Shushan Wushen

Chapter 642 Iron Blade and Copper Axe

Chapter 642 Iron Blade and Copper Axe

Tang Chen had already started to take back the true spirit that was the source of life that had escaped from his body into the ordinary Tang Chen's body.But looking at Tang Chen's realm is so pleasant.He couldn't stand it any longer.

With a wave of his hand, even the original true spirit of life that floated out of his body was pulled to the ordinary Tang Chen.

In an instant, in the extremely dark main room, Tang Chen in front of the computer seemed to have a sudden change of temperament.

Her back was straight, and her messy hair was smoothed out, as if it had been deliberately styled by a hairstylist hired at a high price.Very cool and fashionable.

Tang Chen Qiyu said: "Know how to struggle, know how to share, and know how to give up. This is my style. I am very pleased to see him can do this!"

Qi Yuzhen nodded lightly: "Not bad! I have traveled through these worlds. This Tang Chen is really extraordinary."

Said, Qi Yu crossed his fingers, deduced silently, nodded and smiled.

"The progress of civilization here is developing rapidly, and many business models will be subverted in the future. In the future, he will use spicy sticks as a selling point, and get most of the businessmen in this world to sell their products on his website. He draws The commission, it’s easy to earn!”

"Sigh! I can't take him away. It's a pity to let him be buried in the world of mortals. This brain is not inferior to Ye Mengmeng!"

Qi Yu didn't directly object to these words, and said bluntly: "It doesn't matter whether it's the world of ordinary people or the world of gods and demons. Civilization must change from quantitative to qualitative. He is very lucky to be born in this period of great change. Taking a step back, the order of magnitude disappears." Exhausted, the next step is a qualitative leap. You help him this time, and the benefits to him are limited, and the civilization process of the entire world is a great contribution!"

"Why do you say that?" Tang Chen asked with a smile.

Qi Yu solemnly spit out a sentence: "Because this ordinary Tang Chen can make many people improve their living conditions because of the business model he created. Just like what was written in Qi Yu's diary in Fangtiandi, the class has solidified, but hard work It is destined to be rewarded. Although it will not be rich and powerful, it will also have no worries about food and clothing. What Tang Chen gives to all beings is to give those who work hard a chance to enjoy the fun of life!"

"Okay! Well said! But I, in this world, have also deprived many people of their jobs!" Tang Chen's brain speeded up, and he let out a sigh.

Qi Yu said sternly: "Just like what you and I said about the world of comprehension, if you look at the world of martial arts, which hero is born without stepping on countless stepping stones along the way? The brilliance of an astonishing and brilliant person is hard to hide! Let those extraordinary leaders be eclipsed. This is the cruelty of civilization!"

Tang Chen looked up to the sky and sighed: "Yes! It's really cruel. If you don't lose your job, then lose your head. There will always be some people who will be crushed to pieces by the wheel of history. In the end, looking at the long river of time, the entire family has disappeared."

Tang Chen said again: "This topic is too heavy. Let's go! It should be time for us to leave....Huh?"

Immediately, Tang Chen suddenly changed color.

Boom!The door of the main house of Tang Chen's house was unexpectedly kicked open by a big foot.

"It's ghost hunting!"

The old Taoist Jiao Dianlun, holding a fly whisk in one hand and a broken ax in the other, barged in with a loud roar.

Behind them was a group of young people from Sanjiao Town, holding flashlights high, entering the house to shine around.It quickly turned into two rays of light, and one shot at Qi Yu who was sprawled on the kang and snoring like thunder.

Another chasing light enveloped Tang Chen in front of the computer desk.

Fansu Tang Chen raised his hand to block the dazzling glare, and squinted his eyes slightly, only then did he realize that the lights in the room hadn't been turned on yet.

"What are you doing? Why did you break into my house? Get out!"

Ordinary Tang Chen, when he came back to his senses, he saw clearly that the people who came were all ruffians from Sanjiao Town. He was furious immediately, and with a loud roar, he took out an ax from the cabinet next to the writing desk.

"Get out! Whoever kicks the door of my house, kneel down in the yard honestly, or I will hack to death! No one can get out of my Tang family compound!"

Seeing that Tang Chen was actually in the house, these little ruffians were decisively a little scared.Those who were close to the door exited the main room in a flash, retreated to the outer room, and some even hurried into the yard.

"Old Taoist Jiao? Get the hell out of here—"

Before Tang Chen could finish his sentence, he saw that the broken ax that Jiao Laodao held in his hand suddenly emitted a dazzling blue light.


