Shushan Wushen

Chapter 643 Broken Sword to Exorcise Ghosts

Chapter 643 Broken Sword to Exorcise Ghosts

"call out!"

Martial God Tang Chen stretched out his finger and tapped lightly, and a crack in the void suddenly appeared between the face of the ordinary Qi Yu and the axe.

In Jiao Dianlun's eyes, the ax that came back from the shock seemed to have smashed into Qi Yu's face, which was extremely frightening.Especially the little ruffian who was watching, sighed repeatedly.

"Isn't this the big beauty Qi Yu from the old Qi family? What a pity!"

"Poor such a beautiful face!"

"Cruel! Too cruel! Tsk tsk, blind for nothing~"

However, after being shocked, Fanya Qi Yu slowly moved the ax away, revealing a pretty face that could still be broken by bullets. At that moment, the whole world fell silent.

"I—what did I see? I'm questioning my eyes!"

"Is this a trick?"

At this moment, an even more shocking scene appeared. The two so-called Jiao Laodao's avatars on the kang actually flew up out of thin air and slowly fell to the ground. The speed was so slow, it was shockingly slow.And this speed achieved an effect that cannot be ignored, that is, everyone could see and know that Jiao Laodao's two clones flew up.

Although Jiao Laodao's panic is hard to restrain...

I don't know who it is, and shouted: "This is a miracle! I bow to the real Dianlun!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and another ruffian shouted: "Dianlun Daoist has completed his merits and virtues, and he is about to lift up the sky! Let's hug our thighs!"

rub rub rub!At least five or six ruffians jumped up and hugged Jiao Dianlun's four legs.

"Huh? Why is Master Dian Lun so frightened? His pants are all wet, and the smell is still so bad?" Those ruffians holding their thighs raised their wet palms with suspicion on their faces.

"He's scared to pee! Giggle..." Emperor Wu Qi Yu unmasked his voice.Suddenly, he deliberately roared in the void.Everyone in the room heard it.

Jiao Laodao also felt very ashamed. He was also frightened, and he blurted out an explanation: "I didn't freak out! I drank too much water tonight!"

It's okay if you don't explain it, but as soon as the words came out, these little ruffians understood, no matter how simple they were.Rolling his eyes, he retreated decisively.This is beyond words.

Jiao Laodao panicked and forgot his fear. He was eager to move back, and shouted: "The fifth clone, the sixth clone, the seventh clone! All the ones who showed up!"

rub rub rub!Another three Jiao Laodao, carrying whisks, kicked open the window and jumped onto the kang.

Some of the little ruffians were shaken just now, but now they are firm in their beliefs, plop!Kneeling under Jiao Laodao's big leather shoes.Weep bitterly.

"Dian Lun's magic power is boundless! The prophet of the unknown, this disciple will be with you for the rest of his life!"

Fansu Tang Chen was a little shocked, even terrified.This is beyond his cognition.

Martial God Tang Chen, a force of thought invaded Jiao Dianlun's brain, and instantly read all of Jiao Laodao's thoughts and memories.She couldn't help frowning slightly: "He...has actually been here——."

Jiao Dianlun's deception was actually very simple. He was passively brought into the [Mandela Gate] by Tang Chen and Qi Yu that day, entering another world.He is at the bottom of the society, and he has a little trick of observing words and demeanor.

When he discovered that this world was slightly different from the world he lived in in terms of civilization and development, his eyes lit up decisively.Relying on the people and things in his original memory, he looked around for the parties and made predictions.It was agreed in advance that no money is required.

At the beginning, Jiao Laodao had a bad reputation.No one believed him at all.However, after Jiao Laodao accurately said several major events, people couldn't help but believe it.So he made a big statement.It is respected by good men, believers and women; Dianlun Daoist.

Later, Jiao Dianlun's false old way, with the passage of time, everything in his memory stopped abruptly, and he predicted again that it was just making up nonsense.As a result, the scale was not well grasped, which delayed other people's major events and was almost beaten to death.

