold snort, the void around Tang Chen collapsed.The dark cracks are like spider webs, whoosh!Phoenix feathers entered one after another, Ka Ka Ka!They were crushed one after another.


Guangfeng Tianyin and Xianhuang Xiuxiu were shocked.Most of the bright feathers all over his body were lost.

"So the Lord God is so powerful? Run away!"

Xianhuang Xiuxiu roared and pushed Guangfeng Tianyin away.Leveraging each other's strength, they jumped more than ten miles in one step.

"Want to escape? It's too late!" Tang Chen in this world is the Supreme Martial God, and he came to seal the void with a thought.

Then, Guangfeng Tianyin and Xianhuang Xiuxiu were extremely shocked to discover that Tang Chen and that beauty had grown infinitely taller.Do not!Even the road under Tang Chen's feet, the background trees and buildings behind him all became towering and towering.

"Not good! We are shrinking!" Guangfeng Tianyin yelled in horror.Kicked Xianhuang Xiuxiu with one kick, borrowed strength again, whoosh!He continued to escape, and escaped for more than ten miles in the blink of an eye.

Tang Chen in this world, he didn't know the whole story, and suddenly raised his eyebrows when he saw this: "Sell out your companions! Run away! It's against the duty of martial arts and chivalry. Let's die!"

"No!" Xianhuang Xiuxiu and Guangfeng Tianyin were originally hermit phoenixes.It was originally one true spirit.Where do we need to divide each other.What Guangfeng Tianyin did was nothing more than a strong man cut off his wrist.Just keep a chance.

However, the means of the Supreme Martial God, once a thought comes, words can't follow. "Boom!" Guangfeng Tianyin made a bang, and found himself, his feathers were scorched and his body was burnt.In the pitch-black dry charcoal, a few wisps of crimson flashed away.Then, it shattered and turned into fly ash.


Xianhuang Xiuxiu cried out.Yangtian let out a scream.This is equivalent to losing half of the life of the hermit phoenix.

Tang Chen didn't wait for it to finish howling, and grabbed Xianhuang Xiuxiu's neck.


Xianhuang Xiuxiu immediately rolled her eyes.

Tang Chen gave a low voice: "Here comes the golden element!"

Supreme Valkyrie is so awesome.Words follow, a thought descends, and the surrounding air suddenly emits a dazzling golden light.Grains of outrageously pure gold sand poured in one after another.

"Ning!" Tang Chen shouted again.

In an instant, an exquisite birdcage was made of gold all over.


Tang Chen raised his hand and threw Xianhuang Xiuxiu into the golden cage.Pass it to Qin Luoyin: "Give this bird to you to raise!"

"Raising a phoenix? You're really free." Qin Luoyin took over the cage, a little worried.

Tang Chen smiled and said, "Didn't you see this phoenix, open your mouth and call out my name? This little phoenix must recognize Tang Chen!"

"What? You're not Tang Chen?" Xianhuang Xiuxiu yelled in the golden cage, almost collapsing.A look of frustration.

"I got the wrong person. Let me go, Da Neng—!"

Tang Chen said seriously: "I'll let that light phoenix go and let it go to Nirvana. As for that Tang Chen, you must be familiar with it. Just be a navigating bird!"

"Woooooo..." Xianhuang Xiuxiu was about to cry.But what can I do.

Tang Chen and Qin Luoyin in this world lifted the cage and set up the bird, waiting patiently for the approval process of the flying saucer.

And Qi Yu and Tang Chen had already landed in an ancient city in another world.

The streets are packed with crowds of people.A man was sweating profusely, moving bricks red on the construction site...

Qi Yu smiled and said, " still have such a miserable time?"

Tang Chen frowned upon hearing this.Suspicion on his face.

"That's not right! With this Tang Chen's brain power, he can live comfortably. How could he move bricks?"


The dozen or so large bricks that Tang Chen, who was moving the bricks, broke apart suddenly.bang bang bang!Smashed on the feet.


Tang Chen, who was moving the bricks, let out a shrill scream, jumped and grinned.There was cold air in his mouth.

"Tang Chen! Why do you have such an idea? I really mourn for you."

Several workers moving bricks ran over to help the injured Tang Chen.There was a lot of talk and discussions.

"I didn't let go of the brick, but it broke in the middle. This luck is really bad to a certain level. Tsk tsk."

"Don't talk too much, send Tang Chen to the hospital! Hurry up...!"

There are older workers who are more considerate.

(End of this chapter)

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