Tang Chen and Qi Yu in the void were shocked immediately.

The broken ax waved one after another, whoosh!They actually launched an attack on Wushen Tang Chen and Wudi Qi Yu!

"This is a magic weapon!"

Tang Chen grabbed Qi Yu and stretched out his hand to swipe the void. Cracks appeared in the void, and the attack wave was swallowed by the suction of the vacuum.

"What kind of magic weapon is Tang Chen? I feel like I've been imprisoned! Just now I couldn't move!"

Qi Yu had lingering fears in his heart, and Tang Chen replied casually: "It's an iron blade and copper axe! This is a magic weapon of the Valkyrie level. It has the spirit of the magic weapon. It will automatically launch the attack. Jiao Laodao can't control this magic weapon. Not good! There is something weird here!"

In an instant, Tang Chen thought of a lot.Judging from the experience of his martial arts training [see myself], Jiao Laodao is probably the slave of the magic weapon.In other words, neither Jiao Laodao nor himself knew that he had been enslaved by the spirit of the magic weapon.

"Hahaha~! Clone technique!" Jiao Laodao roared, "Boom!" The window of Tang's house was suddenly smashed, whoosh!Another old man Jiao suddenly appeared.

"Look! Daoist Dianlun has boundless mana and great supernatural powers! Tsk tsk!" The little ruffians onlookers all had bright eyes and exclaimed with utmost excitement.

"Tang Chen probably hasn't seen Daoist Dian Lun's big move before! You see Tang Chen was shocked, and he was decisively forced!" There was a little ruffian who gloated and grinned.

Boom!Old Taoist Jiao, who jumped out of the window, jumped onto the kang from the window sill, but just happened to catch up with Qi Yu and woke up after being stimulated, "Ah...who?" Qi Yu was also a man, and Old Taoist Jiao was standing on the kang, Qi Yu's line of sight was the lower half of his thigh.

Qi Yu struggled with his arms, bang bang!Pushed it out vigorously.

In fact, Jiao Laodao was not on a firm footing, and Qi Yu's push was heavy and abrupt.

bang bang! "Aw...!" Plop!
Jiao Laodao's so-called doppelgänger, with force on his knees, fell on his back, hit his head on the window, hit his body on the window sill, and turned out of the room again, plop!It fell under the window and let out a scream.Terrible!

"Reverend Dianlun is making a big move!" A ruffian who is a diehard fan of Jiao Laodao resolutely justified himself.

"Well, it should be. Generally, you turn over on your back, and the one who is seriously injured must be disabled. Daoist Dianlun is extraordinary!" Another ruffian echoed loudly.

"Pretending to be a ghost! Get out!"

Fansu Tang Chen was really angry, he swung his ax and pointed at Jiao Laodao's shoulder, and slapped it hard!
He maintained his rationality and didn't dare to chop it down. It would be bad if he killed someone.But even so, once he got the shot, Old Jiao Jiao wouldn't be able to move his arm for half a year or six months.

Unexpectedly, with a bang, Jiao Laodao's [Iron Blade Bronze Axe] suddenly glowed.The light was like layers of spun yarn, gradually weakening the power of Tang Chen's axe, and when the ax hit Jiao Laodao's shoulder, it felt light and light.Tang Chen judged from the strength of the shock, that Jiao Laodao was completely fine!

"The third avatar comes out!" Jiao Laodao didn't expect Fanya Tang Chen to dare to attack. He was startled at first, and took a big step back. However, when he didn't feel the damage he should have suffered, he decided decisively that Fanya Tang Chen was just playing. Imaginary.Immediately yelled.

rub!Another old man, Jiao, helped another old man with a bloody head, climbed up the window sill, and jumped into the house.

Fanya Qi Yu hurriedly jumped off the kang, rushed to Fanya Tang Chen's side, and snatched the axe.

"I'll kill this magic stick!"

This time it's true!The ax on the chest, with the blade pointing down, whizzed towards Jiao Laodao with wind.

The [Iron Blade and Copper Axe] in Jiao Laodao's hand flowed out brilliance, spreading over Jiao Laodao's entire arm and shoulders.

This time, the attack power was not weakened, but Qi Yu's ax was taken down abruptly.

"Oh!...Oh, my mother!" Jiao Laodao was unsteady on his feet, and his body trembled, plop!fall.

However, Fanya Qi Yu just watched the ax in her hand, and it bounced back, getting bigger and bigger, and finally the image of the ax filled her entire vision...

(End of this chapter)

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