Jiao Laodao had no choice but to collude with Jiao Laodao from the local world, planning to go to Tang County to play magic, do some kind of avatar technique, and spread rumors to deceive.

But somehow.During a performance, the two touched the [Mandela Gate], and they were thrown into the other world.

The two Old Masters Jiao were not panicked at all, on the contrary, they were pleasantly surprised. They found out the time difference in the development of civilization, combined with the deceptive clone technique.Soon he became famous and was raised as a living god.

In this way, one side of the world can't go on anymore, these Jiao Laodao imitated the situation when they passed through [Mandela's Gate], brewed their emotions, summoned [Mandela's Gate], and played bravely.

Inadvertently, I also traveled to more than a dozen worlds through [Mandela's Gate].The routine is becoming more and more familiar.

Until one day, they met a 'shadow', a shadow who refused to show his true face, and gave this group of Jiao Laodao a dagger!
Jiao Laodao didn't know this thing that looked like a broken sword, so he couldn't stand it at first.As a result, supernatural powers appeared several times, and from then on, Jiao Laodao and others gained confidence.No longer afraid of being beaten.Because, this broken sword can actually 'exorcise ghosts'!
Every time a supernatural event occurs, Jiao Laodao only needs to hold his broken sword high and appear on the scene, and everything will be settled!It's amazing and powerful!As for what the broken sword was, Jiao Laodao didn't care at all.As long as you can eat delicious and drink spicy, everything is not important.

Martial God Tang Chen uttered a voice, hovering in the room: "Jiao Dianlun, do you know what you are holding in your hand?"

He only hears about his reputation but does not see his people.How frightening it was in this desolate and lonely night!

Jiao Dianlun looked around, there were more than a dozen little ruffians who often ate and drank with him, and they never left, which was somewhat comforting.Be brave enough to say it to that voice, but also to your fans.

"This is the Sanqing Remnant Sword! It is specially designed to destroy you and other monsters."

A little ruffian continued to create momentum: "The three-pure broken sword blew itself for no reason today. The fairy Dianlun who guides us comes from ghost hunting! Reverend Dianlun has boundless magic power and profound morality. Everything is invincible!"

"Hehe! What a Sanqing Remnant Sword! It even changed its name. Tang Chen! Are you still hiding the truth? Come out and explain!" Martial God Tang Chen said with an inscrutable smile.

In fact, he had already scanned through his thoughts and discovered a divine thought left by Supreme Tang Chen.This level of divine sense is not high, if it is the divine sense of the supreme realm.Tang Chen had already fled with Emperor Wu Qi Yu.Unfortunately, not—.

Jiao Laodao was furious, blew his beard and stared: "Bold and arrogant. How dare you blaspheme the Sanqing Remnant Sword. Trying to confuse right and wrong. Then tell me, what is this sword originally called? Is it Zhanlu Sword, Juque, or Fish? Gut sword?"

Martial God Tang Chen said with a smile: "Jiao Laodao, don't lie to me. You keep saying that this is a sword, so you don't know its origin. This is a magic weapon conceived from the body of a cultivator. In other words, this It’s a divine soldier whose real name is called Iron Blade Bronze Axe!”

"It's nonsense! Can the body give birth to a sword? Do you think it's a woman who gives birth to a child?"

Martial God Tang Chen's words were obviously said by Jiao Jiao, but in fact, they really shocked the divine sense in the iron blade and copper axe.

That divine sense is a one-star cultivation base.Although only one blow.However, Martial God Tang Chen was afraid that he would suddenly explode, and that it would be bad for Tang Chen, Qi Yu, and even Emperor Qi Yu.

"Hide your head and show your tail, you youngster! If you have the guts to show up for a fight, how dare you?" Sudden!A rebellious and cold battle resounded throughout the room.

(End of this chapter)

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