Shushan Wushen

Chapter 641 Zhao Yifang's Golden Pen

Chapter 641 Zhao Yifang's Golden Pen


Qi Yuxiu frowned slightly, turned her head slightly, and put it on Tang Chen's shoulder.

"Tang Chen! You don't have to beat me around. I know that you consider me a buddy, and I also consider you a best friend. The reason why I traveled across countless worlds and through layers of [Mandela Gates] to find you is because... …”

Tang Chen waited for a long time, but Qi Yu did not continue.Tang Chen didn't urge him, and said flatly: "You should be married."

"Yeep..." Qi Yu burst into tears.

"You said that we have traveled through so many worlds and passed through so many [Mandela Gates], why is Zhao Yifang in my world the most hateful. He even agreed to graduate from university..."

Tang Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide, and opened his mouth wide, "Graduated from university? Can the old military officer live to such an old age? He is very persistent..."

Life is like a trip out of the city, the road traveled is rarely smooth.More rough and muddy.Only after experiencing such harshness can we see the scenery that cannot be seen in the city.

The so-called travel, along the way, as a traveler, encountering road conditions, weather, companions, and even discord with the tour guide, it is inevitable to feel sad.At the end of the trip, all these have become part of the memory.

However, in the journey of life, how many times are there opportunities to recall.Because the trip is not over yet.

The coupe didn't stop in any city, it jumped over Tang County, and returned to Sanjiao Town at a fast speed all the way.

Tang Chenna and Qi Yu hid in the void, silently following Qi Yu and Tang Chen in this world.

The Sanjiao Town in this world is not much different from other worlds.Qi Yu didn't go home, and directly followed Tang Chen into the small courtyard of the Tang family.

It should be that no one has taken care of the flowers and plants for a long time.Those were the flowers planted by Zhao Yijia, and they were in full bloom right now.Even the corridor leading from the gate to the main room is mostly covered.

Walking all the way, the soles of the shoes are full of crushed flower mud.The fragrance of the flowers is striking and refreshing.

"Huh? Another big black pot!" Tang Chen's eyes lit up.

He and Qi Yu escaped from the world where the Supreme Martial God Tang Chen belonged, and passed through several worlds.Didn't realize that Tang Chen and Qi Yu got the big black pot, and with this big black pot, there are already nine big black pots in the body.

Drops of blood refining into the body.There was a bang.

Blood dripped from the corner of Tang Chen's mouth.This world is not a place with strong aura.Tang Chen's blood was backlashed, and he lost a lot of weight in an instant.

Originally, Tang Chen's body was only about that of a ten-year-old child, but now he lost weight, his skin drooped, and there were wrinkles and creases.Like a dwarf little old man.

In the main room, Tang Chen and Qi Yu from this side of the world sat cross-legged on the kang, and Tang Chen pulled a small box.

"Zhao Yifang once gave me a gold pen. Now it seems that if I keep it, it will tarnish the friendship between us brothers. Please help me get rid of it!"

"Okay!" Qi Yu gritted his teeth, gearing up.

The intention of the two is obvious, that is, to vent their dissatisfaction with Zhao Yifang by ravaging the golden pen.Get the thrill of revenge.

Outside the window, Qi Yu smiled at Tang Chen, "These two guys are like children. They are still playing this trick of self-deception."

"Pfft!" Tang Chen smiled, and gently wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth with a wave of his hand.

"Ah...? Latiao! This is like the Latiao that Shi Zhongyu gave to everyone back then, you still have a whole pack?" Qi Yu, who looked like a tomboy in the room, slapped Tang Chen's injured leg.Tang Chen let out a cry, and broke out in a cold sweat.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Eat spicy root strips to suppress your shock!" Qi Yu pulled open the package.

"No! It's been too many years, it must have deteriorated... Mmmmmmm." Tang Chen stopped it.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Qi Yu stabbed a spicy stick into his mouth.

In this world, who can refuse the delicacy in his mouth?What's's still spicy!
But, as Tang Chen said, this bag of spicy strips has been too long.It has been spoiled for many years.Next, Tang Chen, who was limping, and Qi Yu, who was flushed but not embarrassing.Alternately ran into the toilet and squatted in the pit.

Used up all the toilet paper in the toilet.

Qi Yu's face turned green with diarrhea, and the injured Tang Chen had lost a lot of weight, his face was full of wrinkles from the vicissitudes of life.

In the end, Qi Yu and Tang Chen were really powerless and content, lying on the kang, moaning, with pain on their faces.

In the yard, Qi Yu and Tang Chen witnessed all this, and Qi Yu teased, "Tang Chen, the one who was injured, is actually dating you now."

Tang Chen bared his teeth and burst out laughing.Counterattacked: "You are not from this world, so greedy! You don't care about the consequences."

"Look for a beating!" Qi Yu rubbed his body, and with Emperor Wu's cultivation, he brutally beat Tang Chen.

Tang Chen roared: "Remember! Qi Yu! Remember me, I will never teach you Kung Fu again. You have used all of your pussy legs on me. You are too ruthless! You It's insulting God! It's insulting God!"

"Milk god? Hundan! You still dare to tease me!"

Qi Yu was furious, bang bang bang!With a big punch, the ground in the yard was blown by wind, and the buildings in the whole yard rustled.

Tang Chen and Qi Yu, who were on the kang in the room, were so frightened that they struggled and ran out, and fell down among the flowers with panicked expressions on their faces.

"Is there an earthquake? Is there an earthquake?"

"I think it's your house, it's been in disrepair for a long time!" Qi Yu solemnly helped analyze it.

There were two more ordinary people in the yard, Qi Yu couldn't continue to abuse Tang Chen, so he stopped in resentment, and loosened the belt of his robe vigilantly, making his breast shape less obvious.

Tang Chen's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and a drop of blood flowed from his nostrils.He didn't protect his body with divine power, lest he accidentally hurt Qi Yu.

"I've saved your fate, so you treat me like this? Bully me often? Is this repayment?" Tang Chen complained aggrievedly.

Qi Yu gritted his teeth and shook his head, "What's the matter? Do you want to repay your kindness? It doesn't fit your personality. Is there anyone like you in life? The standard of coercion is too low."

Tang Chen angrily raised his middle finger to Qi Yu.In the end, threatened by Qi Yu's eyes, he decisively withdrew his fingers and raised his fist.Pretending to slap himself on the cheek, Plop!Fall to the ground 'fainting'.

"Hahaha!" Qi Yu smiled, and kicked Tang Chen pervertedly, "Get up, let's turn the page."

Over there, among the flowers, Qi Yu and Tang Chen were chatting with each other, and Qi Yu asked, "Tang Chen, why are you frowning? Are you so bothered? Traveling is about relaxing. After relaxing, you can better devote yourself to your future career and life." Go, and Eli will fight again!"

Tang Chen squeezed out a smile: "No! No! I'm not bothered. I'm just figuring out the recipe for Latiao. It's a pity that I don't study food engineering. I need to find a factory to do OEM. But I'm afraid the recipe will be leaked. "

"Tch! I don't study food engineering! You use me as a volunteer, so just say it, so many twists and turns, is it interesting?"

(End of this chapter)

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